Railguns(Knight Hawks)

These cannon use parallel sets of magnetic rails to hurl relatively small-caliber, steel-depleted uranium alloy projectiles at relativistic speeds to wreak damage comparable to laser and particle weapons. 

Heavy Railgun(HRG): Accelerates heavy-caliber projectiles to relativistic speeds, causing substansially more damage than a disruptor or heavy laser cannon, while requiring less space than either one. 

MHS:5, HDR: 4D10, Range: 15 hexes, DTM: -10, Restrictions: FF,LTD(20 100-round bursts), Volume: 60 cubic meters, Cost: Cr 25,000 

Railgun(RG): Accelerates medium-caliber projectiles to relativistic speeds, causing slightly more damage than a laser cannon, while requiring less space. 

MHS:4, HDR: 3D10, Range: 10 hexes, DTM: -10, Restrictions: FF, LTD(30 100-round bursts), Volume: 30 cubic meters, Cost: Cr 22,500. 

Railgun Battery(RGB): A battery of dual-mounted small-caliber railguns. 

MHS:3, HDR: 2D10, Range: 8 hexes, DTM: -10, Restrictions: LTD(50 2,000-round bursts), Volume: 20 cu. meters, Cost: Cr 17,000. 

Railgun Pod(RGP):A gunpod containing a small-caliber railgun. Used by fightercraft and bombers. 

MHS:1, HDR: 1d10, Range: 8 hexes, DTM: -10, Restrictions: LTD(25 2,000-round bursts), Volume: 10 cu. meters, Cost: Cr 8,500. 

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thoughts on rail guns for KH814 years 10 weeks ago14 years 10 weeks ago