Bioware is technology made from living materials. Bioware can be worn, piloted, or invasively inserted into or attached to a host. Nanites are molecule-sized machines, but do not count as Bioware. The smallest bioware may be a RNA or DNA strand, or may be a protein or single cell. The largest Bioware may be a spaceship. Bioware effectively takes the place of the typical non-living materials used for most manner of devices. Bioware has different strengths and weaknesses from non-living materials. It is resistant to weathering and provides its own rechargeable energy source. Unfortunately, it is often susceptable to Mentalist and mutant powers, has a lifespan (dependant on the size and biology of the device), and must be fed in some way, usually liquid protein. Multicelled bioware cannot reproduce by any organic means, but must be grown in the appropriate facilities.