DNA Targeting Poinson/DNA Acquisition Systems (DAS)

Inspiration from Alastair Reynolds' Chasm City

Being able to take down a target without getting other innocent people hurt or killed was a challenge before. Now a spy or assassin can use the DNA of their target to actually get them out of the picture. With the years of scientists in the many military-based corporations and intelligence agencies like Sector Six they have come up with such a way. They have come out with two types of this poison and a successful delivery system.

First poison is the long term poison. It targets a specific holder to the DNA contain in the poison. It immediately puts the target into a comma within minutes or hours, and then begins to slowly destroy the body from the immune system out. Such a poison costs 10,000 credits and can be hard to get (most delivery items take 6 to 12 months). No cure has been found.

The next poison is the racial targeting DNA poison. This targets the target of a certain race which makes it possible to use it on multiple victims and not just the holder of specific DNA (like the target and the immediate family). This usually cost half of what the long term DNA does and can be found in any local black market or ordered within two weeks from black market companies selling this poison. Immediately puts the victim into a comma and begins to shut down vital organs to kill the victim. No cure has been found.

DNA Poison Delivery System (wind-up pistol one shot only)
Range: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Class : Projectile Weapon
Percentage to Hit: 10
Damage: Only done by the poison
Cost: 2,000 Credits

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DNA acquisition system (DAS)017 years 11 weeks ago17 years 11 weeks ago