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Use this forum to talk about your current games, ask opinions of others about a game you're in, or exchange ideas with other Referees regarding a scenario you're planning. It will help others become encouraged to play by seeing that others are playing it too!
11911966842 weeks 2 days ago
by jedion357
The internet is a big place, and it's full of wonderful resources we can all use for our games. Whether you come across a site that helps with role-playing in general, or provides map-making or character-generating tools, this is the place to discuss and share and critique.
31127352 years 4 weeks ago
by Tchklinxa
This site is all about collaboration, and specifically for the Star Frontiers game. But we all have diversions and interests beyond this. This forum is a place for open discussion on any manner of non-game and non-sci-fi topics you want.
11051490811 weeks 6 days ago
by jedion357
Have a Star Frontiers rules question? Since no one person is an established authority on the game, everyone will have an opinion on an answer to your rules question or concern. Post any game-related rules question here, and let the community help address it.
15023753 years 33 weeks ago
by JCab747
There has been a lot of work put into this website. But the development team is still improving on it regularly. If you have a vision of how something might be handled better or differently, or just have some honest criticism to lay on the feet of the developers, here is the place to do it.
1039293 years 19 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack