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    #SeverityIssueStatusCommentssort icon
    219MajorSPAM-proof the Guestbook Unresolved8
    223ModerateChange Avatar Fully Resolved8
    195ModerateDeleted Projects Fully Resolved9
    199MinorProblem uploading .png image. Fully Resolved9
    50MinorForum issue: we need a "mark all as read" function. Fully Resolved10
    69MinorWho's Online, Userlist, and Track Viewable by Unlogged Persons Fully Resolved10
    70MinorIn-Chat Indicator Fully Resolved10
    91MinorLink Window Script Error Need More Info10
    112MinorPlease Move Project Membership Button Fully Resolved11
    130MajorQuotes Acting Wierd Unresolved11
    155MinorEnhancement: left nav indicates if 'new' activity in "What's New" or "My Activity" Unresolved11
    187MajorMerge Project Forums Unresolved11
    213Moderate"Ignore User" and "Current Mood" and "+1 Button" Unresolved11
    80Minor" " Keep Being Replaced Will not fix12
    175MinorInvite Ping for Chat Fully Resolved12
    119Minor[feature request] PM post to User Fully Resolved13
    207MinorClean up look of the document hierarchy organization page. Unresolved14
    190MinorLink on 'What's New' page should take you to the new content Unresolved17
    208ModerateChanging user name Fully Resolved17
    94MinorAbility to "one-click" on a buttom when in a Project Document Fully Resolved18
    105Minorcomment runs off the page on node/1218 Fully Resolved18
    197MinorQuestion: submit for on Guestbook entry Will not fix18
    230MinorSpam Fully Resolved20
    161Minor"What's New" Color Change Fully Resolved22
    170MinorAllow ODS format uploads Fully Resolved25
    102MinorIdea: Project Advertisements Unresolved28
    114MajorJavascript error preventing chat from opening in Fx Fully Resolved33
    154MinorEnhancement: Ability to link directly to the last page of a topic/thread Need More Info41