Status: Unresolved

    Quotes Acting Wierd

    Issue Number:
    There's some strange stuff going on with the quoting in posts. Every time I quote and post, it causes the quote to cut off before the last paragraph of the person quoted, so that the paragraph is outside the quote. This has to be serverside. Because, when I go to edit it for correction, the end quote is where it should be.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 5:18pm
    Do you have a link to where this is happening?  I quoted earlier today and it worked for me... and just tested again.  Show me a  link please?  Must be some reason for it.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 2, 2007 - 6:17pm
    Sorry, I should have said double quoting. When you quote one person who has quoted another person. The quotes around the person you directly quote are what messes up.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 8:21pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Do you have a link to where this is happening? I quoted earlier today and it worked for me... and just tested again. Show me a link please? Must be some reason for it.
    Quoting myself as a test.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 8:21pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Do you have a link to where this is happening? I quoted earlier today and it worked for me... and just tested again. Show me a link please? Must be some reason for it.
    Quoting myself as a test.
    Quoting myself again.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 8:22pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Do you have a link to where this is happening? I quoted earlier today and it worked for me... and just tested again. Show me a link please? Must be some reason for it.
    Quoting myself as a test.
    Quoting myself again.
    Quoting the hell outta myself...
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 2, 2007 - 8:24pm
    It happened to me on two separate quotes, so I don't know what's going on.

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 2, 2007 - 8:24pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Do you have a link to where this is happening? I quoted earlier today and it worked for me... and just tested again. Show me a link please? Must be some reason for it.
    Quoting myself as a test.
    Quoting myself again.
    Attempting myself.

    It's possible it was a thread specific to the Game Talk forum.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 8:35pm
    Sometimes divs screw stuff up - I'd like to see a specific link to the screw up please?

    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 2, 2007 - 8:45pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Sometimes divs screw stuff up - I'd like to see a specific link to the screw up please?
    I corrected it before I made this issue. I'll try to duplicate it if I can.

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 2, 2007 - 8:55pm
    Here's the quote from the Starship Pilots thread in the Game Talk forum.

    Shadow Shack wrote:
    Sam wrote:
    I agree. I always thought the skill setup of Knight Hawks was out of line. Most "pilots" are not unbelievably skilled technicians, most "ship gunners" are not superior small arms shooters, and astrogators/navigators should not have to be top level computer programmers. Possible fixes are to eliminate prerequisites that don't make sense to your game (simply let the skills be purchased as is -- engineers without technician skill will suffer in their job and be unable to perform routine duties without them, etc ...) and/or greatly reduce those prereq's.

    As far as the pilot thing goes, the pre-req was pretty much laid down in the AD rules even before KH was published. The Operate Machinery subskill of technicians says that you need to be LVL:2 to pilot jetcopters, LVL:4 for air cars, and LVL:6 for shuttles. Hence the LVL:6 tech background for a ship pilot, as that's the next progression (system ships, small starships, etc w/ each pilot level).

    Astrogators need a healthy background in program manipulation and displaying of information (hence the high computer pre-req). Gunners need a healthy background in trajectory, and the closest thing to that is the corresponding weapon skills. I always felt that in addition to robotics, an engineer should hae a working knowledge of computers as well...such as LVL:1 robotics and LVL:1 computer

    Perhaps it is this flaw of the AD skill system...that only certain SUBSKILLS are mandated. This may have been one ideal behind the Zebulon Guide splitting up of skills, perhaps their planned future editions were going to cover ship skills with a mere high level Operate Machinery as a pre-req rather than having all the technical skills at a high level. It was something I was experimenting with as well...allowing a character to buy all the subskills at 0 level and improve them individually (at a lower XP expenditure) rather than as a whole. That way one technician would be an accomplished operator, another an accomplished repairman, a third could be an accomplished security systems man, etc

    Note that there are suppressed paragraph markers in his post. However, it's not happening here, but I've demonstrated it in that thread.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 2, 2007 - 10:41pm
    Hm... It seems the quote module is having issues with <p> </p> tags.  First, I'm not sure why Shadow Shack's post has paragraph markers.  --  but it seems that's the problem.  The quote seems to end on the </p> whether or not it was supposed to.  I'll try to figure it out.
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack