Deck 7 Key: Vehicle Bays - The dorsal bay houses a lifeboat, the other three bays contain one large launch each. All are typically kept in a vaccuum. Each bay is accessible via an airlock (with vacc suit racks). The central area is also comprised of spacesuit racks.
Deck 8 Key: Main Gunnery/Crew Quarters - Eight double occupancy cabins occupy this deck, each furnished with a bunkbed, wardrobe, and table & chair along with a viewport. The central area is a lounge, small galley, laundry room, and washrooms. Battery controls are found dorsally and ventrally, the former eing the electron gun and the latter the laser. ICM launcher access can be found on the port and starboard ends.

Deck 9 Key: Crew Quarters - Eight more double cabins similar to those found on Deck 8 are here, with different decor. Also similar to deck 8 is the central lounge, washrooms, and galley. Occupying the end of each section is an officer's cabin.
Deck 10 Key: Administration - The central area has a lounge and galley, along with two double occupancy cabins. The dorsal section is the brig, with eight frozen berth cells (which may also be left as live occupancy for minor offenses by crew members) and a watch station. The ventral section contains the captain and XO offices along with a meeting room. Portside has an arsenal/armory (complete with powerpack recharging equipment) and surveillance center. Starboard is the medical bay with office, a full medical laboratory with three surgical stations, and a recovery room.

Deck 11 is a two tier 1.5u hold, with dorsal and ventral bay doors.
Deck 12 contains access to the stern maneuver jets along with a back up life support unit, main water tanks, and a purification plant.