RT-3100 Merchant Scout

submitted by Shadow Shack

HS: 3 HP: 15 Powerplant: 2 Atomic A
ADF: 4 MR: 4 DCR: 30 Crew: 4-8
Armament: LB
Defenses: RH
Communication/Detection: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Radar, Intercom
Misc Equipment: Streamlined, Universal AirDock

COMPUTER (Level:4  FP:89  Mass/SP:100)
(Control panels in each bridge station, flying bridge, and engineering)
DRIVE (Atomic) (4)
LIFE SUPPORT cap:8 (1)

Cargo Capacity: 2
Crew Accomodations: 4 double cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ship's Vehicles: none

Rayax Transport is a subsidiary of Pan Galactic and Trans Travel located on Hentz in the Araks system. Named after a small and swift carnivorous mammal native to the world, as the name implies they specialize in surface & aerial cargo & passenger transportation vehicles. The RT-3100 is their first foray into space going vessels, with a debut in fy-64 this entry level craft has become popular with adventurers and business owners alike. Their holds are too small for true freight hauling, but the smaller crews and higher performance capabilities make them desirable for small loads that need to be at their destinations much sooner than the big ships can manage. It should be noted that the 3100 quickly became popular with smugglers, the 'tween decks accessways can be easily modified with false panels for hiding contraband...not to mention the numerous other possibilities with the maintenance panels in Engineering and the forward mandibles. Several RT-3100 models have had artificail secondary life support units made to hide contraband up near the mandibles. Alas these areas only permit minimal amonts of "small package trade" measured in kilograms rather than cargo units.

Essentially reverse engineered from a decommissioned/surplus assault scout, the merchant scout retains a fair amount of the original design. However, due to design constraints the weaponry and performance packages are limited to civilian grades. Still, the single laser battery is added without any adverse effects to performance. The ship is unique in that the underbelly cargo section which runs most of the length of the craft, thus expanding carrying capacity. Lower mass is made up by shortening the overall length, the ship is often referred to as a "snub scout".

The forward mandibles contain ladders rising up through access plates to the communications and sensor equipment, as well as water tankage and a purification plant. Space is allocated for an optional back up life support unit as well. Conduit ducts are located to port and starboard.

Aft of that is the flying bridge with a 90º tilted control booth for the pilot, copilot, computer operator, and engineer to assume a "fighter jockey" stance for atmospheric landings or the simple different style of space flight. The avionics are also accessible on this deck, along with the ventral hydroponics area.

Behind that is the main bridge featuring a pilot & copilot/ rocket gunner helm, astrogation and engineer stations, and a computer station with a floor access panel to the mainframe. The main hold terminates to this point "below".

The next deck down is the recreation deck, sporting a galley with autocooker, refrigeration/freezer unit, pantry, and sanitary station. A lounge and recreation area is adjacent, and a fresher with shower facilities rounds out the deck. Ceiling panels allow access to the computer maintenacne shaft and emergency bridge ladderwell.

Sternward from there is the crew deck with four cabins that can be tailored to single or double occupancy as desired. Controls to the laser battery are in the foyer along with a lounge area.

Aft from the crew deck is the engineering deck with full analysis equipment for the drives and maintenance aspects, along with a tool shop and access to the main life support unit and generator/power relay station. Port & starboard maintenance hatches lead to the RCS thrusters.

Finally, the bottom-most deck is the aft storage area with airlock to the Universal Docking Collar and hatches to the main hold. The dorsal area is for space suit storage with the ventral areas typically used as weapon lockers. The remaining trio of rooms can be utilized as the crew sees fit: a medical bay, equipment storage, robot closets, labs, and/or additional cabins for more crew or passengers.

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Merchant Scout19 years 22 weeks ago3 years 15 weeks ago