RCS Dark Shadow

recommissioned freighter

(depicted with CT-250 container)

SCT-401 Container Ship
HS: 4 HP: 20 Powerplant: 2 retrofitted PGC Eureka Atomic B 
  ADF5  4 4  33
   MR4  4 3  32
DCR: 32 Crew: up to 8 
Armament: concealed laser battery* 
Defenses: RH, MS(x1) 
Communication/Detection: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor, Skin Sensors 
Misc. Equipment: modular cargo container rail, camera system

Alarm (2) 
Analysis (4) 
Astrogation (4) 
Bureaucracy (2)
Commerce (1)
Communication (1) 
Computer Lockout (3)
Computer Security (3)
Damage Control (2) 
Drive, atomic B (5) 
Industry (1)
Installation Security (3)  
Laser Battery (1) 
Life Support, cap:8 (1) 
Maintenance (2)
Robot Management (2)
Cargo Capacity: varies, see Cargo Containers below 
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins 
Passenger Accomodations: none 
Ship's Vehicles: workpod, large launch

The Dark Shadow is a freighter that the Royal Marines impounded after discovering contraband within its cargo hold. Once the crew had been sentenced, the ship ended up being claimed by the ruling government. 

The Shadow is a Streel Corporation Transport Model:401, cloned from the Trans Travel 456 modular freight hauler. Peaking at 13 meters at its widest point (not counting engine struts and drives, which give it a total width of 23 meters) but a mere 18 meters in length (not counting the cargo rail, which adds another 52 meters), the basic hull itself rates at a size-4 designation. However, hauling capacity via detachable containers mandates the use of size:B drives. Naturally with lighter loads performance is quite beneficial, and even when fully loaded the ship is no pushover. 

To this end, Leotus swapped out the stock Streel thrusters with Pan Galactic "Eureka" drives in order to upgun the ship a little without sacraficing performance. The Shadow's original concealable nose battery was retained, and a masking screen launcher was added. Software upgrades were incorporated as well, beyond that the ship is little different than the one they "inheritred".

Much like the TT-456 it was cloned from, the Streel cargo containers (see below) are a fast and easy matter of loading or unloading. Universal rail clamps are fitted to the containers and readily available at any station utilizing the containers, and are efficiently affixed to the ship's cargo rail. Even the elevator sections are easily spliced in with each and every configuration for inter-crew access. It takes about 30 minutes to load a container onto the rail, and no more than ten to remove one. This means pre-loaded containers merely await for an inbound modular freighter, rather than taking the time to load and unload the craft prior to loading the new cargo. This of course significantly reduces layover time, permitting the ship to re-enter the spacelanes more efficiently.

* It should be noted that the location of the battery prevents it from utilizing the standard 360º field of fire. Being mounted in the nose, and due to the flexible nature to conceal its barrels, it can fire across the sloped hull at a 270º field of fire (with safety mechanisms to prevent striking the drives), so it can fire at any target that is not in the rear flank.


SCT Cargo Containers
Container type   CT-125  CT-250 CT-500
Cargo Capacity1.25 units2.5 units5 units
Hull Points      3     6    12
DCR     10    20    30
Crew: up to two (only with high risk cargo, must utilize host ship quarters)
Armament: n/a
Defenses: optional RH
Misc: Subspace Transmitter Beacon, Intercom (links to host ship)

Bureaucracy (1)
Commerce (1)
Communication (1) 
Computer Lockout (2)
Damage Control (1) 
Installation Security (2)    
Maintenance (1)

Also cloned from the Trans Travel CC-125/250/500 containers, these Streel counterparts are interchangeable with the TT units so either ship can utilize either container. Streel simply doesn't dump as much currency into their version...meaning it's cheaper.

When a hull hit is determined during combat, there is a chance that damage will be applied to a container rather than the ship itself. As such, should the container be destroyed adjacent containers or the ship itself is subject to taking half of the damage that the container itself incurs. See table below for damage application:

Container TypeCT-125CT-250CT-500
Damage Probability  15%  30%  50%

The ship may, at the crew's discretion, jettison a container to improve performance. Of course, any crew assigned to the container may have something to say about this act, and any computer experts in said crews can become involved in a virtual cyber battle with the host ship crew in over-riding the other system to prevent such acts. As mentioned, it takes but ten minutes (one combat turn) to jettison a container, and the containers can only be jettisoned in reverse order in which they are loaded. In other words, if a CT-250 is loaded first and a pair of CT-125 containers are placed aft, the stern-most  125 must be jettisioned first, followed by the next 125, and finally the 250 can be dropped (thus taking a minimum of three combat turns to drop all three). 
All non drive, maneuver, weapon, and defense hits are applicable to containers in a similar manner. Container module DCR may be applied toward ship repairs and vice versa, hence the container's DCR may be added to the host ship's DCR.

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