Silver Death Cult - With their hatred for robots (non-organics) they would not want people entertained by inferiors and must be stopped. Their motivation to cause trouble is simple but they can be ruled out quickly after they launch an attack on the park or its support infrastructure.
Rogue Mechanon(s) - Naturally they'll be suspected and Star Law of course tracks the movements of all mechanons in civilized space. However the ambassador should not be the culprit as ambassadors are not chosen out of a hat and the official stance of Mechano's government is a desire to join the UPF.
However it would be more likely that one of his retinue could be rogue. It could be that the ambassador is a deep cover rogue and allowed the actual rogue (orthodox) to be in his retinue with full knowledge but still maintaining his plausible deniability. He cant actively support the rogue lest he blow his cover. Mechanon rogue is a likely suspect and could be the suspect but just as likely the rogue can be stopped but evidence shows he's not the cause
Industrial espionage/ Sabotage by a competitor - Star Play doesn't want a new start up corporation gaining market share in the resort market where they enjoy virtual monopoly.
Disgruntaled VP who has been shouldered aside and credit for Cyber Gorge has gone to another who is now an EVP
Devolving AI
Those Aren't Cattle
The cattle are real, in fact their transplants from [[Torrent: Dinosaur Planet]]. Enjoy throwing a herd of these at your players.
Armagor (Ceratops)
TYPE: Large Quadruped Herbivore
MOVE: Fast
IM/RS: 4/40
DAMAGE: 4d10 Gore, Trample
SPECIAL ATTACK: Charge at full speed
SPECIAL DEFENSE: Armor, Needler weapons do not penetrate hide
DESCRIPTION: An armagor is over 1 metric ton and a thick skin covers the armagor's body protecting it from all manner of attack. It has a single horn on its snout that it uses to gore anything it perceives to be a threat. Quick-tempered, the armagor can run around 60 kph and is exceptionally territorial. Only a mateable armagor can get in the vicinity.
Used with permission from