Star Pilot Related Skills
Star Pilot 1
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Computers: Access & Operate 1, Vehicles: Atmospheric 3
Description: This skill enables a Star Pilot to fly any spacecraft of hull size 3 or smaller. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering smaller, faster vessels as well as leaving and re-entering an atmosphere. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Ships that can operate within an atmosphere are controlled using the Vehicles: Atmospheric skill when in an atmosphere. Many Star Pilots specialize in this skill to become crack fighter pilots or operate smaller commercial or smuggling ships. The Star Piloting skills cover the expertise of operating a space vessel in complex maneuvers including docking, landing, and take-off from planets (not including flying the vessel as an atmospheric craft), acceleration and deceleration, orbiting, evading missile fire, improving accuracy of forward-firing weapons, and improving the MR of a space-vessel in a Zero-G environment. By dividing the separate skills into the operation of progressive hull sizes, pilots could become very adept at flying a huge capital ship, which doubtless involves its own distinct considerations, but have little experience piloting a snub-fighter and vice-versa.
Star Pilot 2 (4-8)
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 1
Description: This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting space craft with hull sizes ranging from 4 to 8. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering larger ships like frigates and destroyers.
Star Pilot 3 (Hull size 9-12)
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 2
Description: This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting space craft with hull sizes ranging from 9 to 12. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Excelling in this skill means the pilot is adept at maneuvering even larger ships like assault transports and spaceliners.
Star Pilot 4 (Hull size 13+)
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 3
Description: This skill specializes in the techniques necessary for piloting spacecraft of hull size 13 or larger. Other skills include docking and refueling the ship. Characters at this level could become very adept at flying a huge capital ship, which doubtless involves its own distinct considerations.
Star Pilot : Evasion
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 1
Description: see Knight Hawks. This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying.
Star Pilot: Increase Accuracy of Forward Firing Weapons
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 1
Description: see Knight Hawks. This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying.
Star Pilot: Increase Maneuver Rating
(Albin Johnson/Tim Carrier)
Prerequisites: Star Pilot 1
Description: see Knight Hawks. This skill need only be purchased once for use on any starship the pilot has expertise in flying.