Interrogation, Investigation, Iron Will, Languages I
(Brad McMillan/Albin Johnson)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: Characters skilled in interrogation are knowledgeable of the many techniques and forms of interrogation. On a successful skill check, an interrogated character must make a ½ stamina check or confess some important information to the interrogator. PCs using interrogation can choose either non-invasive techniques (rigorous cross-examination, hypnosis, telol) or invasive techniques (torture, hard drugs) to extract information. Non-invasive techniques are resolved at normal success rates. Invasive techniques carry a +20% bonus to succeed but on every attempt the victim suffers 2d10 points wound damage and must subsequently pass a STA check or go into shock. Victims must be revived using Medical Treatment: Wounds 2 before proceeding. A character can attempt interrogation a number of times per day equal to his skill level. The exact methods of NPC interrogations are left to the imagination of the referee.
(Clark Valentine)
Prerequisites: Law and Analyze Social Situation
Description: This skill allows the skilled character to know where and how to look for information pertaining to any sort of informal/formal investigation. For example, the character might know information about a society that the player does not–Taanik the Dralasite is trying to identify a murder suspect. Id knows that the suspect placed a call to the victim the night of the murder. With the Investigation skill, id might know (with a successful skill check) not only that the telecom company keeps those records, but where they keep them, and the most effective ways of sneaking a peek at them–even if the player playing Taanik doesn’t know them (the referee would let her know Taanik’s knowledge). Of course this skill can’t be used to generate knowledge of things that aren’t there; if there really is no way for Taanik to get a look at those records, a successful skill check would yield “Sorry, you just can’t do it.” Note that this skill may require an additional successful check of the skills, Politics, Theology, or even Underclass, depending on what the investigator is investigating–this is up to the referee’s discretion.
Additionally, the character skilled in investigation has an in-depth knowledge of the tools of investigation, including the knowledge of legal and police networks, fingerprint analysis, DNA analyses, use of specialized databases, limited surveillance techniques, etc.
Iron Will
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: Iron Will is a skill by which the character learns various ways in which to fortify his mind against mental attacks. Psionic disciplines suffer a –10% penalty when used against the character if the character successfully passes a skill check and is actively trying to shield his mind. In addition, a character with Iron Will can make a full Stamina check against interrogation if a skill check is passed. This skill is one non-Mentalist skill that Mentalists are allowed to specialize in.
Languages I
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill allows characters to learn languages in addition to their native tongue and Pan-Gal. At 1-2 level, a character has a passable vocabulary and is able to speak the language reasonably well. Native speakers will recognize the individual as a foreigner, though. At 3-5 level, the character is fluent and may be able to hide her accent if attempting to pass herself off as a native (skill level check). At 6th level, the character can speak the language as expertly as a native speaker can.