Ballistics, Blind-Fighting, Cartography, Computers: Software Engineer
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill gives a proficient character intimate knowledge of all standard Frontier weaponry (from primitive to modern). In addition, this skill allows a character that passes a successful skill check to determine what kind of weapon made a certain wound, left certain traces, etc. A successful skill check will also give a character general knowledge about more rare weaponry or alien technology (at the referee’s discretion). For example, a character might be able to identify the energy signature of a Wartech specially produced collector’s pistol or tell that an alien device is a proton weapon.
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: Weapons: Melee Weapons or Weapons: Martial Arts
Description: This skill allows an individual skilled in Weapons: Melee Weapons or Weapons: Martial Arts to ignore the “attacker disadvantaged” penalty when darkness or some other condition makes it difficult to see one’s target. This skill need only be purchased once.
(Troy Terrell)
Prerequisites: None
Description: This skill allows a character to accurately make maps of planetary surfaces, including maps at various scales (from global to local), and on various bases (from topographical to political). Also, it allows for the making of accurate undersea maps. In order to create a map, the character must have all necessary information in herpossession; in some cases, this will mean that the character must be able to observe the area in person (i.e. when making a map of an unexplored world or star system). Further, a character with this skill can correctly read any map, providing she knows the language in which it is labeled. When reading an existing map, the success rate is 100%. Sometimes it may be necessary to make a map without the assistance of computers or other technical devices. In such cases, a -20 modifier is applied to the skill check.
Computers: Software Engineer
(Clark Valentine)
Prerequisites: Computers: Access & Operate, Computers: Display Information, Computers: Program Manipulation,
proper materials, tools (robcomkit), and facilities
Description: This skill revises the skills Computers: Program Writing and Computers: Program Bodycomp, as outlined in Zebulon’s Guide. It is a very powerful skill for a computer expert, allowing the expert a chance to write a program to do virtually anything within the hardware capability of the machine running the program, instead of simply picking a type of program with each new level (as in the Alpha Dawn skill). It allows the engineer to evaluate the hardware capabilities of the computer, evaluate requirements of the software he wants to write, design the program, implement the code, and properly test it. This could require a great deal of time, depending on the purpose of the program–how much time is up to the referee, but keep in mind that the time required to properly engineer a program increases EXPONENTIALLY with the complexity of the program. Program creation requires certain material components, such as a computer suitable for software development, a compiler (or the Frontier equivalent), a debugger (or the Frontier equivalent), and time. However, a Software Engineer could potentially write software for mainframes, bodycomps, robots, security systems, or even more, if he also has other appropriate skills.
The referee should always make skill checks for this skill secretly, and just report success or failure in general terms (“It works, but you’re not confident in its reliability.” or “It works and you’re pretty sure it’s bulletproof.” or “After 10 hours, you just can’t seem to get it to work quite right, but you think you might if you spend more time working at it.”). This reflects the fact that no software engineer can ever be sure that his software is completely bug-free. (Programmer’s Creed, corollary 12: You will never find the last bug, and even if you do, you won’t know it.)