Avenger Squadron (assault scout group)

Strike Force NOVA Tactical Assault Scout Unit
(submitted by Shadow Shack)

UPFS Captain Federation
Lead Craft

HS:3 HP:21 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:5 MR:4 DCR:50
Armament: AR (x4), LB
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: streamlined, medium armor, deluxe astrogation

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 6
Assault Rocket: 1
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage Control: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Laser Battery: 1
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: Stephanie Rogers (fH; S/S:50/65, D/R:75/75, I/L:65/55, P/L:60/70) Pilot(5)
copilot/rocket gunner(2/4), astorgator(4), engineer(5), energy gunner/engineer(5/2)


UPFS Hawkeye
#2 Flight Leader

HS:3 HP:18 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:4 MR:6 DCR:50
Armament: AR (x6)
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined, light armor

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 4
Assault Rocket: 1
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage COntrol: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: Clin Bar-tinn (mY; S/S:65/65, D/R:80/70, I/L:55/55, P/L:50/50) pilot(4)
copilot/rocket gunner(2/6), astrogator/engineer(3/2), engineer(4)


UPFS Iron Scout
#3 Flight Leader

HS:3 HP:24 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:4 MR:4 DCR:50
Armament: PL(LR), PLT (x2)
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar, WNB
Misc Equipment: streamlined, heavy armor

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 4
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage Control: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Laser Battery: 1 (x2)
Laser Cannon: 1
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: Toni Starc (fH; S/S:90/90, D/R:50/50, I/L:60/50, P/L:60/50) pilot(4) copilot/energy gunner(2/3), astrogator(2), engineer(3), energy gunners(4,4)


Wingman to UPFS Hawkeye

HS:3 HP:18 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:5 MR:4 DCR:50 
Armament: EG, AR (x2), LB
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined, light armor

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 4
Assault Rocket: 1
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage Control: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Laser Battery: 1
Laser Cannon: 1
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: Ronald Blake (mH; S/S:60/75, D/R:65/65, I/L:75/60, P/L:50/60) pilot(3)
copilot/energy gunner/rocket gunner(2/2/2), astrogator(2), engineer(4), energy gunner(5)


UPFS Vision
Wingman to UPFS Iron Scout

HS:3 HP:15 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:6 MR:4 DCR:50
Armament: PL (x2, linked), PLT
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 4
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage Control: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Laser Battery: 1
Laser Cannon: 1
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: Symin Liptin (mD; S/S:60/80, D/R:50/50, I/L:60/70, P/L:45/55) pilot(3)
copilot/energy gunner(2/3), astrogator(2), engineer(3), energy gunner/engineer(4/2)


Wingman to UPFS Captain Federation

HS:3 HP:18 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "A"
ADF:5 MR:4 DCR:50
Armament: LB (x3)
Defenses: RH, DS
Comm/Detect: SSRadio, Videocom, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined, light armor

computer: LVL: fp: sp:

Alarm: 2
Analysis: 4
Astrogation: 4
Computer Lockout: 6
Damage COntrol: 2
Drive: 4
Information Storage: 1
Installation Security: 5
Laser Battery: 1 (x3)
Life Support: 1
Maintenance: 2

Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Crew Accomodations: 4 dbl cabins
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ships Vehicles: none

Captain: J'nit-Vn'diin (fV; S/S:50/60, D/R:60/60, I/L:65/65, P/L:60/60) pilot(3)
copilot/energy gunner(2/3), astrogator(2), engineer(4), energy gunners(3,3)


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Avenger Squadron1117 years 16 weeks ago6 years 16 weeks ago