Streel Scout Carrier & S-series Fighter Craft

SC-5100 Scout Carrier
(submitted by Shadow Shack)

HS: 5 HP: 40 Powerplant: 3 Streel "Big Bang" Atomic B
ADF: 4 MR: 3 DCR: 70 Crew: 40
Armament: LB(x2), RB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x1), ICM(x5)
Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Energy Sensor, WNB
Misc Equipment: Fish Hook w/4 S-series fighters, 4 separate S-series fighter bays

Computer (LVL:5 fp:238 SP:300)

Alarm (3), Analysis (4), Astrogation (4), Computer Lockout (4), Computer Security (5), Damage Control (3), Drive (5), Industry (1), Information Storage (1), Installation Security (4), Laser Battery (1) x2, Life Support - cap:40 (1), Maintenance (3), Robot Management (4), Rocket Battery (2) x2, Transportation (2)

Price: 4,050,600Cr

The SC-5100 was reverse engineered from a surplus frigate and converted into a carrier role. Utilizing the Streel "Big Bang" drives, the craft returned to its full warship performance potential. Armed with a pair of laser batteries and a pair of rocket batteries, it isn't a heavy duty craft but makes up for it by converting the original gunnery deck into four separate fighter bays each capable of housing a single S-series fighter craft. This quartet of fighters is further augmented with an Streel S-series External Docking Facility (a.k.a."Fish Hook") for a total capacity of eight fighters.

As such, the small and nimble craft can move quickly and insert a squadron where they need to be in an efficient manner.


Streel S-series Fighters

The basic Streel Corporation design entails a standard cockpit/fuselage and drive module along with airfoils for atmospheric use (via an external chemical drive booster available at a minimal fee for such roles). The design is inexpensive and easily mass produced, but where obvious producton corners are cut the advantages come out in performance and easily maintainable/serviceable craft that are cheap to own and operate. Streel's S series fighter production plant remains unkown to the public.

The solar assisted powerplant doesn't require large amounts of space devoted for fuel, nor does any life support equipment chew up any space either so as a result the craft are quite small and nimble. As a result a larger number of craft can be stored within a given space. External docking facilities (EDF, or "Fish Hooks" as the pilots dubbed them) allow groups of four craft to be carried outside a ship's hull, accessible via an airlock and scaffolding. One EDF can be attached for every 5 hull sizes, with a MHS:5 for the first facility. This can be in addition to any fighter bays a ship may have. Bays can accomodate 1 1/2 times the normal HS:1 fighter capacity with the S-series fighters, so a small carrier that normally accomodates 6 fighters can hold 9 S-series fighter craft.

The chem-drive booster package runs an additional 53,000Cr to any S-series fighter, including the computer software (LVL:1 f.p.3 program) needed to operate the system.
S-0ft "Pike"
fighter trainer

HS: 1 HP: 5 Powerplant: twin sub-Solar/Ion A
ADF: 5 MR: 5 DCR: 25 Crew: 1-2
Armament: PL sim gun
Defense: solar panel/sim gun recievers
Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined

Computer (LVL:3 fp: 55 SP:20)

Alarm (2), Analysis (2), Astrogation (2), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon - simulator (1), Maintenance (2)

Price: 350,000Cr (-10% for 6 or more, -15% with contract, cumulative)

Streel issues these trainers to anyone with an S-series contract at bargain basement prices, inorder to facilitate any training that such contract holders may wish to engage in. The craft is armed with sim-guns and the flush mounted solar panels also sport recievers for said sim-guns, so that mock dogfights can be performed as training exercises. The craft is otherwise useless for anything else.

S-1lf "Piranha" *
light fighter

HS: 1 HP: 5 Powerplant: twin sub-Solar/Ion A
ADF: 5 MR: 6 DCR: 25 Crew: 1
Armament: PL, AR or SM(x2) @ -1 MR
Defense: RH

Computer (LVL:3 fp: 55 SP:20)
Alarm (2), Analysis (2), Astrogation (2), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1), Maintenance (2)

Price: 368,600Cr (-10% for 6 or more, -5% with contract, cumulative)

The basic fighter craft is a rather potent machine in battle when used properly. Unable to take much damage, the craft instead relies on the pilot's skill along with an enhanced maneuvering system. And groups of SF-1lf fighters can be quite effective but for solo missions they are somwhat lacking. An assault rocket launcher and supporting software can be added to the SF-1lf at a MR: -1 penalty.

*Piranha design adapted from the craft of the same name from the "Shatterzone" game, all rights reserved


S-2hr "Manta"
heavy assault fighter

HS: 1 HP: 8 Powerplant: twin sub-Solar/Ion A
ADF: 3 MR: 4 DCR: 30 Crew: 1
Armament: PL, 4 warhead bays (ARx4 or SMx8)
Defense: RH
Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined

Computer (LVL:3 fp: 59 SP:20)
Alarm (2), Analysis (2), Astrogation (2), Astrogation (1), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1), Maintenance (2)

Cost: 602,600Cr (-5% for 6 or more, -5% with contract, cumulative)

The Manta is geared for heavy assault roles, intended to compete with the venerable I-76 Enforcer although with a insystem role instead. Like the Enforcer, additional payloads are made possible with a trade off in performance. These craft are slow and sloppy by star fighter standards, but the heavy damage they can inflict more than makes up for the lackluster speed and agility.

S-3gt "Barracuda"
advanced recon/fighter

HS: 1 HP: 6 Powerplant: twin sub-Solar/Ion A
ADF: 6 MR: 5 DCR: 30 Crew: 1
Armament: PL(x2, linked)
Defense: RH
Communication/Detection Equipment: Subspace Radio, Radar, Videocom, Auto-Eject Module, Streamlined; Energy Sensor, ½ camera system

Computer (LVL:3 fp: 60 SP:20)
Alarm (2), Analysis (2), Astrogation (2), Auto Eject (2), Computer Lockout (4), Damage Control (2), Drive (3), Information Storage (1), Laser Cannon (1) x2, Maintenance (2), Weapons Link (1)

Cost: 646,100Cr (-5% for 6 or more, -5% with contract, cumulative)

The 'Cuda is a racier version of the Pirhana, boasting extra acceleration instead of maneuverability. Also added is an extra set of cannons, which can be linked to fire in tandem for more damage or separately for additional attacks. Like the Pirhana, no life support equipment is available but AEM technology is included. An energy sensor array and camera system is easily affixed for recon missions, and an assault rocket launcher with software may be added at a ADF: -1 penalty.

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Streel Warships1317 years 17 weeks ago17 years 16 weeks ago