TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
Random Encounters59 years 37 weeks ago
by jedion357
9 years 36 weeks ago
by Tchklinxa
Decks by hull size139 years 36 weeks ago
by Stormcrow
8 years 21 weeks ago
by ChrisDonovan
Star Frontiers; Fleet Action49 years 35 weeks ago
by jedion357
9 years 35 weeks ago
by jedion357
Operating Machinery169 years 34 weeks ago
by Stormcrow
8 years 5 weeks ago
by jedion357
Diagnosis19 years 34 weeks ago
by Stormcrow
9 years 34 weeks ago
by Abub
Hover craft accessories?149 years 15 weeks ago
by jedion357
9 years 14 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack
So Pushing house rules for Unified Skill mechanic09 years 11 weeks ago
by Abub
How far to take sathar bioforms with plants?29 years 7 weeks ago
by jedion357
9 years 6 weeks ago
by Tchklinxa
Raiding Masking Screen H2O for Ion fuel19 years 5 weeks ago
by jedion357
9 years 5 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack
Sling shot maneuvers?138 years 50 weeks ago
by jedion357
8 years 49 weeks ago
by jedion357
Discrepancy between Digital remastered and Print edition.98 years 46 weeks ago
by Tekrat04
8 years 45 weeks ago
by Jaxon
Grenade!!!108 years 25 weeks ago
by jedion357
5 years 21 weeks ago
by JCab747
Hatches and Cargo Bay Doors48 years 11 weeks ago
by SFAndroid
8 years 11 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack
The Robotic Hand Controller (from Eleanor Mores)78 years 10 weeks ago
by jedion357
8 years 9 weeks ago
by JCab747
Shifting ability scores38 years 10 weeks ago
by Stormcrow
8 years 10 weeks ago
by jedion357
Is there anything in the canon game about the equivalent of "pay phones" or public-access computer terminals?58 years 7 weeks ago
by ChrisDonovan
7 years 27 weeks ago
by parriah
Spaceship hatch locks188 years 6 weeks ago
by Stormcrow
8 years 6 weeks ago
by rattraveller
Moving a ship with less engines48 years 2 weeks ago
by SFAndroid
8 years 2 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack
Robot Carrying Capacity427 years 50 weeks ago
by SFAndroid
7 years 27 weeks ago
by parriah
Ideas for handling intoxicants in SF137 years 45 weeks ago
by jedion357
7 years 42 weeks ago
by JCab747
Three Dimensional Interstellar Distance Charts67 years 41 weeks ago
by JCab747
7 years 41 weeks ago
by JCab747
Area Effect Weapons227 years 39 weeks ago
by JCab747
5 years 23 weeks ago
by JCab747
Ecological Impacts for the setting37 years 35 weeks ago
by jedion357
7 years 35 weeks ago
by Tollon
question about space combat77 years 34 weeks ago
by giogionis
6 years 43 weeks ago
by Shadow Shack
K'Tsa Kar / Zoot-kit and Zebulon / Volturnus227 years 33 weeks ago
by ExileInParadise
7 years 27 weeks ago
by JCab747