Hit by Sorin Markov Xeelee

iggy's picture
January 18, 2014 - 8:57pm
TerlObar and I have been recycled by this fellow at (1022,1393) and (1030, 1389).  My stations (RS and SY) are now way down at (631,2421).  I have started my RS back to a star I hold just south of (1022,1393) and my SY to a star just to the north west.  What do we want to do with this guy?  I have 800 juggernaughts with a +55 commander near by to retaliate.  I can send some others up as well with a +70 commander.

TerlObar's picture
January 29, 2014 - 6:08pm
And Sorin is back.  I didn't think he'd stay gone for long.
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My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
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iggy's picture
January 29, 2014 - 8:44pm
I held a conversation with Curtis:

1/29   8:31
To: Curtis PriceSubject: Gama Star at (1030,1389)

Did you just push Sorin Markov off of this star and the two near it? We are very curious?

Eric Winsor
Gollwin Academy

1/29   11:10
From: Curtis PriceSubject: re: Gama Star at (1030,1389)
yes that was me....whats wrong?

1/29   20:40
To: Curtis PriceSubject: re: re: Gama Star at (1030,1389)
Nothing is wrong. I'm happy you got Sorin. He jumped us two weeks ago and took that gamma star and the theta next to it from our alliance. We held it for about a year I guess, since we discovered it. We fought back but he burned platinum like crazy to pull ship yards and extra fleets directly back after we had destroyed them. We conceded the stars and have been regrouping.

He has however continued in his behavior by posting the coordinates of another of my stars to global chat. This was brought to our attention by a member of the Romulan alliance who sent us a copy of the post. Seems the Romulans have a kill on sight order on Sorin for his behavior.

We have never meet Sorin before this and are a non-aggressive alliance that expands through discovery only. Your movements against Sorin weakened him which was good. Too bad he struck back.


iggy's picture
January 29, 2014 - 10:32pm
Interesting knowledge from Curtis

1/29   22:01
From: Curtis PriceSubject: re: re: re: Gama Star at (1030,1389)
He surrender to my alliance and I was told to give it back. The best way to beat him is don't attack him directly, send your fleet right next to the target you want to hit. The reason is Sorin has an app that warns him if you are attacking and he will have time to PLAT in. so 1)bring a SY just outside of scanning range. 2) launch your fleet towards he targets but don't target them 3)once your fleets are there or almost there (within 2 to 3 PLAT range)attack and destroy 4) Bring in holding fleets until he gets tired or run out of PLAT....good hunting

P.S If you guys like how about you merger over with us....we are fighters and currently only targeting top ten unaligned players HVT....

jedion357's picture
January 30, 2014 - 4:21am
kind of playing dirty isn't he, that explains a lot.

What is shadow up to these days? we probably should consider a bigger alliance but we should consider the political landscape.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
January 30, 2014 - 1:41pm
read from the bottom up, Sorin sounds like a weirdo.

Charles Wright
(15:38): k
X Sorin Markov (15:36): when tried to melt it burns and smell like plastic
X Sorin Markov (15:36): its all over the internet
X Sorin Markov (15:33): 2014 #Winter #Storm #Leon hit #Georgia with #Geo-engineered #Snow That Doesn’t #Melt is really #Nanobots
X William Hamelin (15:23): I'm the Boogie man and i'm coming to raid you
X William Hamelin (15:22): Thanks Again Stu
X William Hamelin (15:22): You, on the left, attacked Stuart Schmitt II (THE JUST 99%), station destroyed (recycled), was recently attacked, raided 92 energy,
X Jeremy Ryan (15:21): sweet d00d
X William Hamelin (15:20): that was the 1st raid
X William Hamelin (15:20): You, on the left, attacked Katherine Canfield (THE JUST 99%) for 21 damage, raided 16922 raid_bonus: 113248
X Jeremy Ryan (15:19): dont wanna waste those credits
X Jeremy Ryan (15:19): you better work on your storage WH
Thomas Verreault (15:19): .
X Tommy Edwards (15:17): hi all
X William Hamelin (15:17): Thank you
X William Hamelin (15:17): You, on the left, attacked Katherine Canfield (THE JUST 99%), station destroyed (recycled), was recently attacked, raided 749 credits
X Jeremy Ryan (15:16): into a black hole
X William Hamelin (15:16): Where did William Go???
X Jeremy Ryan (15:16): oh nvm
X Jeremy Ryan (15:15): who are you talking to lol
X Victorie Belle (15:13): I see.
X Sorin Markov (15:11): go google fake snow was found that won't melt
X Sorin Markov (15:11): no, down south fake snow was found that wont melt
X Sorin Markov (15:10): dont touch it
X Victorie Belle (15:10): Is that some form of inuendo I am currently unaware of?
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

TerlObar's picture
January 31, 2014 - 8:09pm
Well, he got a little beligerent again.  He threw a little bit of everything at my lowly 6 turrets:

Report: # 1/15 ~ loc: 1035, 1387  
1/31   16:52 ~ GST: 01/31 23:52 ~ type: conquer
Older reports (7+ days ago) are not shown.
Sorin Markov (Xeelee), on the left, attacked you
Attackers Tech: Flairs Lv. 7, Lasers B Lv. 7, Flairs B Lv. 7, Lasers Lv. 7, Cerebral Interface Lv. 7, Lasers D Lv. 7, Reinforced Circuitry J Lv. 10, Lasers J Lv. 10
Defenders Tech: Reinforced Grating Lv. 25, Charged Plasma Blast Lv. 26

Attackers Commander Bonus: +65%

He also took out (I suspect) the guy sitting on the ore planet.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

iggy's picture
February 2, 2014 - 10:19pm
John Ford1 (alt for Sorin?) has a SY sitting just south of our factory star at (696,2644).  I caught him because I just noticed a fleet flying right past our factory star.

jedion357's picture
February 3, 2014 - 3:32am
Saw him a few days ago. I'll dump some more turrets at the factory.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
February 21, 2014 - 5:25pm
Sorin Markov is talking about chemtrails (the contrails conspiracy theory supposedly the government is poisoning us by releasing chemicals in the contrails of jets) and complaining that his state's atheist group refuses to believe in chemtrails then he asked in general chat what should he do?

This guy is a nut.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
March 31, 2014 - 2:30am
I continue to watch for his name in general chat, sorin recently stated that he found a piece of chaff that he needed as evidence!!!! This guy is really out there.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

TerlObar's picture
August 17, 2014 - 9:41am
I'm feeling a little belligerant and am going to make a play against Sorin Markov again for my star at 1030, 1389.  He has a shipyard there and at the other HVT at 1057, 1385.  If you guys want to play along you can or I'll just go solo on this one.  He's no longer a member of Xeelee but is now a member of the No_Alliance alliance of which there are 4 members and he holds 188k of the alliances 238k power level.

I'll probably start things up in the next day or so and will post times and such.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

iggy's picture
August 17, 2014 - 10:36am
I want my star back as well.  When were you thinking of hitting him?  I'd like to be back to full strength from my extra king of the hill fights.  That will take me about a day.

TerlObar's picture
August 17, 2014 - 1:17pm
I was just planning on hitting him some time this week.  I have a shipyard to the NW of his positions.  I'll probably figure out timings tomorrow and launch ships on Tuesday or Wednesday so you should have plenty of time to recover.

I want to plan it so that my ships all arrive nearby while I can watch so I can send them to the area and then attack with little direct targeting warning as apparently he has some sort of hack that allows him to know when he is being targeted directly.  I want to limit the amount of warning he gets as much as possible.

Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
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jedion357's picture
August 17, 2014 - 2:48pm
Timing is not good for me. I'm taking a weeks vacation later this week when my dad goes in for surgery and has 10 days recovery in the hospital. I need to go to Maine and be near my mother who's bouncing back and forth between ICU and a rehab hospital. Me and the girls will be in Maine for the week while dad's recovering in Ct.

I'll have computer access using theirs such as it is but I'll alos be busy. I think I'll sit this one out and stockpile fighters for retaliation in case he's too froggy but I think it will play out fast.

EDIT: I imagine that we should call off king of the hill for awhile

EDIT 2: just checking on all my stuff by physically looking at it and low and behold I spotted Dick Armstrong's respawn location: south by south east of my star at 692,1085 looks like he went through a recycling.

EDIT 3: I just set all my silos and research stations in motion so that they are not sitting targets. They should be moving around for a week.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
August 17, 2014 - 4:07pm
My SY is a little NNE of him at 1234,1234.  I see that he has lost my star to the Jedi so I will let them keep it.  however I just noticed that he has another gamma at 1127,1390 which is very near by.  I am debating how we deal with it.  To we confine the conflict to regaining what is ours or do we take out the other as well.

Also, he is now in the Guardians of the Galaxy alliance.  He may not be as isolated as we think.

jedion357's picture
August 17, 2014 - 4:56pm
Was it just an allaince name change? the new one only has 4 members same as the previous and lets face it this guy is a bit of a nut job believing in chem trails and agonizing publicly in chat that the local atheist group wont listen to him about it. I doubt that people put up with him for long and that they get tired of the crap he starts.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

TerlObar's picture
August 17, 2014 - 7:26pm
My plan was to hit just his shipyard at the star at 1057, 1385 so it wasn't around for use and then clear him off my original star.  The one at 1127,1390 is a little closer than I'd like but far enough that I don't think I'd worry about it.  Unless he brings it into the fighting zone at which point I'd take it out.
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My blog - Expanding Frontier
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TerlObar's picture
August 20, 2014 - 8:54am
From my shipyard, his stations are 3.5 and 2.25 hours away for my all collosus fleets.  I'm planning on hitting him at 1pm MDT tomorrow (Aug 21).  I've got a meeting at 1:30 so I want to be done by then.  Feel free to send ships if you wish.  I'll be sending ships after his shipyards on the first wave and dealing with defenders as they show up.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
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iggy's picture
August 20, 2014 - 9:04am
He just surrendered a star this morning in chat.  He could be weak if we are lucky.

iggy's picture
August 20, 2014 - 10:01am
I'm 12 hours and 59 minutes away with my nearest station by fleet flight time.  Do you want me to send some colossi fleets?   Do you want me to send my SY?

TerlObar's picture
August 20, 2014 - 2:21pm
I wouldn't worry about sending your ship yard.  If you want to throw some fleets over there in defense mode that would be fine.
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My blog - Expanding Frontier
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iggy's picture
August 20, 2014 - 11:29pm
I have dispatched 10 fleets of colossi that should arrive at the star 1030,1389 at between 1:03pm and 1:10pm.  They are all set to defend and none are targeted on anything.  I have spread them over the core of the star.  There are 8980 ships total.  Don't let this alter your plans.  I just want to have a large force present for any of his potential antics.  Hopefully he will die by your hand and think better of pushing back with such a large armada present.  I will keep my phone at hand while at work and am free from meetings after 10am so I can take text or phone instructions to alter plans or stop or slow up my fleets if they are arriving too early to spoil your surprise.  Just contact me and I will make whatever adjustments are necessary.  I do not think it would be wise for my fleets to arrive before you hit him and cause him to be on guard.  I think it would be best if I arrived coincident to your strike.

TerlObar's picture
August 21, 2014 - 5:56am
Which direction are they coming from?
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
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iggy's picture
August 21, 2014 - 6:51am
Northeast from 1234,1234.

TerlObar's picture
August 21, 2014 - 9:24am
Looking for your fleets I just found another of his Omega stars at 1115, 1350.  The RS was recently attacked and there is just a fleet there, no SY.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

iggy's picture
August 21, 2014 - 11:15am
Are we changing targets?

iggy's picture
August 27, 2014 - 11:38pm
I finished rebuilding all my 8900+ colossi that Sorin wiped out of my 10 fleets last week.  Took a whole week to rebuild them.  I put a fleet back on king of the hill.

I get the feeling that there are more players like Sorin out there that are just buring platinum to dominate the game.  Platinum makes the game not fun or fair for everyone else.  I think that after I get my next prompt to rate the game I amd going to rate it a 1 (or 0 if possible) and abandon the game.  There is no way that I can build up enough to be able to have a fair fight with a platinum buring player.  I can't max out because Tim will just up the levels before I get there, so this has turned into a zombie mindless time waster for me.

jedion357's picture
August 28, 2014 - 4:58am
iggy wrote:
so this has turned into a zombie mindless time waster for me.

Yeah that was kind of evident a while back, and the fack that most of my builds taked 12hrs or longer for stations and 1-6days for tech is probably the only reason I still play, as I can check in 1-2 times aday for 10 minutes or less and maker a few moves on king of the hill and builds.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

TerlObar's picture
August 28, 2014 - 6:16am
Ditto for me as well.  Although since he hit a dozen of my stations and took out about 50000 turrets it is going to take me a bit longer to rebuild. Foot in mouth  Some of my resource stations still haven't gotten back to their original stars yet.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
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iggy's picture
August 28, 2014 - 6:57am
The once a day login and upgrade, king of the hill moves were not a problem, slightly entertaining,  and ok.  TerlObar and I hit Sorin decisively.  TerlObar took out his fleets and stations with overwhelming force.  I simultaneously arrived with 10 fleets each with +70 commanders, 860 colossi,  one with 1300 colossi.  Sorin was completely removed and caught completely unawares.  We held the star for maybe half an hour.  The he wiped out TerlObar's station and all my fleets in about a minute.  It took him several fleets and constant use of platinum and he immediately had his RS back.  Platinum gives a player teleportation powers.  Following he probed a half-dozen or more of TerlObar's stations instantly with platinum and took them out by teleporting instantly created fleets to them all because the guy has platinum as deep as his parents bank account.  There is now way you can stand up to a player like that unless you cheat with platinum too.  I for one am not irresponsible enough to spend my money in a game as poorly designed as this.  I have been a responsible parent too long.  Both TerlObar and I have maxed out out our fleet tech and we never stood a chance against him and there are others that play by platinum whom he regularly fights.  The game is degenerating into the platinum kings and their fodder. 