Manager: iggy
Members: 5 (log in or register to view list)
Membership: Managed - the project manager must accept your request
Documents: Only members may view, Only members may edit
Downloads: Only project members may download, Only project members may upload
Description: Project forums for members of the Gollwin Academy Allience in the Conquest ~ Resurgence Within online game.

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Thank you for your interest in the Star Frontiers fan alliance on Conquest, Resurgence Within. You have found this page either on your own or have been referred here after joining the alliance in game. To participate you must be first a member of Gollwin Academy in the Conquest Game (requires a Facebook login) and then apply for acceptance to this project (requires a starfrontiers.us login).

Why have the alliance's communication page here instead of on Facebook? Party because the founders of this alliance came to Conquest as fans of Star Frontiers and partly because the projects here have a lot of functionality. It is not required that you be a fan of Star Frontiers and can ignore the bulk of the chatter on this site (use mark as read button). However, if you are a fan of science fiction you may find that this site has a lot to offer even if you're not the gung ho fan of Star Frontiers that some of us are.