Religious Education In Yazirian Society

Religious education begins in the clan with the elders teaching the young pups. They impart the belief and traditions of the clan to the young. On Hentz the Family of One insists on "catechism" class for all yazirians at about the age of ten.

The only seminary on Hentz is the Family Seminary. Only members of Clan Anglann, the clan controlling the Family of One, can attend. It is viewed as a liberal university since its theology classes are actually; the Theology of Management, the Theology of Societal Control, and etc.

A school known as the Brotherhood Religious College began on Hentz. Its mission was to education non Clan Anglann yazirians that felt called to religious orders. This school has been at the fore front of yazirian theological thought for decades.

Many of its graduates actually see the graduates of the seminary as being quite liberal and secular and in recent years the Family of One has expelled the Brotherhood Religious College from Hentz. When this occurred two campuses were set up; one on Yast (Athor) which kept the name Brotherhood Religious College and the other on Hargut (Guna Garu) which took the name the Hargut Religious College. The Hargut Religious College adopted a more conciliatory tone and stance toward The Family of One while the Brotherhood Religious School on Yast became even more strident in its criticism.

Naturally the Family of One took issue with being criticized and brought pressure to bear on the Yast school. Eventually it set up the directors of the Hargut school to be its 'hatchet yaz' and the Yast school was forced to close. Its faculty and some students simply moved to Gran Quivera (Prengular) and started over. At Gran Quivera they embraced the revolutionary new theology known as the brotherhood of being-hood, claiming a universal brotherhood for sapient beings.

The Brotherhood Religious School is now on the fore front of theological thought in the whole Frontier, welcoming dralasite philosophers and osakar theologians to guest lecture and teach. Its not a true ecumenical movement but rather takes an open approach to other religious beliefs seeking to find the universal truths that underlie them and their beliefs. It has been able to welcome different views without losing sight of where it came from.

The Brotherhood Religious School publishes a quarterly theological journal called Frontier Theology, which, due to the openness toward other religions and philosophies has become THE theological journal of the Frontier. Any minister, priest or religious lay person has heard of it and is likely to have a copy or subscription. Its noted for its scholarly approach to comparative religion and theology and almost always includes an article by a guest faculty being. The journal is considered contraband for ships intending to land on Hentz.

Within the Brotherhood movement there are still those that strike a hard stand against the Family of One but the majority of the movement is of the more open stripe and considers the Family of One as being part of the past an not really worth wasting their energy on. They have fundamental agreement with the more reactionary branch but just don't see the need to pour energy into attacking the Family of One.