Higher Education in Yazirain Society

From the beginning, education in yazirian society was the responsibility of the clan. The elders taught the young. This education was very traditional which is unsurprising since the yazirian honor code states, "Tradition is yazirian meat." To this day the clan is still the primary educator of young in yazirian society.

Some changes began during the Age of Clan Wars and became more pronounced during the Imperial Age. As clans grew into the tens of thousands more formal structures began to be put in place for education with the establishment of some secondary schools by some clans. The result was a more uniform level of education across the board for these large clans. This in turn had broad impact on the success of that clan allowing it to rise higher in status, income, and its ability to wage war.

The impact of more formally organized schooling did not go unnoticed. It eventually led to the founding of the Imperial Age as one clan came to dominate and control largely through the investment in education. Sciences advanced and the Imperial Warhon organized institutions of higher learning for all yazirians to attend.

After the Star Exodus and the rise of the Family of One, many of the colonial governments of the yazirian colonies organized universities and trade schools to maintain an educated populace. The clans were still the educators of the young but few had set up their own schools so soon after the turmoil of the Exodus.

The natural tendency for the disinherited and the clan-less yazirian had always been to spiral down to the lowest rung of society. Lacking the societal structure that provided an education it was usually a fast decline.

The development of a sector wide society and yazirians living in mixed race colonies caused concern over the lack of traditional education for yazirians living outside of the yazirian colonies. Some yazirians were attending local schools but many were falling through the cracks. This led to the Family of One to sponsor the Family School anywhere there was a significant yazirian population outside of the colonies. The Family School is very pro Family of One but it also maintains high academic standards. The mission of these schools is to promote the Family of One religion, prevent clan-less and disinherited yazirians from slipping to the lowest strata of society and support clan yazirians and that are living abroad.

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Higher Education in Yazirian Society013 years 17 weeks ago13 years 17 weeks ago