

Human society centers around the family. A family generally consists of a father, a mother and 1 to 10 children. Families usually group together into communities for mutual support and protection. Community size varies widely; several human cities are known to have populations above 5 million. Of all the star-faring races, humans are the most varied. As a race they are not as warlike as the yazirians, as businesslike as the vrusk or as thoughtful as the dralasites. Yet, individual humans can be found who surpass even the most violent yazirians, the most dedicated vrusk and the most philosophical dralasites. Humans tend to value individuality and personal freedom more than anything else, but they do not hesitate to work together to reach a common goal or to protect themselves from attack.

To members of the other races, the most puzzling aspect of human behavior is their curiosity and love of adventure. Many humans are willing to put themselves in great danger simply to see something
new or go somewhere no one has ever gone before. Some humans (a very small percentage) seem to actually enjoy being in danger, thriving on the excitement of a life-or-death situation. This type of
behavior has never been observed in normal members of the other races. Even the yazirians, known for their violence and f its of rage, try to avoid taking unnecessary risks. This spirit of adventure has served Humans well, however, as most major exploration missions organized by local governments or private companies are led by a human.
Many alien biologists have wondered how the human race could have survived long enough to build a civilization and colonize new planets; compared to other creatures in the galaxy, humans
are not especially strong or quick, and are no smarter than the other races. However, humans are very inventive and adaptable. They manage to survive and even flourish in areas other races
consider uninhabitable, by adapting themselves to the new conditions with surprising speed. This and the Humans' love for gadgets and hardware led to the appearance of a popular saying among vrusk,
''Mr. Human and his Indestructible Junk Show.''  Despite this condescending attitude, vrusk and the other star-faring races have learned to respect humans.

Humans are one of the most open and accepting of the known races. They get along very well with dralasites, and their similarity to yazirians usually is strong enough to overcome the usual negative reaction to a yazirian's pushiness. Many humans, however, are mildly nervous around vrusk. human psychologists blame this on the Vrusk's resemblance to a giant insect. (Many Humans dislike insects, and some are actually afraid of them.)

Average Size: 1.9m tall (Medium)
Average Mass: 80kg male, 55kg female
Average Lifespan 200 years
Reproductive System heterosexual, viviparous
Body Temperature 37 degrees Celsius
Ability Scores: Choose one ability to start at d6
Pace: 6
Vision: Standard
Languages: Pan Galactic, Human

Humans start with one free Edge.

Artwork by Shell