RCS Dark Shadow

recommissioned freighter


HS: 5   HP: 25   Powerplant: 2 Streel "Big Bang" atomic class B
ADF: 4  MR: 2  DCR: 35   Crew: 4
Armament: LB (concealed, takes one combat turn to deploy)
Defenses: RH
Communication/Detection: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Radar,  Intercom
Misc Equipment: Camera System, Skin Sensors

Computer (Lv-4, 134fp, 100SP)

Alarm(2), Analysis(4), Astrogation(4), Commerce(1), Computer Security(4), Damage Control(2), Drive(5), Industry(1), Laser Battery(1), Life Support(1, capacity:10), Maintenance(2)

Cargo Capacity: 4
Crew Accomodations: 2 convertible single/double cabins, one quad cabin
Passenger Accomodations: n/a
Ship's Vehicles: small launch

Prior to confiscation the original owners upgraded their drives to  "Big Bang" models (Streel's answer to PanGalactic's "Eureka" drives mentioned in Dramune Run that allow for additional acceleration) as the addition of a laser battery took a hit on performance. As such the ship is not as maneuverable as a standard class:5 freighter, but the extra acceleration certainly makes up for it. In a perfect world they would have added fore & stern Pod Lasers to retain stock maneuverability and cargo space, but that technology was not available when the Shadow was designed. 

The "Observation Dome" (deck 1) houses the controls for the concealed laser battery (which takes one combat turn to deploy). The mainframe computer is located on the Bridge deck (2) with terminal panels located at each of the four duty stations (left to right: helm for pilot & co-pilot, engineer, and astrogator) as well as one more in the work shop of the Crew Deck (3) adjacent to the outer hull elevator (leading to the cargo module). The ship's power relay station (adjacent to the elevator on deck 3) has recharging equipment for powerpacks and parabatteries. Buns for two are in the officer quarters (3A & 3B) with a galley (3C) and a common quarters for four additonal crew (4D).

The ship has been recommissioned under the Crown (Royal Crown Ship) for ambassador duties including the annual Council or Worlds meetings, government transport of emmisaries and/or equipment, and other traditional non-combat duties for the local government (although CMS escorts are often utilized). On occassion the Royal Marines may even utilize her as a corsair to ferret out pirates and other usurpers that may be operating insystem. 

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RCS Dark Shadow414 years 5 weeks ago14 years 5 weeks ago