Clarion Royal Marines Source Book

Basic outline:

I - Introduction

II - History 
   A> time line

III - Clarion
  A> physical descriptions
     1 - topical make-up, climate, etc
  B> cultural aspects
     1 - social structure & titles
     2 - the nature of "Gollywog"
  C> politics & government
     1 - parliament
     2 - Liberation Party

IV - Artificial Satellites
  A> Fortress Redoubt
  B> Clarion Station
  C> (unnamed SCC)
  D> six scientific/research & observation stations

V - Militant Forces

    1 - The Royal Guard

       a) structure, uniforms, job descriptions, etc
       b) rank & pay, insignia
       c) vehicles & equipment (transports, tanks, personal weaponry, etc)

    2 - The Royal Marines
       a) rank & pay, insignia
       b) uniforms
       c) equipment

       d) fleet descriptions

          i - starships
          ii - system ships
    3 - Special Forces (Leotian High Guard or other such catchy phrase)
       a) royal bodyguards or secret service type unit?

VI - Campaign Material
    1 - the Sathar
    2 - Pirates & Smugglers
    3 - Streel
    4 - Spies & double agents
    5 - Mining Operations (surface based and asteroids)

(proposed cover art)

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Outline for the Source Book114 years 6 weeks ago14 years 6 weeks ago