Ifshnits, Racial Description

Physical Structure
Ifshnits are bipedal, symetrical mammals that look like tiny humans in hair coats. All ifshnits have bald pates, moustaches, and long silky hair over the rest of their bodies. This body hair can be any color but is selfdom different shades on the same body. All males have long and ornate beards, usually of a different shade than the rest of the body hair. The body hair of both sexes is usually worn in intricate braids. Each ifshnit clan braids its hair differently.

Ifshnits hands and feet are covered with short hair, except for their palms and soles, which are bare and padded. This short hair is slightly darker than the rest of the body hair. Their hands have three fingers and an opposing thumb, while the feet have four toes. Because of their small size, ifshnits cannot use many large items, including normal rifles, without a size penalty.

Ifshnit females have three pairs of mamary glands and can birth up to six "puplets" at a time. Puplets are born hairless and tiny, but grow very fast and have their long hair within thirty days. They reach their full height by age nine and full maturiyt at age twelve.

Ifshnits are herbivores and the thought of eating another creature is utterly revolting to them. Because of their vegetarian diet they are constantly nibbling instead of eating meals.

Ifshnits have normal senses of hearing, touch, and taste. They have almost no sense of smell and have a hard time understanding the concept of scent. Their eyes are masterpieces of biological engineering. A fast closing nictitiating membrane closes instantly if exposed to bright light, preventing the ifshnit from being blinded. Their night sight is no better then a human's.

Ifshnits have a lilting, piping voice that is best described as cute. Their language is intricate, but is compatible with most race' linguistic abilities.