(pf:100 era system ship)

HS:2 HP:14 Powerplant: 4 Chemical A
ADF:3 MR:4 DCR:26 Crew: minimum 2, up to 6
Armament: optional LT(x2) @ -1 ADF or MR each/max:2
Defenses: RH
Communication/Detection: Subspace Radio, Radar, Intercom
Misc: streamlined, medium hull armor, Mk:X4 Fuel Tankage
Fuel Capacity: 192u S-Ox (plus four x 12u ExTanks)
Max Speed: 24 (+6)
Alarm* (4)
Analysis (2)
Astrogation (2)
Bureaucracy* (2)
Computer LockOut* (3)
Computer Security* (3)
Commerce (1)
Communication (1)
Damage Control* (4)
Drive - Chem A (1)
Life Support, cap:6 (1) +6 Journey class (type P/T) or +8 1st class (type Y)
optional Laser Battery (2) x2
Maintenance* (4)
Cargo Capacity: 1 (type T), 0.5 (type P/T), or 0 (type Y)
Crew Accomodations: 1 dbl suite + 4 single cabins
Passenger Accomodations: 0 (type T) or 3 Journey Class cabins (type P/T) or 4 1st class suites (type Y)
Ship's Vehicles: n/a
DECK PLANS rendered in 1.5 meter squares

The basic PT-250 Stratus incorporates a disc shaped hull with outboard pods extending port and starboard and drive units positioned aft. The layout is simple and straightforward:
The port pod contains a helm with four command chairs, a two person captain's cabin, a computer room/rec area, a storage closet, and life support equipment. The starboard pod contains a crew galley & rec area, access to the life support equipment, and a fresher. The forward area is an open cargo hold with a loading ramp, aft of the hold is the four single occupancy crew cabins. Aft of the cabins is a narrow hallway with a boarding ramp and outer hull hatch (thus doubling as an airlock), flanked by maintenance panels leading to the port & starboard twin thrusters. Centered in the ship is a ladderwell leading up and down to observation rooms, the ventral chamber is inverted with everything mounted "upside down" in relation to the rest of the ship allowing occupants to look "up" to the stars through the "overhead" viewport. These observation rooms can be easily converted to laser turret hardpoints, with the ventral unit remaining inverted under such construction.
Two variants of the PT-250 can be ordered: the Type Y replaces the forward hold with a quartet of two person suites along with a lounge and storage areas (thus designating it as a yacht). The Type P/T divides the forward hold into a half hold (½ unit capacity) and a trio of two person cabins (two journey class and a suite).
Regardless of variation, smaller crews may opt to offer passage via unused crew cabins.adapted from the WEG Star Wars RPG