
                              Energy Weapons
Hull Dmg
Laser Cannon LCFFRDRA 10 DTM 0HDR 2d10
Laser Battery LB RDRA 9DTM 0HDR 1d10
Proton Beam Battery PB RDRA 12DTM +10HDR 1d10
Electron Beam BatteryEB RDRA 12 DTM +10 HDR 1d10
Disruptor Beam Cannon DCFFRDRA 9DTM +20HDR 3d10
                             Missile Weapons
Torpedo T  MPO  LTD  RA 4 DTM -20  HDR 4d10
Assault Rocket  AR  FF  MPOLTD RA 4 DTM -10 HDR 2d10+4
Rocket Battery   RB  LTDRA 3DTM -10HDR 2d10
Mines M  LTD RA 0 DTM -20 HDR 3d10+5
Seeker Missile S   LTD RA DTM -20 HDR 5d10

                Explanation of Terms

FF --- Forward-firing weapon

MPO --- Moving Player Only. MPO weapons can be fired only during the attacking player's combat phase.

RD --- Range Diffusion. The accuracy of RD weapons is reduced by 5% x the range to the target.

LTD --- Limited Supply. A ship can carry only a limited supply of these weapons. They must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Range: # --- The weapon can be used only against targets within the listed range of hexes.

Damage: #d10-- - This is the number of 10-sided dice that are rolled to determine how many points of damage are caused by a successful attack.

    Weapon full description

Laser Cannon - FF / RD / Range: 10 / Damage: 2d10
A laser cannon is a large weapon that is mounted on the bow of a spaceship. It fires an intense, concentrated beam of light.

Laser Battery
- RD / Range: 9 / Damage: 1d10
A laser battery is a cluster of very small laser cannons mounted in a rotating turret. It can fire in any direction, but is not as powerful as a laser cannon.

- MPO / LTD / Range: 4 / Damage: 4d10
A torpedo is a self-guided nuclear bomb that homes in on its target after it is launched. Torpedos are propelled by prolonged fission reactions which enable them to travel at tremendous speeds. A ship can carry only a limited number of torpedos, and these must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are used.

Assault Rockets
- MPO / FF / LTD / Range: 4 / Damage: 2d1O+4
Assault rockets usually are carried by fighters and other small ships. They can be launched at a target during the owning player's combat phase. Assault rockets are powered by a brief fusion reaction which causes them to fly even faster than torpedos. Unlike torpedos, however, assault rockets are not guided missiles. They rely on their tremendous speed to hit their target before it can dodge away. A ship can carry only a limited supply, so assault rockets must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Rocket Battery
- LTD / Range: 3 / Damage: 2d10
A rocket battery is a cluster of small rocket launchers. These rockets are much smaller than assault rockets, but they cause nearly as much damage as an assault rocket because many rockets are fired together. Like torpedos and assault rockets, rocket batteries must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Proton Beam Battery
- RD / RA 12 / DTM +10 / HDR 1d10
This weapon fires an electrical beam of positively charged particles (protons). Like all batteries, it can fire in every direction.

Electron Beam Battery
- RD / RA 12 / DTM +10 / HDR 1d10
An electron bea m battery fires an electrical beam of negatively charged particles (electrons). It can fire in all directions.

Disruptor Beam Cannon
- RD / FF / RA 9 / DTM +20 / HDR 3d10
This powerful weapon must be mounted on the bow of a large spacecraft. It fires an intense beam, alternating protons and electrons. Disruptor beams can do heavy damage to a ship's electrical system.

- LTD / RA 0 / DTM -20 / HDR 3d10+5
The defending player can place mines in a hex before the game starts, or either player can drop them from a minelayer during the course of play. When a hex is mined, the player that placed the mines must record the number of that hex on a sheet of paper. When an enemy ship enters that hex, the mines detonate automatically at the end of all movement for that turn. If several enemy ships enter or pass through a mined hex on the same turn, all of them will be attacked by the mines (a mine pattern involves several hundred individual explosive devices). After the mines in a hex have exploded, the hex is no longer mined.

Seeker missiles
- LTD / RA / DTM -20 / HDR 5d10
Seeker missiles are placed the same way mines are; the defending player can put them in a hex before the scenario begins, or a ship that carries seekers can drop them at any time. Once a seeker missile is placed, it will not move until it is activated. The player that placed a seeker can activate it at the beginning of his movement phase on any turn.

Immediately after it is activated, the seeker will move two hexes toward the closest ship. If the closest ship is more than two hexes away, the turn is over for the seeker. On the next turn, the seeker will move four hexes toward the closest ship. It will continue accelerating at the rate of two hexes per turn (six on the third turn, eight on the fourth, etc.), and can make an unlimited number of facing changes to keep itself aimed at the nearest ship. A seeker can change facing up to three times before it moves each turn.

Note that the seeker may change targets many times, because a different ship may be closest to it at the beginning of each turn. The seeker cannot tell the difference between friendly and enemy ships, and will always fly toward the closest ship. If two or more ships are an equal distance from the seeker, players should roll a die to determine which ship the missile will aim at.

A seeker detonates as soon as it enters a hex containing a ship, or a ship enters the hex containing the activated seeker. If the hex contains more than one ship, the seeker will attack the largest. If the two largest ships are the same size, players should roll a die to determine which ship the missile attacks. When the seeker explodes, the player that placed it rolls one attack on the Damage Table.

On the turn that a seeker moves 12 hexes, it will automatically detonate. If there is no ship within range at that time, the explosion will do no damage. Seekers will not be attracted to planets, moons, asteroids or space stations.