(target destroyed)
(ready for combat)

Game Begining

Sathar fleets are placed on start circles
All non-attached ships assigned to TF Prenglar
TF NOVA appears at Prenglar (3 rolled)

Day 1

  • Devastator goes one box towards Fromeltar.
  • Prime Kill goes one box towards Kizk-Kar.
  • 2 Assault scouts in Garuna Garu RJ3 (success) to Prenglar
  • Militia in Theseus RJ3 to White Light - (failure) 1 day off map, 1 box towards K'sta Kar (no biggie)
  • Militia in Arkaks 1 box to Athor
  • TF Cassidine RJ2 (success) to Drammune
  • TF Prenglar and TF NOVA RJ2 (success) to Cassidine
  • 2 FF, 2 DD 1 LC and 3 AS from TF Prenglar stays in Prenglar.

Day 2

  • Devastator goes one box towards Fromeltar.
  • Prime Kill goes one box towards Kizk-Kar.
  • Warbird has been placed at starting circle near Ktsa Kar.
  • Gruna Garu 2 box RJ to Prenglar (success) now 4 boxes towards Prenglar
  • TF Cassidine RJ 2 to Drammune (success) now 1 box from Drammune
  • Araks fleet back to Araks (no RJ)
  • 3 AS 1 FF 1 DD RJ 2 to Cassidine from Prenglar (success) - now 2 boxes to Cassidine
  • TF Prenglar and SF NOVA RJ2 to Cassidine 1 box from Cassidine
  • Theseus militia comes back on board - 1 box from White Light on Ktsa-Kar track.

Day 3

  • Devastator moves one square forward towards Fromeltar.
  • Prime Kill moves one square forward towards Kizk Kar.
  • Warbird goes towards Ksta Kar forward one square.
  • TF Cassidine arrives in Drammune
  • Theseus Militia arrives in White Light
  • 3 AS 1 FF 1 DD RJ 2 (success) one space from Cassidine
  • 1 FF 1 DD 1 LC RJ2 (success) from Prenglar now 2 spaces to Cassidine
  • TF Prenglar and NOVA arrive in Cassidine.
  • Gruna Garu 2 AS RJ2 (success) 6 to go to Prenglar

Day 4

  • Devastator attacks Terledrom. (target destroyed)
  • Prime Kill attacks Zikit. (target destroyed)
  • Warbird goes towards Ksta Kar forward one square.
  • One Assault Scout (The Gr'zzzt) destroyed. Station Zikit destroyed. One Assault Scout KZMS (Kizk Kar Militia Ship) flees one box towards Kaken Kar.
  • Fromeltar Fleet flees to Groth Armed Station
  • Gruna Garu continues to Prenglar (4 boxes to go)
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Cassidine.
  • TF Cassidine Stays in Drammune.
  • AS G'zzzt moves one box to Kaken Kar. (Now two boxes toward Kaken Kar)
  • TF Prenglar and SF NOVA move to Madderly's Star but detach some ships towards Drammune: 4 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 3 LC, 1 ML go to Drammune (no RJ)
  • That leaves Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They are now one box towards Madderly's Star.

Day 4 Complete

Day 5


  • Devastator stays in Groth - destroying the Terledrom militia and Armed Station
  • Warbird 3 boxes in to Ksta Kar - one box to go
  • Prime Kill stays in Kizk Kar

  • Gruna Garu continues to Prenglar (now 2 boxes away)
  • KZMS Kr'zzt moves one box to Kaken Kar (now 3 boxes in)
  • TF Cassidine stays in Drammune
  • Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They are now two boxes towards Madderly's Star.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Cassidine RJ 2 to Madderly's Star - 1 box to Madderly's
  • 4 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 3 LC, 1 ML go to Drammune (two boxes in now)
Day 5 Complete

Day 6

  • Devastator - Jumps to Dramune (6 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Arrives in K'sta Kar
  • Prime Kill - Jumps to Fromeltar (7 boxes to go)
  • Gruna Garu militia arrives in Prenglar.
  • KZMS Kr'zzt moves one box to Kaken Kar (now 4 boxes in, 4 days to go)
  • TF Cassidine stays in Drammune
  • Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They are now three boxes towards Madderly's Star.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Cassidine to Madderly's Star - 2 boxes in.
  • 4 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 3 LC, 1 ML go to Drammune (three boxes in now - will arrive in Drammune in 2 days)
Warbird destroys K'sta Kar Station

Day 7

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (5 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Lacking the moxie to take on both the Clarion and Minotaur militias simultaneously, Warbird heads toward Kaken-Kar. One box in, 4 days to go.
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (6 boxes to go)
  • KZMS Kr'zzt moves one box to Kaken Kar (now 5 boxes in, 3 days to go)
  • TF Cassidine stays in Drammune
  • Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They are now 4 boxes towards Madderly's Star. They are going to RJ 2 (roll successful - 54 rolled)
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Cassidine to Madderly's Star - 3 boxes in.
  • 4 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 3 LC, 1 ML go to Drammune (4 boxes in now - will arrive in Drammune in 1 day)

Day 8

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (4 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Continiues toward Kaken-Kar (3 boxes to go)
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (5 boxes to go)

  • KZMS Kr'zzt moves one box to Kaken Kar (now 6 boxes in, 2 days to go)
  • TF Cassidine stays in Drammune
  • Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They are now 2 boxes from Madderly's Star. They are RJ2 - will arrive in Madderly's in 1 day.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Cassidine to Madderly's Star - 4 boxes in - going to RJ2 (success - 3 rolled) arrive in Madderly's in 2 days.
  • 4 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 3 LC, 1 ML arrive in Drammune - combine with TF Cassidine.

Day 9

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (3 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Continiues toward Kaken-Kar (2 boxes to go)
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (4 boxes to go)

  • KZMS Kr'zzt moves one box to Kaken Kar (now 7 boxes in, 1 day to go)
  • TF Cassidine stays in Drammune
  • Pren/NOVA with 10 Fighters, 2 Carriers, 4 AS, 1 FF, 1 DD, 3 LC, 2 BB and 1 ML. They arrive in Madderly's Star
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Madderly's Star in 1 day

Day 10

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (2 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Continiues toward Kaken-Kar (arrives tomorrow)
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (3 boxes to go)

  • KZMS Kr'zzt arrives in Kaken Kar
  • TF Prenglar and SF Nova turn around and head back to Cassidine.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC arrive in Madderly's Star.
  • All other ships stay put

Day 11

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (1 boxes to go)
  • Warbird - Arrives in Kaken-Kar - Ready to battle the Militia
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (2 boxes to go)
  • TF Prenglar and SF Nova 2 boxes in to Cassidine.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC turn around and head for Cassidine.
Warbird engages the 3 militia assault scouts and the fortified station in the Kaken'-Kar system destroying all four vessels and losing two fighters. See The Battle of Kaken-Kar for details.

Day 12

  • Devastator - Continues to Dramune (arrive tomorrow)
  • Warbird - Arrives in Kaken-Kar - Remains in system to rearm
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (1 box to go)
  • TF Prenglar and SF Nova 3 boxes in to Cassidine.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC 2 boxes in to Cassidine.
  • All other fleets stay put.

Day 13

  • Devastator - Arrives in Dramune ready to rumble with TF Cassidine and the Militias
  • Warbird - Stays in Kaken-Kar
  • Prime Kill - Continues to Fromeltar (arrives tomorrow)
  • TF Prenglar and SF Nova 4 boxes in to Cassidine - ready to RJ2.
  • 3 AS, 2 FF, 2 DD, 1 LC 3 boxes in to Cassidine.
  • All other fleets stay put.
Major Battle in Drammune!