March 29, 2008 - 2:03pm | Worm Fleet Warbird engages the small rag-tag militia of Kaken Kar and the KZMS K'rrrzt, which escaped the mighty Prime Kill Sathar Fleet. |
![]() March 30, 2008 - 7:46pm | Sathar ships: SAV Hkah`zha (Star of Glory) - Assault Carrier (5514) SAV Kza`sza (Reaper of Death) - Destroyer (5413) SAV Hzka`ssa (Sword of Wrath) - Frigate (5415) SAV Sus`ssa (Bird of Wrath) - Fighter (5312) SAV Sus`sah (Bird of Vengance) - Fighter (5313) SAV Sus`sza (Bird of Death) - Fighter (5314) SAV Sus`shza (Bird of Penance) - Fighter (5315) SAV Sus`shash (Bird of Dominion) - Fighter (5316) (Starting grid positions added in parenthesis) Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() March 30, 2008 - 7:45pm | Okay, I posted a Excel file in the downloads section that has the Sathar ships in their starting position. I placed the planet on there, assuming you want to have the station in the fight. If not just remove it and let me know. There are little icons for your ships and the station at the bottom of the sheet if you want to use them for yourself. I can play tonight (Sunday 3/30) if you are available. Otherwise we can try again later in the week. I'll be on and checking regularly so just ping me if you want to play tonight. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() March 31, 2008 - 7:49am | As the battle is engaged, the Sathar fleet breaks into three groups. The fighters hit their accelerators full throttle with three fighters swinging to the right, two swinging to the left and the capital ships bearing in on the station. The militia assault scouts pounce on the two lone fighters and obliterate them with precison shots from their laser batteries. The Sathar captial ships alter course and head for the militia ships. Defensive fire from the assault scouts score on the Sword of Wrath damaging it for a total of 14 points. The Sword of Wrath unleashes a mostly imputent salvo firing all of its weapons at the KZMS K'rrrzt and only managing to knock out its assault rocket launcher. The Reaper of Death fires it's energy weapons at the KKMS Z'tarr and is more effective damaging it for 14 hull points. Its rocket battery is ineffective against the KZMS K'rrrzt and misses wide. The torpedo, however, scores a direct hit on the KZMS K'Zamm and obliterates it in a cloud of vapor. Both of the Star of Glory's energy weapons go wide and cause no damage. After one and a half rounds the positions are: Planet at AB20 Kaken Kar Fortified Station - AC19 KKMS Assault Scout Z'tarr - AL29, Facing S, speed 10, 1 HP left KKMS Assault Scout K'Zamm - Destroyed KZMS Assault Scount K'rrrzt - AJ28, Facing SE, Speed 10, AR launcher damaged, evading the torpedo that was launched at it. SAV Hkah`zha (Star of Glory) - Assault Carrier - AM22, Facing SW, speed 8 SAV Kza`sza (Reaper of Death) - Destroyer - AL25, Facing S, speed 12, expended 1 T and 1 RB SAV Hzka`ssa (Sword of Wrath) - Frigate - AJ25, Facing S, speed 10, damaged with only 26 HP remaining, expended 1 T and 1 RB SAV Sus`ssa (Bird of Wrath) - Fighter - S9, facing S speed 20 SAV Sus`sah (Bird of Vengance) - Fighter - S10, facing S, speed 20 SAV Sus`sza (Bird of Death) - Fighter - S10, facing S, speed 20 SAV Sus`shza (Bird of Penance) - Fighter - Destroyed SAV Sus`shash (Bird of Dominion) - Fighter - Destroyed It is the UPF's move on round 2. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() March 31, 2008 - 8:54pm | As the remaining Militia ships attempt to flee the battle the Sathar vessels unleash a barage of weapons fire. Frustrated by their laser cannon gunners' inability to hit anything, the commanders of both the Sword of Wrath and Reaper of Death vent the offending gunners to space. Seeing their crew members' fate, the other gunners apply their skill will all diligence. The Sword of Wrath's RB hits the KZMS K'rrrzt doing 13 points of damage. The Star of Glory's PB gets a hit on the same vessel from extreme range and finishes it off. The LB gunner on the Reaper of Death hits the KKMS Z'tarr knocking out half of it's engine capacity. That hit is followed quicky by a hit from the Reaper's EB further reducing the poor assault scouts ADF to 1. Unable to really get away, the AS fires it's LB at the Sword of Wrath and with an inspired shot unleashes a devestating electrical fire on the frigate. It then heads away from the battle in an attempt to escape. The station fires a couple of long range shots at the frigate as well and manages to scratch the paint for another 1 hull point. The fire causes the 'Wrath's maneuvering control to go haywire putting the vessel into an uncontrolled spin. The Reaper pursues the fleeing assault scout who manages to hit the destroyer with it's laser battery for 4 hull points before being obliterated by a devestating 30 point shot (double damage rolled a 15) from the Reaper's laser cannon. Obviously, the new gunner was inspired to do much better than his predicessor. Meanwhile, on the Sword of Wrath,the crew's efforts to quell the fire are unsuccessful and it ranges uncheck for another half hour before they can finally quell the flames. In the mean time it knocks out the frigate's laser battery, all of it's MR and one ADF. With all the ships gone, the Sathar take advantage of the greater range of their laser cannons, electron and proton batteries to destroy the fortified station. So at the end of the battle the Sathar are battered but victorious. The ships are in the following condition: SAV Hkah`zha (Star of Glory) - Assault Carrier - undamaged SAV Kza`sza (Reaper of Death) - Destroyer - 46 HP remaining SAV Hzka`ssa (Sword of Wrath) - Frigate - 25 HP remaining, Navigation hit, 0 MR, 3 ADF, damaged LB SAV Sus`ssa (Bird of Wrath) - Fighter - undamaged SAV Sus`sah (Bird of Vengance) - Fighter - undamaged SAV Sus`sza (Bird of Death) - Fighter - undamaged SAV Sus`shza (Bird of Penance) - Fighter - Destroyed SAV Sus`shash (Bird of Dominion) - Fighter - Destroyed All three militia assault scouts and the fortified station were destroyed. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |