Star Law Department Two (Alternate Canon)

Espionage of the Frontier
Since the Sathar invasion almost two hundreds years ago from the modern day the espionage that the Sathar stirred still continues but less than before. Many of the modern-day problems to the UPF have been break offs of the original Sathar “espionage” movements that teetered the UPF. Now many break offs include mercenary groups, paramilitary groups, rebels, terrorists, and much more. Only one real group has made a defense against the threats to the UPF. This group has been known as the Star Law Rangers or the SLR which have now become a more volunteer military organization. Such an organization has become corrupt and a newer more separated faction of SLR has emerged to battle the corruption and rebellious movements against the UPF.

SLR’s Department 2
Since the beginning of the Sathar wars and their espionage movements to destroy the UPF have been stopped by the SLR. But since the SLR became more of a military organization it has become corrupt. Leaders of the SLR that saw the corruption decided to form and keep secret a more lethal department two. This department has been known as the phantom group. Such a group made it easier to make moves against the espionage groups inside the UPF that in turn made it impossible for anyone to tell what was going to happen.

This began to be the eputation of only five thousand men and women.Recruiting of these individuals is mad simply by kidnapping the people at a young age. With brainwashing techniques the men and women who fight under department two will not turn against their commanders. If hey are told so they will terminate themselves without question. Now those who have witnessed these people in action they could tell you they move in quick precision leave no on alive (which would mean witnesses is a rare and unheard of event). Each member under the SLR department 2 works with some of the best combat equipment known to the UPF...

Continued later (have to find the other psrt of this article)