![]() November 13, 2007 - 9:03pm | Next Game Date: OPEN CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE GAME
![]() November 13, 2007 - 10:20pm | WED is out for me. TUE/THUR good. |
![]() November 13, 2007 - 11:53pm | Wednessday is probably best for me of Tue/Wed/Thu. 2nd & 4th Thursday's are out (1st & 3rd would work, though.) Tuesday's also bad. EDIT: wierd not having any skills.... ;-) |
![]() November 13, 2007 - 11:36pm | Updated Gear List above. pretty simple and streamlined for Basic Rules. Time? 6:00pm pacific? |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 12:28am | No needler, and do have auto pistol / rifle (some diffs from 'basic') what are the expected rules for firing an AutoPistol/rifle aboard ship? Aka, gravity rules, magnetic or velcro boots, or go flying from the recoil? And any way to buy some handcuffs or modern equivalent? Rope? Gotta have rope on an adventure! ;-) ;-) |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 1:01am | what are the expected rules for firing an AutoPistol/rifle aboard ship? Aka, gravity rules, magnetic or velcro boots, or go flying from the recoil? And any way to buy some handcuffs or modern equivalent? Rope? Gotta have rope on an adventure! Character looks good. I suppose I can add rope to the list (the list will expand as the game is played, as more equipment comes into play. Heavy Lasers IR goggles, spacesuits, etc). I ditched the needlers because I added the skeinsuit. Needler can't penetrate a skeinsuit so I swapped them for auto weapons to maintain balance. (I gotta modify the gyrojets now...since they have no PB range I think I'll boost the damage a tad). Basically Speaking...I'm trying to keep everything equivilent despite the few differences (lasers reflected completely by albedo, auto weapons cause more damage as skeinsuits only halve the damage, etc). You'll note all weapon ranges are the same. Pretty much everything in the basic game is resolved with ability checks, so in low/no gravity you will roll against DEX everytime a weapon is fired to keep from spinning away/out of control. Unless of course you employ the spacesuit w/velcro/mag boots as they are made available. Check this out for a character rendition: http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heromachine2/heromachine2.asp Fun toy... |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 1:49am | Got me a picture! ;-) Thanks. Submitted By: jaguar451 on November 14, 2007
Johann Schmidt
![]() Basic InformationRace: HumanGender: MaleAge: 21yearsHandedness: RightHeight: 1.8Weight: 83Ability ScoresSTR/STA: 45/45DEX/RS: 55/55INT/LOG: 68/68PER/LDR: 35/35Initiative Modifier: +6Punching Score: +3Ranged Weapons: 28%Melee Weapons: 27%MovementWalking: 10 m/turn Running: 30 m/turn Hourly: 5 kph Racial Abilitiesnone SkillsPrimary Skill Area: BiosocialBackgroundA former EMT dirtside, got into a bit of trouble, and, well, always did want to see the 'verse.... Currently a Corporal in the Clarion Royal Marines, serving aboard the CMS Falcon (http://starfrontiers.us/node/1926) (For basic game, so no skills. Standard Equipment pack + 2,000cr. Slightly expanded equipment list in game being played.) EquipmentWeapons: To hit (PB/S/M/L/E): 55/45/35/15/-35 (NOTE: no PB for Grenades....)
Note: keeping Electric Sword in the ship.... Ammunition:
910 Credits Game Log Basically speaking, Part 1: 2,000cr Basically speaking, Part 2: 3,000cr + 3XP (applied to INT/LOG) |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 9:49am | Submitted By: Anonymous on November 14, 2007
Slade Lockjaw
![]() Basic InformationRace: HumanGender: MaleAge: 35yearsHandedness: RightHeight: 85Weight: 1.4Ability ScoresSTR/STA: 48/48DEX/RS: 65/65INT/LOG: 50/50PER/LDR: 40/40Initiative Modifier: +7Punching Score: +3Ranged Weapons: 33%Melee Weapons: 32%MovementWalking: 10 m/turn Running: 30 m/turn Hourly: 5 kph Racial Abilitiesnone SkillsPrimary Skill Area: MilitaryBackground"My name? Slade, but you can call me Mr. Lockjaw. My speciality is boarding ships and kick'in your John Brown's all over the space." Slade is tough. Able to hurtle news papers and pencils with incredible speed and accuracy he was once was know on a Dral home-world as "The Pin Cushion". Don't mess with Slade or he'll mess you up. That's why Slade was hired. Big Bad and Get the Job Done Type. EquipmentWeapons:
Part One: Inspection Duty Mission 1: Kidnappers!CREDS: Mission 1: Kidnappers! - 1283 Mission 2: S.O.S. - 3000 Mission 3: The Sting - 0 TOTAL : 2958 EVENTS UNTIL NOWRefer to: Mission 1: Kidnappers! Game Summary 11/15 (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project). Refer to: Mission 2: S.O.S. (game summary 11/29) (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project). Refer to: Mission Three: the Sting (a document page from the Online Star Frontiers Games project). |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 10:42am | Humans get +5 to any single attribute in the Basic game? |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 11:13am | Humans get +5 to any single attribute in the Basic game? Oops. My bad. ![]() |
November 14, 2007 - 2:45pm | All right - I'll throw in... Submitted By: CleanCutRogue on November 14, 2007
Basic InformationRace: VruskGender: MaleAge: 52yearsHandedness: N/AHeight: 1.5m x 1.5mWeight: 83kgAbility ScoresSTR/STA: 45/45DEX/RS: 65/65INT/LOG: 48/48PER/LDR: 50/50Initiative Modifier: +7Punching Score: +3Ranged Weapons: 33%Melee Weapons: 32%MovementWalking: 15 m/turn Running: 35 m/turn Hourly: 6 kph Racial AbilitiesComprehension:15%. Ambidextrous: Can use either hand equally well. SkillsPrimary Skill Area: TechnologicalBackgroundTichat-ka is one strange bug. He only wears black, and thinks he's jinxed if he doesn't. He is riddled with the need to organize everything around him. Despite all this, he's not a control freak. If not allowed to clean or organize, he doesn't demand it he simply acts mousy and uncomfortable in the disorganization. Tichat-ka is quite fond of adventure. To him, seeking out the unknown and understanding it is a form of organizing the universe - something he thinks is quite necessary. Few people understand how Tichat-ka thinks, but few can argue with the results he produces. He's an excellent troubleshooter who seeks out new uses for skills that others wouldn't find uses for. He seems to understand things even when they are impossible to grasp. But when faced with something that is very simple, he tilts his head and clicks his mandibles in consternation - searching for the hidden complexity that he KNOWS is there. Eventually he finds it, or else it bothers him all day. Born on a starship, Tichat-ka isn't sure who his father is. Could be any number of folks. But everyone treated him like a son anyway. He was babied a bit too long, and still looks for the comfort of a maternal figure when he's upset. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Tichat-ka has a number of other strange compulsive needs - but they are impossible to list here. Observing his unusual activities typically clues someone in to the fact that he's a little off. But he's crazy in a way that yields insightful truths and unfathomable theories. He's crazy in a way that people sometimes need to be in order to turn abysmal defeat into surprising victory. Some folks say it's all an act - to make people take pause and reconsider his actions. Some say it's us who apply the theories and results to his odd behavior and are fooled into seeing his insanity as genius. Whatever the case, it's best not to try to change his ways... just make sure your bet is with whatever side includes this odd being. Tichat-ka is one strange bug. EquipmentNOTE: This character was made in accordance with rules provided for the online game found here. Weapons:
2343 Credits 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 3:52pm | Humans get +5 to any single attribute in the Basic game? Not in the basic game. Basic also doesn't mention racial abilities (battle rage, comprehension, lie detection) so it stays balanced. It's really basic...LOL But this game should be equally entertaining, even without the skills and abilities to flesh out a character. I drafted up the story last night and am happy with the way it will coincide with the regular SF/KH:0 module (without actually portraying the same adventures) as well as fitting into a campaign based on the core modules. |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 4:33pm | GAME UPDATE I have printed out the opening synopsis here: http://starfrontiers.us/node/1947 Please read this (and the corresponding "PArt One: Inspection Duty" sublisting there) as we'll be able to jump right into the game without a lengthy introduction (I take a while to type, and that was a lot of typing LOL). |
![]() November 14, 2007 - 9:34pm | I embeded SFKH:0 in the documents. (shhh, don't tell Bill) |
![]() November 15, 2007 - 5:47pm | For those not familiar with the gameroom... http://starfrontiers.us/node/1927 Hit the "Start Playing" tab, opens up a dice roller screen with entry into the chat/gameroom |
![]() November 18, 2007 - 4:17am | --- End Mission Details --- still working on the write up, but here's what you nabbed from the Stothgard: 2 Laser Rifles w/lightly used powerpacks (claimed by Johann & Slade) 2 Albedo Suits (1 dralasite, 3 human, 1 yazirian, 1 vrusk) 4 Skeinsuits (2 dralasite, 1 vrusk, 2 yazirian) 2 Laser Rifles (one fully charged, one w/19ch remaining) 1 Gyrojet Rifle w/9 shots remaining 1 Automatic Rifle (fully loaded) 7 Laser Pistols (5 fully charged, 2 w/19ch remaining) 3 Automatic Pistol (one fully loaded, one half empty, one fullyloaded & jammed) 1 gyrojet pistol (fully loaded) Electric Sword (fully charged) Stunstick (19ch remaining) 27 fully charged powerpacks 6 fully loaded jetclips 12 fully loaded bulletclips 1000Cr bonus to each character in boarding party Any weapons, ammo, or defensive armor not claimed by characters can be sold at Clarion Station's commercial decks to one of the various personal weapons dealers at half value. |
November 18, 2007 - 11:13am | I'd like to cliam an Albedo suit (vruskan, of course) and the Stunstick if nobody else wants it. I already have one stunstick - but the Vrusk likes to put the same weapon in each hand... he just likes the symmetry of it cuz he's weird like that. As far as the rest of the stuff - I'm fine with selling anything nobody else claims and divvying out the Credits. I'll wait to update my character sheet with the albedo suit and stunstick and bonus Credits until you guys state your desires and we sell off remaining loot. 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() November 18, 2007 - 1:53pm | 2 Albedo Suits (1 dralasite, 3 human, 1 yazirian, 1 vrusk) 4 Skeinsuits (2 dralasite, 1 vrusk, 2 yazirian) Is the calculator broken in your chronocom? The totals don't match the details.... I'd like an extra Albeido suit -- I'll keep one in my room (BTW, can I get mine repaired? Took 2 hits (of the 20 supported.) And can PowerPacks be recharged?) I figure spilt the powerpacks (not sure how many can reasonably be carried, but can keep extras in the weapons locker for future use.) I'll keep the Laser Rifle I picked up. 4 bulletclips for me And if no one else wants the Electric Sword.... As we're still recruiting, should we keep a few items for any new recruits? (extra rifle & pistol, for example)? |
![]() November 18, 2007 - 2:50pm | 2 Albedo Suits (1 dralasite, 3 human, 1 yazirian, 1 vrusk) 4 Skeinsuits (2 dralasite, 1 vrusk, 2 yazirian) Is the calculator broken in your chronocom? The totals don't match the details.... As we're still recruiting, should we keep a few items for any new recruits? (extra rifle & pistol, for example)? Oops...I was adding the suits in as I went down the notes I had written for the game. Should read 6 Albedos Suits (same breakdown) and 5 Skeinsuits (same breakdown) BTW...what happened to the edit key? You can also store extra weaponry in the ship's locker as well. |
November 18, 2007 - 6:35pm | BTW...what happened to the edit key? The edit key only works until someone directly replies or quotes your post, then it's uneditable without administrative rights. That prevents people from changing their wording once someone replies to their wording or quotes it. It's a standard feature in the forums module I've used for this site. 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() November 18, 2007 - 8:50pm | 2 Laser Rifles w/lightly used powerpacks (claimed by Johann & Slade) 3 Automatic Pistol (one fully loaded, one half empty, one fullyloaded & jammed) Slade nabs the laser rifle along with an auto pistol, he trades one of his Gyrojet pistol to sell. Ammo nad'd as well |
![]() November 20, 2007 - 8:13pm | Tichat-ka -- want anything, or should we sell the remaining stuff and go shopping? |
![]() November 20, 2007 - 8:52pm | As far as the rest of the stuff - I'm fine with selling anything nobody else claims and divvying out the Credits. I'll wait to update my character sheet with the albedo suit and stunstick and bonus Credits until you guys state your desires and we sell off remaining loot. |
![]() November 20, 2007 - 10:49pm | Ah, ok, so I guess one of us need to compute the sale price and divy the funds? |
![]() November 20, 2007 - 11:29pm | Ah, ok, so I guess one of us need to compute the sale price and divy the funds? SS's jorb. He be the REF! Arrrrrrrr. I be div'in up the funds by thundar! |
![]() November 21, 2007 - 12:29pm | Any reserves for the ship's weapons locker? (Doc Fishbone is entering in with a "lightly equipped" character, although the Marines may mandate that he sell his Streel hovercycle thus giving him some spending capital). |
![]() November 21, 2007 - 1:36pm | 1 Laser Rifle 1 Auto Rifle 1 Laser Pistol 1 Auto Pistol Maybe: 1 Albedo Suits (human) 1 Skeinsuits (dralasite) (Any skuttlebut on the race of the newby.) |
![]() November 21, 2007 - 4:15pm | (Any skuttlebut on the race of the newby.) Nothing official from Doc, but this went up recently: http://starfrontiers.us/node/2013 |
![]() November 27, 2007 - 6:51am | UPDATE Doc Fishbone and Shing have both submitted characters and will enter the game for the next mission. Gergmaster has requested participation but will need to submit a character. Click here to see the current line-up: http://starfrontiers.us/node/1927 Also, please read the intro to Mission:2 before we commence Thursday evening --- http://starfrontiers.us/node/1964 If my calculations are correct...the following will be sold for cash (based on what was claimed in posts above and the ship's locker contents added) 3 Albedo Suits (1 dralasite, 1 human, 1 yazirian) 5 Skeinsuits (2 dralasite, 1 vrusk, 2 yazirian) 1 Gyrojet Rifle w/9 shots remaining 6 Laser Pistols (5 fully charged, 2 w/19ch remaining) 2 Automatic Pistol ( one half empty, one fullyloaded & jammed) 2 gyrojet pistol (fully loaded) 27 fully charged powerpacks 2 fully loaded jetclips 12 fully loaded bulletclips Selling all the weaponry and armor at 50% list price (you might want to keep the ammo in the ship's locker...you can never ahve too much) nets 3850Cr or 1283Cr each between T'chat-Ka, Johann, and Slade. To answer prior questions --- armor can not be repaired and powerpacks can not be recharged. Johann, Slade, & T'chat-Ka have been promoted to the rank of Corporal following the most recent mission. I should probably add that to the synopsis... |
November 27, 2007 - 10:12am | Probably written somewhere - I just can't find it :( But did we earn XP? I'm updating my character sheet to include the stunstick, the albedo suit (which my character would find disdainful because it's not black - it's al silvery whitish... but to save his life he'll wear it if he must), and the 1283 Credits. The only thing I'm not sure about is the XP 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() November 27, 2007 - 7:48pm | Ah, yes, keep the ammo. Ammo good. (PS from way up top, I had the following, which I should have repeated in my mention of the weapons locker: "I figure spilt the powerpacks (not sure how many can reasonably be
carried, but can keep extras in the weapons locker for future use.)") Welcome Doc & Shing! Looking forward to Thursday night! As for the XP thing, as we're playing basic rules, no skills, so are there really XP needed? I suppose can use to increase attributes..... So, that 1,000cr bonus, plus 1,283cr selling gear, so 2,283cr for shopping. Cool! |