Book 1 - The Core Four & the Founding of the Frontier
410 PF -129 PF
> First Vrusk/Dralasite Contact: 410 PF
> A Vruskan exploration vessel discovers a vintage chemical driven transport filled with frozen storage berths containing hundreds of humans in what will later become dubbed as the Theseus system, this first contact occurs in 350PF. Humans colonize planet Minotaur immediately.
> Having reverse engineering & developing ion drives, humans discover the White Light system in 346PF Leotus Valentine is elected as ruler of planet Gollywog, and a century passes under Leotine rule before the citizens rename the planet "Clarion"...however the name Gollywog remains throughout the Frontier sector as an insult to the swampy back water world and many navigators continue to refer to it as such.
> Fromeltar founded by Dralasites: 302 PF
> Dralasites, Vrusks, & Humans meet for the first time in the Cassidine system in 300PF, planet Triad is established as the first colony for all three races that same year. The "Cassidine Development Company" (CaDCo) is founded and becomes the first multi-species business venture. CADCO eventually grows into a megacorporation two centuries later and changes their name to Cassidine Development Corporation.
> The "Frontier" is founded, Yazirians enter the Frontier: 270 PF
> Gran Quivera discovered: 260 PF
> Pirates are encountered in various sectors thus uniting all four against a common threat: 256 PF - 248 PF
> Pan Galactic Conglomerates founded: 230 PF
> Dixon's Star discovered by Humans: 220 PF
> Madderly's Star discovered by joint venture of Vrusks & Humans in 210 PF. Having discovered the vrusk knew of the existence of both humans and dralasites for 50 years and not sharing that info with the other two races, the humans created the Freeworld Rebellion five years later which results in defeating the vrusk and establishing Kdikit as a human world.
> Pale discovered in Truane's Star in 200 PF, New Pale is discovered in the following year. Streele; Inc. is founded in 96 PF
> Dramune is discovered by Dralasites in 170 PF, Inner & Outer Reach are settled afterwards.
> Athor is discovered by the Yazirians in 168 PF
> K'tsa-Kar discovered by the Vrusks: 161 PF
> K'aken-Kar discovered by the Vrusks: 156 PF
> Gruna Garu discovered by Yazirians: 155 PF
> Timeon is discovered by Humans in 152 PF
> Pan Galactic Conglomerates establishes a universal language for all four races in 150 PF
> Kizk-Kar is discovered by Vrusks in 146 PF
> Araks is discovered by Yazirians in 129 PF
Specified & unspecified dates via AD/KH canon resources
? PF: Near the center of a great spiral galaxy, where stars are much closer together than Earth's sun and its neighbors, a Human race developed. They were not identical to the Humans of Earth, but they were not very different, either.
? PF: Vrusk had developed limited space travel decades before Human contact.
? PF: One of the Vrusks' mining colonies had already contacted another race, the shape changing Dralasites. The two races had been exchanging information for several years.
? PF: When these Humans discovered that waves of subspace pi-tachyon particles could cross interstellar space faster than light, they realized they had found a link to the star. A radio message that would have taken years to travel between stars could be sent with subspace communicators in months or even weeks. The Humans started broadcasting news of themselves to the neighboring stars, and found they were not alone.
? PF The Humans made contact with an inventive race of insect like creatures called Vrusk.
? PF: The Vrusk and Dralasites were pleased to learn of another race. They sent a wealth of scientific information to the Humans.
? PF: Using this new knowledge, the industrious Humans quickly developed interstellar spaceships.
? PF: The three races met in a large area of space known as the Frontier.
302 PF Dramune is colonizied by Dralasites, whose race expanded from Fromeltar.
? PF: There they also discovered the Yazirians, a race of tall, maned humanoids.
? PF: Soon, settled worlds in the Frontier became melting pots for the four race, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien cultures.
? PF: To supply the needs of these worlds, the first interstellar company, the Pan-Galactic Corporation, was formed. It developed interests everywhere, from scientific research to farming to spaceship building.
? PF: PGC even created its own language, Pan-Galactic, which soon became the most common language of all races on the Frontier worlds.
Book 2 - Rise of the Mega-Corps
105 PF - 95 PF
--- Introduction ---
Truane's Star, discovered and colonized in 200 PF, has flourished in the past century. Pale and New Pale are both lightly populated worlds, the former being an industrial world and the latter an agricultural one. Streele, Incorporated (which later drops the last 'e' prior to becoming a mega-corp) has offices on both worlds, with Pale being their home office. Jonathan Streele III, whose grandfather founded the company under morally strong business ethics shortly after Pale was colonized, resides as current CEO. That business model seems to have worked rather well, seeing as Streele, Inc. also owns the spaceship construction center orbitting Pale which is capable of producing ion driven starships but for the most part is entrusted to build the system ships in use within Truane's Star. An armed space station also orbits Pale, recently constructed and commissioned, capable of berthing craft up to HS:14 in size (Station Size: 3). New Pale has a docking station capable of supporting craft up to HS:10 (Station Size: 2).
By 100 PF (the year these adventures would take place), mining has become the #1 business, exploiting the other 13 uninhabitable worlds (including the gas giant Cygnus Omicron taking the outermost orbit, an invaluable source of fuel-based elements), various moons, and the asteroid belt for precious minerals. The two worlds trade peacefully, agro goods from New Pale for industrial products via Pale, but minerals are needed to support Pale's industrial production more than anything as they have yet to tap their own resources per local government regulation.
To this end, a Mining Guild has been established, with offices onboard orbital stations on both worlds. This Mining Guild is overseen by Pan Galactic Conglomerates, a large business that is poised to become the first "Mega-Corporation" (which actually happens by pf37). The Guild charges a flat rate of 5000Cr per officer grade or 25,000Cr per vessel, whichever is greater, for annual dues. In addition they recieve 5% of the sale of ore to Pale's industrial complexes. It is deemed fair, but there are those that believe otherwise...
As such, the Guild has influence over local militia craft from both worlds (who perform inspections on inbound cargo and may alert the Guild of non-guild members attempting to deliver ore). The Guild keeps a generous fleet of armed civilian craft on hand in order to "influence" membership. Still, there have been numerous blockade runners that have successfully transported ores to Pale's station or surface, albeit at the cost of bounties offered by the Mining Guild for preventing future occurances. As such, several piracy factions exist and have been ransacking shipments in order to deliver them in their own transport vessels under the guise of legitimate Guild memberships. Suffice it to say, Streele, Inc. has publicly decried the Mining Guild as a menace to peace and prosperity within Truane's Star.
This tension between Streele's production facilities and the Mining Guild opens the doors to many scenarios of oppostion, both on the ground and in deep space (this also defines future tensions between these two future mega-corp rivals). Jonathan Streele III has only recently assumed the helm of Streele, Inc. and continues to run the business under the successful model that his forefathers have instilled, but the pressure applied by the Mining Guild could be enough to tip Streele's hand with creative yet shrewd attempts at dodging the Guild's efforts.
While the discovery of ion drives and void travel is an older one, atomic drive technology is still a long ways off and despite the possiblity of outer system vessel encounters (as well as non-human core four races present), Truane's Star is isolated enough to allow for many "homegrown" scenarios that are predominantly human in nature. That is not to say a Dralasite, Vrusk, or Yazirian character can't be incorporated...but those three can expect moderate to severe racial tensions amongst the human settlers in Truane's Star, who have grown accustomed to the quiet life in the far reaches of the Frontier.
More so when you consider that the discovery of Dixon's Star predates Truane's by a mere twenty years, and after all this time Laco is still an outpost world. With Truane's Star nestled deep in the pocket of the Xagyg Dust Nebula (Zebulon has yet to be discovered), this affords the citizens of Pale and New Pale a large degree of isolation which was initially welcomed, but has now proven to be their undoing.
Frontier Map (as of 100 PF)
System/Planet | Colonizers | Population | Gravity | Moons | Day | Star |
Araks, Hentz | Y | LI | 0.7 | 0 | 25 | yellow |
Athor, Yast | Y | LA | 1.0 | 2 | 15 | orange |
Cassidine, Rupert's Hole | H | MIA | 0.9 | 0 | 20 | orange-yellow |
Triad | * | MI | 1.1 | 1 | 30 | |
Dixon's Star, Laco | n/a | O(E) | 1.4 | 1 | 60 | green-yellow |
Dramune, Inner Reach | D | LAI | 0.8 | 1 | 20 | orange-yellow |
Outer Reach | D | O(IR) | 1.0 | 5 | 35 | |
Fromeltar, Groth | D | LA | 1.2 | 0 | 45 | yellow |
Terledrom | D | MI | 1.0 | 3 | 60 | |
Gruna Garu, Hargut | Y | LR | 1.1 | 1 | 20 | yellow |
K'aken-Kar, Ken'zah-Kit | V | LA | 0.9 | 0 | 25 | red-orange |
Kizk'-Kar, Zik-Kit | V | LIR | 1.0 | 0 | 65 | yellow |
K'tsa-Kar, Kawdl-Kit | V | LE | 0.7 | 0 | 30 | yellow-orange |
Madderly's Star, Kdikit | H | LIA | 1.0 | 5 | 30 | yellow-green |
Prenglar, Gran Quivera | * | HI | 1.0 | 0 | 15 | yellow |
Theseus, Minotaur | H | MI | 1.2 | 0 | 15 | yellow-orange |
Timeon, Lossend | H | O(RI) | 0.7 | 0 | 70 | green-yellow |
Truane's Star, Pale | *(H) | MIR | 0.9 | 3 | 55 | orange-yellow |
New Pale | H | LA | 1.4 | 0 | 20 | |
White Light, H MR 1.0 0 50 red-orange
ClarionPale's colonizers are predominantly human but due to profitable business operations, many Dralasites, Vrusks, and Yazirians are migrating towards this corner of the Frontier.
Note that as of pf:100 the systems of Scree-Fron and Zebulon had yet to be discovered. Populations aren't as large as AD or Zebulon's Guide listings either, as the Frontier continues to expand...

100 PF Era Space Ships
This document contains KH specs for 100 PF era ships, both system ships and star ships. Note that atomic drives are still in the research stages and as such will not become available for quite some time.
Ships listed in the
project that are applicable to this era include the following:Aquilian StarlingCourier*C-37 Courier*Fair Trader/Fast Trader*
Plot Hooks
Despite the pocket-kingdom nature of Truane's Star, not all is happily ever after in this system. At 100 years of age, Truane has not completely matured as an interstellar society (even though a vast majority of its citizens have migrated here from other worlds, with just under half of the current generation being home grown).
Streele, Incorporated is a young fledgling company that has just entered its third generation of business ownership. Jonathan Streele III is acting CEO with his father "Johnny Junior" still residing on the board as a consultant. Grandfather John Streele (Sr.) is alive and well, enjoying his retirement years in luxury having formed this thriving business and enabling its growth.
Below you will find some of the more common plot hooks to create adventures around.
1> Streele, Incorporated
Streele, Incorporated (Streele, Inc. or SI for short) has been in business for just over 90 years, starting off as a small operation on Pale and expanding rapidly into other worlds. Currently they have offices on both Pale & New Pale as well as Gollywog, Gran Quivera, Hentz, Ken'zah-Kit, Laco, Lossend, Minotaur, Terledrom, Triad, and Yast (not to mention most orbital stations around the Frontier). Only Pan Galactic Conglomerates has them beaat, with an office on every world larger than an outpost. In that regard, only SI has interests on the two outpost worlds (Laco and Lossend), but rest assured PGC has eyes on both worlds.
Within Truane's Star, Streele Incorporated is it. There is no other business with a stronger foothold. Pan Galactic has established a Mining Guild to regulate the major trade within the system, but their fledgling offices on Pale & New Pale are, well...quite "pale" by comparison. Despite this, PGC has established themselves as a corporate antagonist to Streele in their home territory.
Three generations worth of Streeles have led the company this far, although John III finds himself in the precarious position of contemplating shrewd practices to stay ahead of the threat that PGC has positioned in their back yard.

Jonathan Streele III has recently assumed the mantle of corporate executive officer over Streele, Incorporated. His grandfather founded the business under morally strong business ethics just over 90 years ago following the initial colonizing of Pale. That business model seems to have worked rather well, seeing as Streele, Inc. eventually expanded with offices in New Pale and also owns the spaceship construction center orbitting Pale which is capable of producing ion driven starships (but for the most part is entrusted to build the system ships in use within Truane's Star).
Growing up under a large corporate business afforded a well rounded education for John. He adapted to the technological field quickly, but also studied under private security forces and developed a high degree of self defense, attaining near-master status in martial arts and hand to hand combat. Pity the street thug who tries to mug him!
Mining has become the most profitable business venture in Truane's Star, supporting Pale's industrial factories which enables efficient trade with New Pale's abundant agricultural resources. However, the establishment of a Mining Guild in recent years has become a slight deterrant to Pale's industrial complexes, as miners have begun to charge more for their ores due to membership fees. More expensive resources translates to more expensive industrial goods which translates to more expensive agricultural goods.
The Guild maintains a fleet of patrol craft to enforce member dues, and their influence has been known to affect local militias of both worlds. The Guild has offices aboard both orbital stations and answers to Pan Galactic Conglomerates, who foversees the project. John has recently issued a press statement by publicly defining the Mining Guild as a menace to peace and prosperity within Truane's Star.
John continues to run Streele, Inc. under the successful model that his forefathers have instilled, but the pressure applied by the Mining Guild could be enough to tip Streele's hand with creative yet shrewd attempts at dodging the Guild's efforts.
If you have a problem with the taxation from PGC, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire on with the SI team.
2> Pan Galactic Conglomerates
Pan Galactic has established a stranglehold on their rival in their homeworlds va teh establishment of a Mining Guild. With the discovery, refining, and transport of minerals being the chief source of income in the system, regulating the activity seemed to be the best bet to down play the up and coming business. Unfortunately for Streele,'s working. While the civilians subject to such regulation don't mind the small fees and tariffs, it forces a higher resale value unto the factories on Pale that need these valuable minerals for industry and production.
While PGC retains an overall image of being the "good guys", the captains of industry are quick to pronounce them as otherwise.
3> Mining: The Heart of All Operations
Anyone opting for this field ill have no trouble finding work. Solid income is practically a guarantee, what with the demand for resources that gets all trade moving in Truane's Star. Whether you're a ship captain or a lowly excavator, you will make aliving in this field. Of course, you'll be approached by representatives of the Mining Guild...ensuring that your dues are paid up and that your tariff is being met with each sale of your goods. Most miners pay little mind to the Guild, they tend to be quite content since they're at the root of the business model and have guaranteed work so the fees are more than reasonable.
4> Independent Haulers
This field is also not readily on the books, mostly because anyone in this profession simply refuses to pay the dues thus getting entered into such books. The independent haulers dodge the Mining Guild and risk life & limb to ferry their loads to the trading centers in need of their cargo. Smuggling, forgery, blockade running, cons...these are the trades you'll need to master if you wish to make a go of it in this field. If you can manage it, then you stand to make a better profit with your unregulated & untaxed loads. One thing is for sure, you need to be faster and more maneuverable than the Mining Guild and local militia vessels that are hot on your tail. You'll need excessive modifications to your ship and you'd better have it in top working order, because the eager recipients are waiting with cash in hand for what you're carrying.
Naturally this field can also be explored by those few wildcats that own a mining operation wishing to operate outside the jurisdiction of the Mining Guild. The same rules apply, you really need to know the ins-&-outs of avoiding the GUild representatives.
5> Enforcers
Mercenaries, men-at-arms, soldiers of fortune, private security...there are dozens of names for this profession but they all do the same thing: protect their employer's interests. Streele and PGC pump a lot of credits into this field to ensure their individual concepts of "business as usual." There is no need for loyalty here, your only allegiance here will be your paycheck. If you have any inkling of value or moral toward one side or the other, you'd best be sure to be working for that particular side.
6> Pirates & Privateers
Part A --- Privateers While completely legal, both Streele and the local governments on both worlds in Truane's Star have soiled their hands by effectively commissioning what could only be described otherwise as piracy. The officers entrusted with such contract have been given explicit instructions to leave any local TS vessel or business alone, any other incoming traffic is fair game. After all, the Mining Guild only taxes the locals, visiting merchants (particularly those under PGC contracts) are immune to the Guild.
As such any civilian ship owner who has grown tired of the taxation by the Mining Guild can find work with the governments of Pale or New pale, sanctioned of course by Streele, Incorporated. Tackling inbound craft and relieving them of their merchandise is a profitable business, more so when the bounty hails from any PGC craft...bonuses have been offered for such "acquired" merchandise.
Part B --- Pirates The down side to this, of course, is the romantic attraction to full fledged piracy. While the occasional freebooter can be encountered within Truane's Star, ultimately they are snatched up by one of the two pirate factions battling for this ripe territory: the Star Demons and the Lonely Knights. Of those two, the Demons are the dominant presence insystem, under the leadership of Lucifer "the Star Devil" Yurak. Not much is known concerning Lucifer, although reports have him aged somewhere between 70-90 years and augmented with bionic hardware and wetware alike to help stave off the effects of age. Members of his organization are readily recognized by a tatoo or arm patch featuring a red demon holding a pitchfork..some of which are also sporting rockers or banners above and/or below. While there has not been an established pattern to the rockers and banners, it has been theorized as signifying rank or seniority.
The other faction, the Lonely Knights, are a bit more "agreeable". While the Demons willingly attack any and all craft they encounter, the Knights live by the basic code of "leave the locals alone." Basically speaking, the Knights have gone from privateers that were rewarded for their obtained cargoes to getting full market value for the offworlder loads instead. While the planetary governments frown on this, at the same time it keeps the Guild at bay. While the traders willing to deal with pirates tend to low-ball the loads being offered by the Demons, they willingly pay fair market value to the Knights. Little is known about the leadership within the Knights, however one of their members has recently signed on as a privateer, being a former hot shot fighter jockey serving under the Lonely Knights and hired muscle under PGC prior to arriving in Truane's Star...Robert "Razor" Kitridger has just consigned a government sponsored vessel that recently began construction. He has spent some quality time behind closed doors at SI and government offices alike.
If the pirate's life is for you, you'll have little trouble earning a living with any of those three outfits.
Arrr! The Star Demons be Scuttlin'...
What happens when former members of the most notorious hovercycle club learn the art of spacing? They don't become law abiding spacers, that's for sure. While it is not publicly known who founded the group, one man has quickly risen through the ranks to lead them:
Lucifer "Star Devil" Yurak. While most prospective recruits can find work aboard their craft, if you want to command one you need to acquire it all on your own...and purchasing simply takes too long.You will also need to know how to retain command as well, because you aren't the only one interested in calling the shots.
Privateer Captain in Need of a Crew
Captain John Knightrazor (formerly Robert "Razor" Kitridger) has just commissioned a brand new light system transport design from Streele, Incorporated's para-military division.
The SS Aquilian Starling is a light freighter purpose built system ship intended to serve as a licensed privateer under Pale's government, intended to wreak some havoc against Pan Galactic Conglomerate and their Mining Guild.
Captain John is a former pirate who served as a fighter jockey under the Lonely Knights faction. He will not discuss this with his potential crew members, at least not right away...there are several reasons he opted for a legal name change with his new career.
Suffice it to say the new ship is a drastic change in pace. A pair of laser batteries offer a long range 360º punch that he didn't enjoy with the limited shorter range forward weaponry of a fighter. As such a pair of decent gunners will be a vital addition to the crew, and some technical know-how will also be a boon to keep the vessel running properly.
Aquilian Starling
Privateer (pf:100 system ship, owned by Robert Kitridger)
HS:4 HP:24 Powerplant: 3 SC Chemical A
ADF:4 MR:4 DCR:25 Crew: 3-8
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Radar, Intercom, WNB
Misc Equipment: Streamlined, Light Armor, Back-up LS unit, Mk-X5 fuel tankage
COMPUTER ( LVL:6 fp:237 Mass/SP:1000kg/600 )
Alarm (3) 8
Analysis (3) 8
Astrogation (2) 8
Bureaucracy (3) 12
Commerce (1) 4
Communication (1) 4
Computer Lockout (5) 32
Computer Security (4) 24
Damage Control (3) 12
Drive - Chem A (1) 4
Industry (1) 4
Information Storage (1) 3
Installation Security (5) 64
Laser Battery x2 (1) 2 x 5
Life Support cap:8, x2 (1) 2 x 2
Maintenance (3) 12
Robot Management (4) 24
Cargo Capacity: 2 (Main:1.25, Forward: 0.25, Aft: 0.5)
Crew Accomodations: 3 bunk cabin, double suite
Passenger Accomodations: 0
Ship's Vehicles: AWD Ground Car, Ground Cycle
Fuel: 180u S-Ox ( +3 x 12u ExTanks)
Max Safe Velocity: 30 (+6)
The MAIN DECK features a two person helm, 6 person bunk barrack, two person suite, all adjacent to the crew lounge/computer which doubles as the forward hold. A ladderwell runs up to the dorsal gun and down to the main hold & ventral gun. A fresher fills the gap behind the bridge accesway and a shower unit flanks the ladderwell. Fore of the crew lounge are the forward "mandibles" featuring most of the avionics, communication, sensors, and electronics. Aft of the crew lounge is the engine room, with RCS thruster banks, generator & power relay station, life support equipment (including water tank and purification plant) and work stations. Starboard of the lounge is the cargo loading dock and boarding ramp, along with a defensive anti-personnel gun. The aft hold is adjacent to the loading dock.

LOWER DECK is comprised of the main hold w/loading ramp and access to the landing gear. To port is a computer maintenance shaft that connects the main computer to the helm. Below the Main Hold is the ventral gun position.
A cross sectionof the ladderwell details the deck arrangement. Note the gunnery positions boast lower cielings, minimizing aerodynamic drag and producing only mild comfort issues when not seated at the command chair.
Revised Equipment Lists
Many items from the standard game were significantly different 100 years before the founding of the UPF. These items have been reclassified to match earlier technology as it might have been in this period. Some items have yet to be invented. Some are in the prototype stage, and others have been recently released.
The breakdowns below detail the specifications of computers, robots, weapons and body armor, standard equipment, and spaceship equipment. Aside from new specifications, normal AD & KH rules still apply except where noted.
Also note that all specs and prices given are according to Pale/New Pale technology and economics, as unified under Streel Incorporated. Mining Guild/PGC equipment will vary from these lists.
KH Equipment Specs
This section will define various spaceship equipment and rulings specific for this time period, as specified by the Streel, Inc. owned starship construction center located orbiting Pale (considered as a Class:III SCC).
Detailed here will be drives, weapons & defenses, and miscellaneous equipment. Related KH computer programs are covered in the COMPUTER section found one page back.
Drive Systems
Two types of propulsion are available during this era: chemical rocket drives for system ships and ion drives for starships. As of 100 PF atomic drives are merely in the reasearch phase and will not be made available to the public for at least another few decades.
Chemical Drives
Chemical drives burn solid oxygen, available at any docking station or SCC at the cost of 5Cr per unit. Fuel cost is doubled when taking off from a planetary atmosphere (based on stock fuel capacity only), and external tanks must be purchased for such duty. One external tank is required per drive in order to double the fuel capacity, price of the external tank is 250Cr per unit plus fuel. Tanks can be retained and refilled rather than disposed with no penalty, or removed and stored once docked at a space station. Note that when taking off from a planet, the entire external fuel supply is utilized in order to reach orbit (speed:0 hex/turn) and then the main supply is used for space travel.
As such, a ship equipped with chemical drives will have a maximum safe velocity, which can be calculated by figuring half the fuel capacity allocated per drive divided by the fuel consumption rate. This figure represents the number of 10,000km hexes the ship may travel per turn when using the fold out map from the KH boxed set. Note that if a ship accelarates beyond this maximum safe velocity, it will not have enough fuel to decelerate at its destination.
MSV = ½fuel capacity / FCR
Internal fuel capacity can be upgraded up to ten times times in sequence, doubling the cost for each consecutive upgrade. The first time costs 1,000Cr and doubles the original fuel capacity per drive, the second costs 2,000 credits and triples the original capacity, the third upgrade is 4,000 credits and quadruples the original capacity. 8,000cr gets you quintuple the capacity, and 16K credits sextuples the capaicty. 32Kcr nets you septuple capacity, 64Kcr octuples capacity, and 128Kcr nonuples the capacity. 256 gets you the maximum decuple (10X) capacity.
Thus, it would cost 15K credits to quinuple the original capacity (five times the capacity). Note that it gets quite expensive at the higher capacities, high velocity comes with a price. External tankage can not be increased, as this is solely for lifting off from an atmosphere. However, ships launching from an orbital station may factor the external tankage into their MSV. It should be noted that anything five times or more will start chewing into cargo and passenger capacity.
Note that the ADF for a ship equipped with the specifed amount and size drives will be 1. This can be increased by a factor of 1 by doubling the number of drives when applicable (no more than eight drives of any type are permitted, so in cases where doubling the number of drives exceeds eight this increase is not possible), which increases fuel capacity and consumption. Also, supercharged chemical drives have been recently made available which increase ADF by a factor of 1, which can be consecutively figured in (re: a ship that requires two A drives can have four SC drives with an ADF of 3). SC Chemical drives are only available through a military contractor and are double the standard price. Note that doubling the number of drives can only be performed once for increased acceleration by a civilian contractor, further doubling will have no effect unless performed by a military contractor. Again total number of drives must be observed for such increases. Due to the high cost of these perfromacne modifications, unless the players are operating under a corporate or military contract, for the most part any chemical thruster powered civilian vessel will have the standard allotment of drives and corresponding ADF of 1. These game mechanics have been introduced to depict what is possible in the absence of atomic drives rather than what is probable for common use.
Also noteworthy is the deck arrangement of system ships. Streamlined craft (available for system ships up to HS:5) will typically have their decks parallel to the main axis so as to permit movement when on the surface. Larger craft will typically (but not always) have the decks arranged perpendicular to the main axis. The bulk of a system ship's travel time will be spent coasting at zero G, as it will spend less time accelerating to the maximum safe velocity (or any other desired travel speed) than it will coasting along to its destination. Larger craft boasting higher fuel capacities will spend a little more time accelerating than their smaller counterparts, and as such at ADF:1 the crew can travel about the craft under such conditions...but once the desired travel speed is reached it will spend the bulk of the trip in zero G coasting.
Also note that if a ship accelerates past 200 hexes per turn, it will enter the void...but this is unlikely to happen on system ship designs considering the enormous fuel capacities and consumption rates. However, assuming if those prohibitive fuel capacity modifications
could be made (remember, it would need fuel to decelerate on the other end), it would possible to convert a system ship into a starship. Realize this is merely a theory, not a rule. Also note that even if the theory could be realized, it is much more cost efficient to use the Ion drives for such duty.
EngineSize | Fuel Capacity | Fuel Consumption Rate | Cost* |
A | 12u x HS per drive | 1u per ADF point expended per drive | 25,000Cr |
B | 24u x HS per drive | 2u per ADF point expended per drive | 50,000Cr |
C | 48u x HS per drive | 4u per ADF point expended per drive | 100,000Cr |
price is the same regardless of SCC sizeIon DrivesIon drives burn liquid hydrogen (aka L-Hyd), available at any docking station or SCC at the cost of 5Cr per unit. However, an ion drive can burn pretty much any other fuel source incurring a penalty of ½ the base ADF (under most conditions, that translates to accelerating by one hex every other turn unless performance has been modified).
All Ion drives burn L-Hyd at a rate of one unit per ADF point expended. Thus, an interstellar trip would take a minimum of 402 units to complete: accelerating up to the sub-jump velocity of 200 hexes/turn, nudging the craft into the void by accelerating once more, followed by void exit decelration of one, and then resuming normal deceleration of 200 hexes thus coming to a complete stop.
Prototype ion drives are in the works that can scatter the ion field around the ship's entire hull rather than directing it aft as thrust, creating a radar jamming window. However, this hasn't been made available to the public yet as it is still in the experimental stage, there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out. Like the chemical drives, these game mechanics illustrate what is possible rather than no way should a party have access to the modified "window" ion drives.
Engine Size | Fuel Capacity | SCC:I price | SCC:II price | SCC:III price |
A | 1,000u | 50,000Cr | 75,000Cr | 100,000Cr* |
B | 2,500u | 75,000Cr | 100,000Cr | n/a |
C | 5,000u | 100,000Cr | n/a | n/a |
applicable only to Streel, Inc. owned/produced vessels, treat as n/a for any other application
Weapons & Defenses
There are five basic weapon systems currently in production: laser cannons, omni-directional lasers, rockets, striker missiles, and torpedoes. Rockets and striker missiles can be fired from fixed mounts or omni-directional systems. Torpedoes are relatively new and utilize homing technology and should not be made available to civilians.
Computer programs are detailed in the COMPUTERS section, and are only listed here as some systems use a variation of the program.
Weapon | Range | Damage | Restrictions | DTM | Combat Table Equivilent | MHS | program | size, m3 | Price |
Forward Firing Rocket Launchers | 3 | 2d10 | FF, MPO, LTD | -10 | AR* | 1 | FFR (1) | 10 | 10,000Cr |
Laser Cannon (MK 1) | 4 | 1d10 | FF, RD | 0 | LC | 1 | LC (1) | 25 | 3,500Cr |
Laser Cannon (MK 2) | 6 | 1d10 +5 | FF, RD | 0 | LC | 5 | LC (2) | 50 | 7,500Cr |
Laser Cannon (MK 3) | 9 | 2d10 | FF, RD | 0 | LC | 10 | LC (3) | 70 | 15,000Cr |
Laser Turret | 4 | 1d5 | FF, RD | 0 | LB | 2 | LB (1) | 25 | 4,000Cr |
Laser Battery | 8 | 1d10 | FF, RD | 0 | LB | 4 | LB (2) | 30 | 5,000Cr |
Rocket Battery | 3 | 2d10 | LTD | -10 | RB | 5 | RB (2) | 40 | 10,000Cr |
Striker Missile Rack | 4 | 1d10 +2 | FF, MPO, LTD | -20 | AR | 1 | SM (1) | 5 | 5,000Cr |
Torpedo | 4 | 3d10 | MPO, LTD | -20 | T | 5 | T (1) | 80 | 20,000Cr |
Warhead Launcher Turret | 4 | SM | MPO, LTD | -10 | AR | 4 | WL (2) | 30 | 10,000Cr |
no head-on bonus
AmmunitionProjectile | Size, m3 | Cost |
Rocket Salvo | 10 | 2,500Cr |
Striker Missile | 5 | 2,500Cr |
Torpedo | 25 | 10,000Cr |
Rocket Salvos may be loaded into either FFR launchers or Rocket Batteries, Striker Missiles may be affixed to SM racks (2 per rack) or Warhead Launcher Turrets (up to six per turret).
DEFENSIVE SYSTEMSDefense | protects against | MHS | size, m3 | Price | program |
Reflective Hull | Lasers | 1 | n/a | 300Cr x HS | -- |
Masking Screen | Lasers | 4 | 15 | 5,000Cr | -- |
ICM Launcher* | Projectiles | 5 | 15 | 10,000Cr | ICM (3) |
An ICM launcher holds up to two missilesDefensive System Consumables
Item | size, m3 | Price |
MS charge (water) | 25 | varies |
Interceptor Missile | 5 | 1,000Cr |
Computers in 100 PF weren't as powerful as the modern day versions in the Alpha Dawn/Knight Hawks rules. The mainframes were larger in size and had smaller memories, and programs took up more memory space.
As such, it is very easy to max out a mainframe computer when creating the specifications compared to normal modern day grade stats. Because of this, multiple linked mainframes may become neccesary to accomplish what a single modern mainframe would normally do. In order to interlink multiple computers, a Bureaucracy program will be needed at a level equal to the number of computers linked (of course if a higher level Bureaucracy program is called for to link several programs, the higher level program will apply). If more than six computers are needed, a second program must be added after the level 6 program is utilized (re: you must have a LVL:6 program and a new program for additional mainframes, rather than using a level 4 and a level 3 program). The Bureacracy program must be loaded into each mainframe that will be linked, hence if two mainframes are linked each must have an individual LVL:2 Bureaucracy program loaded.
LEVEL | function points | Mass(kg)/SP |
1 | 1-7 | 5/2 |
2 | 8-15 | 10/5 |
3 | 16-35 | 25/15 |
4 | 36-75 | 120/75 |
5 | 76-150 | 350/250 |
6 | 151-300 | 1000/600 |
AD Computer Programs - fp per level (all programs cost 500Cr x fp)
Program | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Analysis | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
Bureaucracy | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Commerce | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
Communication | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
Computer Security | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Industry | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
Information Storage | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Installation Security | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
Language | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
Law Enforcement | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 |
Life Support | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 |
Maintenance | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Robot Management | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Transportation | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
KH Computer Programs - fp per level (all programs cost 500Cr x fp)Program | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Alarm | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
Computer LockOut | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
Damage Control | 3 | 6 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 96 |
Drive - Chemical | 4 | 8 | 16 | -- | -- | -- |
Drive - Ion | -- | -- | 16 | 32 | 64 | -- |
Interceptor Missile | -- | -- | 16 | -- | -- | -- |
Forward Firing Rocket | 4 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Laser Battery | 5 | 10 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Laser Cannon | 4 | 8 | 16 | -- | -- | -- |
Rocket Battery | -- | 8 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Striker Missile | 5 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Torpedo | 4 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Warhead Launcher | -- | 10 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Miscellaneous Special Purpose Programs
Program | LVL/fp |
Agriculture | 1/4 |
AtmoProbe | 2/6 |
Cargo Arm | 2/6 |
Guidance/Analysis | 3/12 |
Laboratory (any) | 3/12 |
Landing Drone | 3/12 |
Mining - Excavation | 2/6 |
Mining - Processing (OPL) | 4/16 |
Mining - Processing (MR) | 4/24 |
Remote Probe | 2/6 |
Astrogation Equipment - price of equipment & program
Ship Type | Equipment | Program LVL/fp |
Shuttle | 500 | 1 / 4 |
System Ship | 2,500 | 2 / 8 |
Starship | 7,500 | 4 / 32 |
Starship, Deluxe | 50,000 | 6 / 128 |
an equivilent level Analysis program is required for Astrogation
Life Support - price of equipment & program
Number Supported | Equipment | Program LVL/fp |
1-2 | 150 | 1 / 1 |
3-6 | 250 | 1 / 2 |
7-12 | 450 | 1 / 2 |
13-20 | 750 | 1 / 3 |
21-35 | 1,250 | 1 / 3 |
36-60 | 2,500 | 1 / 4 |
61-100 | 4,500 | 1 / 4 |
101-200 | 9,000 | 1 / 5 |
201-500 | 15,000 | 1 / 5 |
501-1000 | 30,000 | 2 / 10 |
for every 1000 additional beings double equipment price and use the next level LS program
ROBOTS (work in progress)
Robots also aren't quite as advanced in 100 PF although they still follow most of the rules pertaining to modern play. Anthropomorphic bodies are a rarity as are certain other modern modifications. For the most part the automatrons are completely electric, although some of the heavier chassis models (heavy duty track mobile type bots) can be found with a gas engine powering the drivetrain.
Robotics list TBA
VEHICLES (work in progress)
Vehicles are significantly different in 100 PF. For one thing, internal combustion engines are still somewhat common, what with uber-efficient electric motors only making the scene in recent decades The civilized worlds of Truane's Star are not ready to give up the performance from their gas burners, which have progressed to decent efficiency without much in the way of resulting pollution like their predecessors were so guilty of. The gas engines burn "clean fuels" such as hydrogen and propane. However, the occasional petroleum burning engine can still be encountered from time to time, usually in the hands of antique enthusiasts following the strict regulations of such vehicles.
List of vehicles TBA
Weapons & Armor
Ranged Weapon Table
Weapon | Price | Mass | Damage | Ammo | SEU | Rate | Defense | PB | S | M | L | E |
Stun Gun | 400 | 2 | stun* | PowerClip | 2 | 1 | A-S | 4 | 12 | -- | -- | -- |
Laser Pistol | 500 | 5 | d10/SEU | Beltpack | 1-5 | 2 | Albedo | 5 | 15 | 40 | 75 | 150 |
Laser Rifle | 1000 | 10 | d10/SEU | Backpack | 1-10 | 2 | Albedo | 10 | 30 | 80 | 150 | 300 |
Heavy Laser | 6000 | 50 | d10/SEU | Parabattery | 10-20 | 1 | Albedo | -- | 75 | 350 | 750 | 1500 |
Automatic Pistol | 150 | 2 | d10/3d10 | 20 rounds | -- | 1/5 | Skein | 4 | 12 | 25 | 60 | 120 |
Automatic Rifle | 250 | 4 | d10/6d10 | 20 rounds | -- | 1/10 | Skein | 8 | 25 | 50 | 120 | 240 |
Sniper Rifle | 200 | 4 | 5d10 | 5 rounds | -- | 1 | Skein | 50 | 100 | 200 | 400 | 800 |
Machine Gun | 1800 | 20 | 8d10 | 100 rounds | -- | 10 | Skein | 15 | 50 | 150 | 300 | 600 |
Gyrojet Pistol | 150 | 2 | 2d10 | 9 rounds | -- | 3 | Skein | -- | 5 | 30 | 60 | 125 |
Gyrojet Rifle | 250 | 5 | 3d10 | 12 rounds | -- | 3 | Skein | -- | 5 | 60 | 120 | 250 |
Grenade Launcher | 350 | +2 | grenade | 1 bullet | -- | | varies | -- | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 |
Grenade Rifle | 600 | 4 | grenade | 1 bullet | -- | | varies | -- | 20 | 40 | 75 | 150 |
Rocket Launcher | 4200 | 15 | 12d10 | 1 rocket | -- | | Skein | -- | 50 | 150 | 350 | 750 |
Grenade, Doze | | | Sleep | -- | -- | 1 | STA | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 |
Grenade, Frag | | | 7d10 | -- | -- | 1 | RS | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 |
Grenade, Incindiary | | | 3d10 + d10/3 turns | -- | -- | 1 | RS | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 60 |
Grenade, Smoke | | | -10 to hit | -- | -- | 1 | IR** | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 60 |
* Roll current Stamina or less to avoid sleep or stun
** lnfra-red goggles will allow the wearer to see through smoke
Melee Weapons
Weapon | Damage | Modifier | Defense | Power | SEU | Mass | Cost |
Axe | 2d10 | +5 | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | 8 |
Bottle/Mug | 1d5 | -- | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Brass Knuckles | 1d10 | -- | Skein | -- | -- | -- | 5 |
Chain/Whip | 1d10 | -5 | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | 10 |
Chair | 1d10 | -15 | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Club | 1d10 | -5 | Skein | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Electric Sword | 4d10/stun* | +10 | --/A-S | PowerClip | 2/hit | 2 | 75 |
Knife | 1d10 | +5 | Skein | -- | -- | -- | 5 |
Nightstick | 2d10 | +5 | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | 10 |
Pistol Butt | d10 | -10 | Skein | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Pole Arm | 4d10 | -10 | Skein | -- | -- | 4 | 20 |
Rifle Butt | 2d10 | -5 | Skein | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Spear/Bayonet | 2d10 | +15/-5 | Skein | -- | -- | 1 | -- |
Spray Hypo | special** | -20 | STA | -- | -- | 1 | 5 |
Stunstick | 3d10/stun* | +5 | --/A-S | PowerClip | 2/hit | 1 | 40 |
Sword | 3d10 | +10 | Skein | -- | -- | 2 | 15 |
Vibroknife | 2d10 | +5 | Skein | PowerClip | 1/hit | 1 | 15 |
* If set on stun, the target is stunned for d100 turns unless he rolls his current Stamina or less on d100. Stuns have no effect on anyone with an anti-shock implant.
** The effect depends on the drug used; see Skills; Medkit
Truane's Star system brief


MOONS: 3 - Dan, Joe, & Sven CLIMATE RANGE: varies with elevation, seasonably cool to warm and varying climates ranging from dry to humid ATMOSPHERE: 57% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 17% carbon dioxide GRAVITY: 0.9032 |
DIAMETER: 11,175 kilometers LENGTH OF DAY: 54 hours, 53 minutes AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE: 26 degrees C |
Humans were the primary settlers on Pale two centuries prior to the foundation of the UPF. Originally located in the far corner of the Frontier and in conjunction with a self-supporting neighbor (New Pale, see below) and aggressive mining campaigns, Pale rapidly became home to significant populations of all of the Four Races.
No native animal life has been discovered on Pale beyond various flora and fauna. Much of the planet is covered with vegetation, but all of the plants would be considered "primitive" by most standards. Lichens, mosses, algae and ferns are the most common types.
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Physical and Geographical Aspects)
Pale is a mountainous world occupying the third orbit from the sun.
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Political and Cultural Aspects)
All of Pale is ruled by a single government. _____________________________________________________________________________
New Pale

MOONS: none CLIMATE RANGE: Warm temperatures and humid throughout ATMOSPHERE: 55% nitrogen, 31% oxygen, 14% carbon dioxide GRAVITY: 1.3907 |
DIAMETER: 15,927 kilometers LENGTH OF DAY: 20 hours, 9 minutes AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE: 24 degrees C |
Humans were the primary settlers on New Pale shortly ater Pale was settled. Even today they are still the primary inhabitants
Native animal life on New Pale consists mostly of cattle and livestock. Much of the planet is covered with vegetation, most of which can be harvested for food. The rich soil permits all forms of agricultural growth, from fruits and vegetables to grains to livestock.
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Physical and Geographical Aspects)
New Pale is a flat world with seemingly endless rolling plains orbiting fifth from the sun.
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Political and Cultural Aspects)
All of New Pale is ruled by a single government. _____________________________________________________________________________
Cygnus Omicron
a tanker departing from Cygnus OmicronMOONS: 5 CLIMATE RANGE: too hot for supporting life ATMOSPHERE: 55% hydrogen, 23% helium, 21% methane, 1% trace gases GRAVITY: 2.3194 |
DIAMETER: 112,489 kilometers LENGTH OF DAY: 144 hours, 23 minutes AVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE: 75 degrees C |
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Physical and Geographical Aspects)
Cygnus Omicron is a gas giant, occupying the fifteenth outermost orbit nearly 1.5 billion kilometers from the sun.
PLANET DESCRIPTION: (Political and Cultural Aspects)
Numerous artificial satellites have been established around Cygus Omicron, each bearing a number to designate their order of construction. These satellites mostly serve as way stations to gas miners who extract the hydrogen via skimming the atmosphere with intent to sell to the refineries located within the inner orbits, although at least one has been established as a defensive point to protect the raw gas.

Cygnus Omicron 9 at dusk
( artwork courtesy of Aethelwullfe at forums )
Book 4 - The 2nd Common Muster Wants YOU!!!
3 PF - 2 PF
A mysterious alien race has entered the Frontier, and they do not bring good tidings! All attempts at hailing them via subspace radio have ended in either radio silence or laser blasts. Who is this vicious new threat to to the developing Frontier? What do they want? When will they be satisfied? Where do they come from? Why can't peaceful negotiation begin? How can they be stopped?
This historic setting takes place just prior to the formation of the UPF, when the Second Common Muster rises up to defend the Frontier against a lethal unknown enemy. While most historic accounts merely summarize the war in space, you don't know your history!
Truane's Star: Be there on Pale when the mysterious fleet first appears and ransacks the entire system. Join the exodus to Dixon's Star, fight the aliens on the ground, in the air, on world or offworld. Ferry refugees out of the system to safety. Break the invader's blockade of the planet to transport much needed supplies.
Cassidine: Be there on Triad as the newly united citizens elect Admiral Morgaine to lead them into battle against this lethal foe. Join the 2nd Common Muster fleet as they prepare to strike the Frontier's first offensive measure against this new threat. Command a warship or a supply ship, join the war effort as these xenomorphs continue to spread like locusts across the Frontier.
Dixon's Star: Be there when the aliens return to wreak more havoc against the former citizens of Pale. Rescue refugees and transport them to Prenglar or Cassidine. Fend the nasties off as civilians on the ground make it to their escape shuttles.
Prenglar: Be there on Gran Quivera for the grand finale of the mighty war in space that will soon become known as the Sathar War (and later on as the First Sathar War).
The rest of the Frontier: Be there to transport troops and equipment from other worlds to where they are needed. Ward off inbound alien scout ships performing recon missions, attack small detachments of warships as they test the mettle of other worlds beyond the main battle, discover their agents working covertly on the ground relaying vital information to the enemy.
War: it's not just a job, it's an adventure!
Frontier Map (as of 3 PF)
System/Planet | Colonizers | Population | Gravity | Moons | Day | Star |
Araks, Hentz | Y | MI | 0.7 | 0 | 25 | yellow |
Athor, Yast | Y | MA | 1.0 | 2 | 15 | orange |
Cassidine, Rupert's Hole | H | MIA | 0.9 | 0 | 20 | orange-yellow |
Triad | * | HI | 1.1 | 1 | 30 | |
Dixon's Star, Laco | H | O | 1.4 | 1 | 60 | green-yellow |
Dramune, Inner Reach | D | MAI | 0.8 | 1 | 20 | orange-yellow |
Outer Reach | D | LIR | 1.0 | 5 | 35 | |
Fromeltar, Groth | D | LA | 1.2 | 0 | 45 | yellow |
Terledrom | D | MI | 1.0 | 3 | 60 | |
Gruna Garu, Hargut | Y | MR | 1.1 | 1 | 20 | yellow |
K'aken-Kar, Ken'zah-Kit | V | LA | 0.9 | 0 | 25 | red-orange |
Kizk'-Kar, Zik-Kit | V | MIR | 1.0 | 0 | 65 | yellow |
K'tsa-Kar, Kawdl-Kit | V | ME | 0.7 | 0 | 30 | yellow-orange |
Madderly's Star, Kdikit | H | LIA | 1.0 | 5 | 30 | yellow-green |
Prenglar, Gran Quivera | * | HI | 1.0 | 0 | 15 | yellow |
Scree Fron, Hakosoar | Y | O(A) | 0.9 | 5 | 50 | red |
Theseus, Minotaur | H | HI | 1.2 | 0 | 15 | yellow-orange |
Timeon, Lossend | H | O(RI) | 0.7 | 0 | 70 | green-yellow |
Truane's Star, Pale | *(H) | MIR | 0.9 | 3 | 55 | orange-yellow |
New Pale | H | LA | 1.4 | 0 | 20 | |
White Light, H MR 1.0 0 50 red-orange
Ships: Alien Invaders
Sathar Attack Vessels (SAV) dispatched for the Frontier invasion include the following:
Heavy Cruisers (x4)
HS:16 HP:80 Powerplant: 4 ion C
ADF:1 MR:1 DCR:120 Crew: 120-160
Armament: LC, LB(x2), RB(x6), T(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x6)
Light Cruisers (x6)
HS:14 HP:70 Powerplant: 6 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:2 DCR:100 Crew: 70-100
Armament: LC, LB(x2), RB(x4), T(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x6)
Equipment Transports (x12)*
HS:12 HP:60 Powerplant: 4 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:56 Crew: 30-40
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x1)
Cargo Capacity:12, 6 1u drop-shuttles
Assault Transports (x50)*
HS:10 HP:50 Powerplant: 3 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:56 Crew: up to 50
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x1)
Cargo Capacity: ten 100 passenger drop-shuttles
Troop Capacity: 1000
Light Carriers (x4)
HS:8 HP:40 Powerplant: 3 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:2 DCR:80 Crew: 150-200
Armament: LB(x2), six fighters
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Destroyers (x12)
HS:6 HP:50 Powerplant: 2 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:70 Crew: 40-50
Armament: LC, LB, RB(x4), T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Supply Ships (x12)*
HS:6 HP:30 Powerplant: 3 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:100 Crew: 60-80
Armament: LB(x2), 6 repair/supply stations
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Cargo: replacement salvos & torpedoes
Frigates (x6)
HS:5 HP:40 Powerplant: 2 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:2 DCR:60 Crew: 24-30
Armament: LC, LB, RB(x4), T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Gunned Escorts (x5)
HS:4 HP:25 Powerplant: 2 atomic A
ADF:4 MR:3 DCR:50 Crew: 18-24
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x1)
Light Fighters (x24, 6/carrier)
HS:1 HP:6 Powerplant: 1 atomic A w/jump governor
ADF:5 MR:5 DCR:25 Crew: 1
Armament: FFL (precursor to the pod laser, range:40K km/D:1d10 as LC)
Defenses: RH
* Note --- Equipment & Assault Transports will not engage alongside the main fleet, they linger far back from the action (typically at the edge of the system) awaiting command to deploy their troops & equipment on targeted worlds after their fleets have been defeated. Supply Ships will also linger at the edge of the system, however two will accompany the main fleet and avoid combat until warships require their assistance (at which point said warship will attempt to leave teh battle and join the supply ship). The Supply Ship's DCR can be shared with a host ship if it remains docked and undisturbed for three combat turns, at which time repair rolls can be made along with a full rearming of depleted weapon & defense systems. Only one warship can be accomodated by a warship in this manner, if there are more warships than supply ships they must wait in line according to situational severity.
Ships: Common Muster Warships
2nd Common Muster Vessels (CMV)
With the exception of the new Capital Cruiser that was commissioned just in time for the outbreak of the war (yes...a dralasite was entrusted with the name), the CMV ships are survivors from the First Common Muster that have been brought back into service from various systems as well as newer vessels that have been independently commissioned since then. The 1CM ships have since been updated with current weaponry and/or drive systems. In addition to the 2CM craft, there are various corporate and planetary government ships that will answer the call. However, only these mustered vessels are considered to be command ships, and these are listed below:
CMV "Mustered"
(Capital Cruiser - Gran Quivera)
HS:18 HP:108 Powerplant: 6 atomic C
ADF:2 MR:1 DCR:150 Crew: 150-180
Armament: LC, LB(x4), RB(x4), RB(x4), T(x6)
Defenses: RH, MS(x4), ICM(x10)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
CMV "Prenglar's Pride" & "Cassidine's Honor"
(battleships - Gran Quivera & Triad)
HS:16 HP:96 Powerplant: 4 ion C
ADF:1 MR:2 DCR:120 Crew: 120-150
Armament: LC, LB(x3), RB(x6), T(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x3), ICM(x8)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
CMV "Araks' Rage", "Gruna Getsom", & "Dramune's Reach"
(cruisers - Hargut, Hentz, & Inner Reach)
HS:10 HP:60 Powerplant: 4 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:100 Crew: 70-100
Armament: LB(x2), RB(x4), T(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x6)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
CMV "Zik't"
(freighter/carrier conversion - Zik-Kit)
HS:9 HP:50 Powerplant: 3 ion B
ADF:1 MR:2 DCR:120 Crew: 225-275
Armament: LB(x2); up to 9 fighters
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: camera system, skin sensors
CMV "Longsword" & "Battle Axe"
(destroyers - Gran Quivera & Triad)
HS:6 HP:50 Powerplant: 2 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:2 DCR:70 Crew: 40-50
Armament: LC, LB, RB(x4), T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: heavy hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
CMV Glide, Crossbow, Longbow, Rage, & Trifecta
(frigates - Araks, Gran Quivera(x2), Hargut, & Triad respectively)
HS:5 HP:40 Powerplant: 2 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:60 Crew: 25-30
Armament: LC, LB, T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: heavy hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
F-40 Vulcan series Fighters
One six unit squadron in Gran Quivera & Triad plus 9 on the carrier Zik't
HS:1 HP:8 Powerplant: 1 atomic A w/jump governor
ADF:5 MR:5 DCR:120 Crew: 1
Armament: AR(x3)
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Radar
Misc Equipment: heavy hull armor, streamlined
Ships: Govt/Militia & Armed Civilian Craft
Gunned Civilian Craft (Corporate, Planetary Govt, etc)
PGCS Pan Galactic
(corporate flagship, Gran Quivera)
HS:12 HP:60 Powerplant: 4 atomic B
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:80 Crew: up to 50
Armament: LC, LB(x2), RB(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 6
Passenger Accomodations: 60 double occupancy suites
Subsidized Freighter, large*
Gran Quivera, Minotaur, Pale, Triad
HS:12 HP:72 Powerplant: 4 atomic B or 4 ion B
ADF:3/1 MR:3 DCR:68 Crew: up to 24
Armament: LB(x3)
Defenses: RH, MS
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 12
SCS Surreal
(Streele, Inc. flagship, Pale)
HS:10 HP:70 Powerplant: 4 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:70 Crew: up to 40
Armament: LB(x2), RB(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: medium hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 5
Passenger Accomodations: 50 double occupnacy suites
Militia Cruiser
Minotaur, Pale
HS:10 HP:60 Powerplant: 4 chemical B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:80 Crew: up to 50
Armament: LC, LB(x2), RB(x4), T(x4)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x4)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 5
SS Serena Dawn (liner)
HS:10 HP:60 Powerplant: 4 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:50 Crew: up to 50
Armament: none
Defenses: none
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: skin sensors
Passenger Accommodations: 250, can accomodate 500 refugees
Subsidized Freighter, medium*
Araks, Clarion, Inner Reach, Minotaur, Pale
HS:9 HP:48 Powerplant: 3 atomic B or 3 ion B
ADF:3/1 MR:3 DCR:56 Crew: up to 18
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 9
Corporate Cruiser
HS:8 HP:48 Powerplant: 4 ion C
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:60 Crew: up to 40
Armament: LC, LB
Defenses: RH, MS(x2)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 4
Passenger Accomodations: 40 double occupancy suites
PGCS Omicron (liner)
HS:8 HP:40 Powerplant: 4 atomic C
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:44 Crew: up to 40
Armament: LB
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar,
Misc Equipment: camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 1
Passenger Accomodations: 50 double occupancy cabins, 30 double occupancy suites, 20 frozen class berths
Corporate Frigate
HS:6 HP:36 Powerplant: 3 ion C
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:60 Crew: up to 30
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, WNB, Intercom, Radar, Energy Sensor
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensorsCargo Capacity: 2.5
Militia Destroyer
Minotaur, Pale
HS:6 HP:50 Powerplant: 3 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:60 Crew: up to 30
Armament: LC, LB(x2), T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: heavy hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 3
Subsidized Freighter, small*
Araks, Clarion, Kawdl-Kit, Ken'Zah Kit, Minotaur(x2), New Pale, Outer Reach, Pale(x2), Terledrom, Triad, Yast, Zik-kit
HS:6 HP:36 Powerplant: 2 atomic B or 2 ion B
ADF:3/1 MR:3 DCR:44 Crew: up to 12
Armament: LB
Defenses: RH, MS
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: light hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 6
Militia Frigate
Inner Reach, Minotaur, Outer Reach, Pale
HS:5 HP:40 Powerplant: 2 ion B
ADF:1 MR:3 DCR:50 Crew: up to 30
Armament: LC, LB, T(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: heavy hull armor, camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 2.5
Militia Corvettes
Clarion, Hentz, Inner Reach, Minotaur(x2), Outer Reach, Pale, Terledrom
HS:4 HP:24 Powerplant: 4 atomic A
ADF:4 MR:3 DCR:50 Crew: 5-20
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH, MS(x1)
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: camera system, skin sensors
Cargo Capacity: 1
SS Aquilian Starling
privateer contracted w/Pale
HS:4 HP:24 Powerplant: 2 Chemical A, 1 Ion A
ADF:1(2) MR:4 DCR:32 Crew: 3-8
Armament: LB(x2)
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Radar, Intercom, WNB
Misc Equipment: Streamlined, Light Armor, Back-up LS unit, Mk-3 fuel tankage
Cargo Capacity: 2
Passenger Accomodations: 0
Ship's Vehicles: AWD Ground Car, Ground Cycle
Fuel: 96u S-Ox ( +2 x 12u ExTanks), 10000u L-Hyd
Max Safe Velocity: 24 (+12), unlimited w/ion drive
Gunned Scout
Clarion(x3), Hargut(x3), Hentz(x3), Inner Reach(x2), K'tsa-Kar(x2), Kdikit(x2), Ken'zah Kit(x2), Minotaur(x4), Outer Reach(x2), Pale(x2), Terledrom(x3), Zik-Kit(x2), Yast(x2)
HS:3 HP:15 Powerplant: 2 atomic A
ADF:4 MR:4 DCR:50 Crew: 3-8
Armament: LB
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Intercom, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined
Cargo Capacity: 0.5
Heavy Fighters
6 each @ Clarion, Gran Quivera, Hargut, Hentz, Minotaur, Terledrom, & Triad
HS:2 HP:14 Powerplant: 2 atomic B
ADF:4 MR:4 DCR:40 Crew: 2
Armament: AR(x4)
Defenses: RH
Communication/Detection: Subspace Radio, Radar, ½ camera system
Misc: streamlined hull, medium armor
Light Fighters
One 6 unit squadron in each Light & Heavy populated world (including the heavy fighters on the heaivly populated worlds), two squadrons on each Medium world...optionally swap one squadron of fighters from the warships roster in multi-squadron worlds.
HS:1 HP:6 Powerplant: 1 atomic A w/jump governor
ADF:5 MR:6 DCR:30 Crew: 1
Armament: AR(x3)
Defenses: RH
Comm/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Radar
Misc Equipment: streamlined
* Note - any time after the Exodus from Truane's Star a subsidized freighter may add a forward firing laser cannon and one extra laser battery at the cost of 1/2 the cargo capacity and a -1 penalty to either the ADF or MR. This process is sanctioned by the government that has contracted the vessel and the process takes 30 days during which time the ship will be considered off the roster, however once completed it will be ready for any scenario that presents itself after completion. In the case of Truane's Star freighters, these can be converted either in Gran Quivera or Triad having fled their home systems, but only at those two worlds. Any other craft can be converted by any world hosting a subsidized craft.
The Great Sathar War

1> Exodus!
A mysterious alien fleet has ravaged the Truane's Star system! While the battle is taking place in deep space, the defending forces are severely outnumbered. There might be enough time to evacuate the public from Pale Station using the various civilian craft berthed within. Reports indicate the same is transpiring at New Pale, everyone is fleeing to neighboring Dixon's Star to escape this lethal alien menace.
2> The Battle of Triad
Vincent Morgaine has been elected as honorary Admiral to lead the 2nd Common Muster. Having heard of the Exodus to Laco, he has ordered the fleet into Cassidine, taking a gamble that the mysterious alien fleet may be utilizing unconventional travel routes.
3> Massacre at Dixon's Star
Having retreated from their defeat at Cassidine, the Sathar fleet has discovered the outpost world of Laco where the refugees from Truane's Star ended up, and they launch a harsh offensive on teh undefended world. With no defending fleet stalling for time, the odds of escape are slim.
4> The Battle of Two Fleets
Having ravaged the unprotected refugees at Laco, the Sathar Fleet followed the few ships that managed an escape to Prenglar. However, much like the aftermath of Pale & New Pale, Morgaine's Fleet is waiting for the Sathar menace. It's do or die at Gran Quivera!
5> Aftermath
Whether the Sathar win or lose at Prenglar, surviving warships may continue pressing on into the Frontier. Detachments of the Sathar fleet may escape to Athor, Gruna Garu, Madderly's Star, or Timeon and test their mettle with the local planetary militias and civilian ships at each point. The Satahr can always utilize unestablished jump routes, for example from Madderly's Star they can bypass Cassidine (where they met their first serious opposition) and head directly for Dramune...or they can opt for K'tsa Kar thus bypassing White Light. As long as they have an unobstructe route they may make their jumps to other systems.
6> Civilian Operations
Civilian craft may find numerous roles to fill during war time. They can be a part of the Pale & New Pale exodus, ferry medical supplies to Laco, be present at one of the local militia stations when the Sathar arrive insystem, or even run a Sathar blockade of any occupied systems to transport supplies.
Scenario #1: Exodus from Pale
A contingent of Sathar warships have surrounded Pale along with the arrival of numerous troop transports that are landing on Pale's surface. A civilian ship can attempt to flee Pale Station (or if it is atmospheric capable or has landing craft, attempt the same from Pale's surface) with refugees and/or vital equipment. The same ship can arrive insystem to attempt breaking through the blockade and dock with pale Station (or land on pale's surface) to do the same.
Allow certain creativity to enable the export of refugees, such as acquiring air tight ground & hover transports that can accomodate 20 beings and allow five or six transports per cargo unit for freight ships lacking cabin space (thus allowing 100-120 refugees per cargo unit).
Scenario #2: Rendevous with the War
The players' craft has arrived at Triad or Gran Quivera just as the Sathar begin their advance on said world. While dishing it out with the Muster, players must evade enemy ships and transport their valuable cargo to its destination.
The same situation can be applie din reverse, a cargo origninating at Triad or Gran Quivera destined elsewhere is acquired and while leaving, the players wander into the war and must evade enemy craft.
Scenario #3: Trapped in Dixon's Star!
Players find themselves caught near Laco as the Sathar retun from Cassidine, hell bent on some revenge over their defeat. Any and all space craft will become fair game, and the players must fight for their lives to get out of Dodge! Players can also wander insystem (such as ferrying much needed supplies to survivors on Pale & New Pale) and evade Sathar ships that have been dispatched to intercept them.