![]() June 19, 2015 - 2:21pm | I became the owner of 7 seasons of TNG on DVD recently and noticed something. Season 2 Riker was posted to a Klingon vessel in an intergalactic officer exchange. On the Klingon vessel Riker learns "A Klingon is his work not his family." Which flies in the face of the Worf son of Mog story line of latter TNG where Worf is struggling under the presumed shame that his father was a traitor. I Anyone else ever notice "Zebulon's Guide level" of story inconsistency in trek? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 19, 2015 - 5:28pm | Yes, yes, yes I have... I am the "medical officer" on a "Klingon Ship" in a Trek based sci-fi club... let me tell you writers play havoc on everyone's sanity where culture & storyline consistency are concerned. So you have to take a deep breath and remember it's all good, I sometimes use klingon from pre-dictionary sources, it is amazing how many people go off on canon rants... they fail to get it, just have fun and don't let it hurt the head to much that you want to argue with me that my ship should not be using the old IKV designation for instance... or think I should have to take a test on fake technology to be an "officer" (the reason I am no longer in Star Fleet, to serious not enough fun). I think Galaxy Quest nailed Star Trek issues right on. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 19, 2015 - 8:11pm | You should check out a sci-fi review site by Charles "Chuck" Sonnenburg called SF Debris. His Star Trek reviews are extensive. He did a lot of research on the background of Star Trek and has a lot of info on why ST:TNG was such a wreak, especially in the early, ideology-driven "Here in the 24th century, we have grown beyond the primal and barbaric need to take a 'number two', Number One." years. His reviews are quite funny. |
![]() June 19, 2015 - 8:31pm | LOL I will check it out "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 19, 2015 - 9:05pm | OMG! The reviews I watched where right on... I used to watch the Old ST and ask the question if this was a Klingon Ship how would the episode really go, most episodes ended pretty quick! LOL I was laughing my ass off, especially TNG season 1's lack of ship security, I remember complaining about this often in ST "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 20, 2015 - 2:13am | As a Red Dwarf fan, let me just say that continuity is for the weak! And that was just with two writers! Set course for the 80's... (My Livejournal) |
![]() June 20, 2015 - 6:33am | I love Red Dwarf. The stupid in space! LOL Continuity who needs it! "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 20, 2015 - 5:33pm | Hells yeah! Red Dwarf takes me back! I used to watch it on PBS alongside classic Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Key the Metal Idol, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Urusei Ya... OK, the San Fransisco bay area was a weird for that: its got a long-standing Japanimation culture. But still, they were all great! I'm glade you enjoy the link, Tchklinxa. |
![]() June 20, 2015 - 5:47pm | It plays regularly of Tch TV... Today's movie is Flash Gordon the color one with the Queen Music. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
June 21, 2015 - 1:00am | Trek has continuity? Seriously, though, the original series and early TNG had an excuse - continuity hadn't been invented yet! Now Voyager and Enterprise, on the other hand, were terrible about continuity. Deep Space Nine was great with that kind of stuff, and was one of the best things about that show. |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 9:35am | The people Paramount hires or Paramount themselves has some issue with respecting what has come before or at least giving it a passing thought... yeah D9 made an effort with larger on going stories. Enterprise's best episodes where the ones most tied to TOS Trek 'verse in my opinion. The time war stuff never appealed to me though, but fleshing out known TOS races more in the Trek Universe awesome, showing Vulcan's at their snarky best all good... Temporal War? I kept looking for a blue police box! Also I could have lived without ever seeing another Nazi themed Star Trek episode. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 1:01pm | Enterprise failed because the Trek writers felt that Star Trek's primary purpose was political and social commentary and they got surprised by 911 and the public reaction. They had to alter the story line to blend with current events that didn't go along with their perceived view of how the average person thinks and feels. -iggy |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 1:17pm | Well I know which episodes everyone here liked and which ones we where sort of blah about here... but there is a huge disconect between Holiwood crowd & the public. Sci-fi has always pushed the buble on social commentary I suppose, but if they where trying to make one before 911 I am not sure what it was. Humans are racist & bigots & ignorant? So Humans = Americans? That would be typical Hollywood mantra. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 1:22pm |
Hells yeah! Red Dwarf takes me back! I used to watch it on PBS alongside classic Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Key the Metal Idol, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Urusei Ya... OK, the San Fransisco bay area was a weird for that: You pretty much described the ideal evening's viewing entertainment. Which, looking at my DVD shelves, I could do. Save for Key the Metal Idol, throw in some Heibane Renmei or Last exile instead. Set course for the 80's... (My Livejournal) |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 1:23pm |
Temporal War? I kept looking for a blue police box! They did have that time ship that was larger on the inside. Set course for the 80's... (My Livejournal) |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 2:14pm | Exactly... totally watched it thinking "So Star Trek is now Dr. Who, when did the humans become Time Lords?" "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
June 21, 2015 - 2:28pm | Enterprise was at its best in its final season, when they finally brought in someone who knew what he was doing. Before that, they alienated too many people... with the theme song, the Vulcan catsuit, the Klingons in episode one (before they'd even met the Klingons), focusing too much on the Suliban and the time war instead of actual Trek history, showing too much skin in the decontamination chamber (what happened to Trek being family friendly?), etc. Once they started focusing on Andorians, Tellarites and the beginning of the Federation, the show got much better. |
![]() June 21, 2015 - 2:36pm | Yep the final season was awesome. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 23, 2015 - 6:18am | If I made a retro-Star Trek series, I would have not done it like Enterprise. I would make it *look* "retro"; I would make it *feel* "retro". I would make the ship a Daedalus-Class starship or something like it. All the actors, writers and directors would be required to watch Forbidden Planet and the classic pilot episode "The Cage" as general primer. I would have never allowed that Xindi arc: sci-fi is escapist fantasy, and the series came not too long after the events of 9/11. Star Trek was always about wading in dangerous, unknown waters, with bold social commentaries here and there, but it was also about how the future is going to be awesome and not a reminder of how horrible the real world is. I doubt there would be anything I would use form Enterprise to were it was never a thing, and if it was made before Enterprise, it would came out so far removed form it, as I would have not make the same mistakes as they did. I would not have added an alien doctor, as that would remind people of Dr. Zoidberg. I would have a token character (a tradition with that franchise) who is from a culture we (today) would consider a dirt poor, backwater third world country to really highlight that, yes, in the future, everyone would be uplifted. The character would have a cultural esthetic that is a mix of traditional, modern (our time) and futuristic to reflect a mix of influences akin to how Japan is like today. And on that note, I would have at least added another (much needed) token character: the gay guy. I would have it fairly overt to were you would often forget his sexuality, to avoid making the character a big flaming stereotype. Basically, it would be such a non-issue in the future, he would not have to be 'loud & proud' about it. He would be... well... Normal. |