Recruiting for a complete run n the SF modules

samlangdon's picture
December 22, 2012 - 10:34am
I am putting together a game in which I intend to run through all the old modules.  If you've played them before, it's probably been a while so anyone is welcome.  I am considering a pbp format, and will be starting with Dramune Run.  Characters made should be general power level of the characters on page 20 of the Dramune Run remastered.  I will, of course, make slight alterations, to the modules.  
Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks rules, and Zeb's Guide for equipment and supplemental information, but not the Zeb's rules.
So, who is interested?  I could even be convinced to go beyond the pbp format (irc, google hangouts, etc. should there be sufficient interest).
I plan to put up my own SF blog detailing the adventures.  
Let me know the level of interest.  
These two yazarians and this vrusk walk into a bar...


Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
December 30, 2012 - 6:18pm
jedion357 wrote:
 making her a dralasite would be a good visual impression of her since she's not a thin stick of a woman.

Whch is something I find quite admirable. See, instead of the usual plastic and paint we're forced to endure...this gal instead possesses this rare thing called "musical talent".
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

samlangdon's picture
December 30, 2012 - 2:13pm
We've got another joining.  Goes by the name cork man.  He's new.  
These two yazarians and this vrusk walk into a bar...

jedion357's picture
December 31, 2012 - 6:58am
On the game site we have a folder labeled game and within it one labeled Adventure and one labelled General discussion.

The Adventure folder has naturally become the IC area for game play and I guess General discussion is the OOC thread.

With individual character sheet threads and wiki character sheets I assume that the character sheet thread is for posting EXP awards and expenditures and any other major character changes that may or may not require discussion with the referee. Proceedure for expending EXP? Announce it in the thread and edit the character sheet?

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
December 31, 2012 - 2:01pm
OK, I am considering joining after reading the thread about GM methods for pbp.  My worry is that work will have me traveling in January and February and I may not be too timely in my posts.  But if I am posting multiple options to the GM then I can possibly bridge time gaps that I am worried about.

jedion357's picture
December 31, 2012 - 2:09pm
The usual convention is one post a week minimum to be considered active and most referees have an exp bonus for remaining active over a module section. I think if we establish a similar pattern then its usually not too hard to check in once a week and post. Look forward to having you along iggy.

Or we might work you in after Feb. with a story of your character being a crewman from the Serena Dawn that escaped via escape pod and we located you in the desert at that time. There usually are places to work new players in during an adventure. Plus the reff will usually be aware of someone looking to join and might make a general announcment to lurkers that such a place where new characters can be worked in is coming up if they get their character together by such and such a date.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

samlangdon's picture
December 31, 2012 - 2:09pm
Great, iggy.  Join up.  
These two yazarians and this vrusk walk into a bar...

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
December 31, 2012 - 6:26pm
Which issue was Skilled Frontier in? I need to pick another secondary skill...
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

samlangdon's picture
December 31, 2012 - 5:39pm
Issue 9.
These two yazarians and this vrusk walk into a bar...

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
December 31, 2012 - 6:26pm
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

jedion357's picture
February 7, 2013 - 6:15am
Just a note because I have not seen a post from Shadow shack after sending an email to everyone registered for this game through the email feature at Tom's site. The game is on after a two week hiatus. I'm pitch hitting for the referee temporarily.

Be sure to update your email address on that site just in case so that important updates dont get lost.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
February 9, 2013 - 2:37am
Sorry I hadn't been checking due to the inactivity, getting prcessed for a new job, and general chores around the house. Updated post added there.
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

jedion357's picture
February 9, 2013 - 4:37am
Shadow Shack wrote:
Sorry I hadn't been checking due to the inactivity, getting prcessed for a new job, and general chores around the house. Updated post added there.
Good luck with the new job.

EDIT; ooops that was new job not new good.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
October 9, 2013 - 5:29am
Game up date- not sure if all my emails went through to everyone in the game. If you play in this PBP game and didnt get an email from me today please PM me with the proper email adress to reach you so that in future and game update or game business can be handled without a miss.

This slow down has dragged out on my part and I thought it would only be
about 2 week so I think and explanation is warranted.

When the kids started school we got a scholarship to get them both into an
after school program. The program has alternative bus drop off which means
the school buses can drop the kids directly there from school. This would
have been a net windfall for me time wise but the bureaucracy of the
transportation system struck and while I filed the paper work with the
schools on the first day of school and they faxed multiple times the
transportation department has not processed the paperwork. Something that
should have happened in two week and were now into the 2nd month of the
school year.

Means I have to leave work and bust hump to get home, catch the kids coming
off two different buses, do a snack and walk or use public transportation
to get them to the program. I then return home (or to work) and turn around
a short time latter to go get them. At that point its 6pm and I need to
start dinner and get the kids ready for bed. So while the after school
program was suppose to increase my time available for painting, the
magazine and gaming its actually reduced the time that I had. I've tried to
keep up with the magazine work as that has a deadline and other people
involved volunteering their time but even there I've not managed to keep
up. I have completely cut sketch group and painting excursions.

So where does that leave us. Well any day now the transportation department
might get off its butt and I'll suddenly have bonus time on my hands. This
would be the best option. (I'm going to start a  nuisance campaign with the
transportation department till "the squeaky wheel gets oiled" and practice
some telephone and fax machine judo.)

 I do plan to reboot the game, we've left off with the team about to fight
the quickdeath. I just need a two hour time slot to sit and reread post and
double check things. I probably will not try to make a tactical map but
either layout counters in my paint studio and try to describe the action or
just keep it abstract and describe it. I can probably do a reboot by either
this Friday or next week if not Friday. We should be more or less done with
the magazine and I'll funnel free time toward the game.

I would be open for someone else to step in and run the quickdeath
encounter but if not, like I said I should be back on track more or less
end of week or next week.

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!