![]() June 18, 2012 - 4:34am | Looking at religious crime in general to consider what might be religious crimes where the Family of One is concerned : 1. Devil or Demon worship/ black magic 2. Divination: claiming to see the future 3. Conducting a Seance: speaking to or communication with the dead 4. Conjuring: summoning evil spirits or commanding the dead 5. Blasphemy: disrespectful talk against God or the church 6. Heresy: quesitoning the foundation of the scriptures or the church 7. Idolatry: worshiping false Gods or images 8. Possession: by spirit, devil or demon 9. Tolerance of impure, Unholy or wicked ideals, teaching or practices 10. Mentalism, telepathy, or psionic healing (vs. faith healing) 11. Sexual immorality: adultry, bigamy, polygamy, fornication, 12. Willful disobedience to the teachings or practices of the church 13. Desicration of a holy place - church or cemetary 14. Unholy sexual acts: masturbation, oral sex, beastiality, sodomy, necrophilia, incest, homosexuality 15. Malediction: uttering a curse 16. displaying or creating the mark or symbol of evil (ie 666) 17. Alchemy: changing matter from one element to another I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 12:57pm | The walk to work got me thinking about two more "religious" crimes. Honor killing and Clan War. My take on honor killing is that it could have been an ancient practice that fell out of use centuries ago. In modern times a yazirian having to bear his shane in life is considered a greater punishment. The theology of Fo1 would consider yaz on yaz violence a sin and by extention clan war. The Fo1 can practice clan war under the giuse of religious zeal but no one else can. The truth of the matter concerning clan war is that it was largely ended a millenium ago. When the a warhon leading a large confederation of clans effectively unified controll of The Planet Yazira through military and some diplomatic action he became the first Imperial Warhon or emperor. During the ensuing imperial age clan on clan violence did occur but ended quickly sometimes when an imperial officer was dispatched to suggest it ended or the elders negotiated an end rather than see their clans decimated and ruined-once the industrial and economic revolutions hit Yazira a clans warriors became important as workforce- diverting workforce to wars of honor could have disasterous economic effects for a clan. Industrialization actually led to more ritualized forms of clan warfare and duels that settled the matter at hand quickly with only a little blood letting. The Fo1 has been a little revisionist with history portaying itself as ending all clan violence. The reality there is that it has, when it felt it was in a position to get away with it, perpetrated clan war on clans that questioned or opposed its authority. Even quietly wiping out one small clan on Hentz in the name of religious orthodxy and seizing its property. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 12:56pm | Fo1 theology does not in my opinion lend itself to a belief in a Devil, ancient legends and sagas site a semi myth-historical female leader that sort of became a devil/boogy-yaz with which to terrorize children. No doubt modern yazirian youth in the repressive environment on Hentz have dabbled with worship of this figure out off rebellion to heavy handed authority of Fo1. Once Fo1 becomes aware of this activity its sure to freak out. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 12:56pm | Re: Divination, seance, and possession- Darren Patton (i think it was him) once wrote a bit of fiction that included a Hir-kal or yazirian clan shadow- the fiction didn't state the hir-kal was real but that the yazirian character believed it was real. Whether you want them to be real or not there is great scope here for these sorts of things to certainly be real in the minds of yazirians within the setting. Hir-kals may need a better write up. Fo1 with its strong desire to control what is going on naturally enough wont like these activities since you cant control or regulate it. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 12:55pm | Blasphemy 2.0 is disrespectful talk against GODco, the megacorp wholely owned by Fo1. Naturally enough blasphemy and heresy are strongly condemned on Hentz by force of ecclesiastical law. Everywhere else its just condemned. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 12:54pm | Idolatry- Connected to very ancient yazirian practices, in the post industrial era yazirian society had been drifting into atheism gradually but steadily. The Yaz had mastered his world, space flight and had begun to conquer his star system. The discovery of the rogue brown dwarf's coming and the destruction of their planet was the cause leading to the Star Exodus and to the codification of some philosophical ideas about all yazirians being one family into a sort of universal belief system that became the rallying cry to organize the entire society for the effort to save it through a star exodus which brought the yazirian to the Frontier. Clan Anglan coopting this philosophy into an authoritative religion has not sat well with many yazirians. Some have searched their roots looking for some other form of belief, some of resurrected old old stories and become very traditional clan oriented yazirians. Some of the this return to our roots movement has dug deep into ancient almost polytheistic yazirian practices and beliefs. a prime example is the resurgence of Bailorism and its sacrificial blood rites which have an attavistic appeal to some yazirians. Family of One leaderships has been stunned and shocked over this idolatry that has been springing up like weeds everywhere. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 1:05pm | Sexual Offenses Not to get into anything touchy here but on the issues of sex lets just put it this way: any relationship by a yazirian with a non yazirian would be impure and unholy- this would tie into the whole Fo1 ethic of recreating lost yazirian even at the expense of the existing ecosystem being terraformed as well as the whole we are one family idea. would it be possible for some of that inter species whoopie? yes possible but certainly not something that will produce offsrping. Is it possible for two individuals of two species to develop a deep attachement and bond and even express that attachment in a sexual manner, sure I suppose it would be possible but probably exceedingly rare. It will be condemned by the Fo1 in the strongest of terms. Individuals caught in such circumstances would be consigned to mental hospitals and or killed (likely the non yazirian would be killed). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 1:11pm | Desecration This would apply to clan relics It would also apply to travelling to the Yazira star system- after the rogue brown dwarf star passed through and destroyed the planet Yazira by first stripping its atmosphere, shifting its orbit to the outer system (or ejecting it altogether) the system was declared holy ground by the Family of One and all travel is barred to the system. The Fo1 believes it holds the only jump route coordinates to the system. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 1:15pm | Malediction this is perhaps the most interesting religious crime on the list to me but I dont have much to say on it in regards to Fo1. The idea that word have power is interesting to me and I would perhaps like to explore it deeper through fiction, thus I find this the most interesting religious crime. I cant see the Fo1 really getting jacked out of shape over a curse- its not like they really trully believe in their own religion but rather use it to control yazirian society around them. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 18, 2013 - 10:33am | Not to get into anything touchy here but on the issues of sex lets just put it this way: any relationship by a yazirian with a non yazirian would be impure and unholy- this would tie into the whole Fo1 ethic of recreating lost yazirian even at the expense of the existing ecosystem being terraformed as well as the whole we are one family idea. would it be possible for some of that inter species whoopie? yes possible but certainly not something that will produce offsrping. Is it possible for two individuals of two species to develop a deep attachement and bond and even express that attachment in a sexual manner, sure I suppose it would be possible but probably exceedingly rare. It will be condemned by the Fo1 in the strongest of terms. Individuals caught in such circumstances would be consigned to mental hospitals and or killed (likely the non yazirian would be killed). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
December 12, 2013 - 12:19pm | Jedion, It would definitely be a point of dishonor more than sexual sin. To have sex with an lesser honored clan would be a serious blow to ones honor. Even worse would be a child born of such a union. The child would more than likely be an outcast if it survived. |