![]() April 1, 2012 - 4:11pm | Let's make some more bad guys! We published a few in Issue 17, see Star Law Intelligence Reports (Original post here) Template (Just copy and pasted into a new post)
![]() April 1, 2012 - 10:13pm |
![]() April 2, 2012 - 1:08pm |
Tell me, have you ever heard of a time lord? A species that was said to exist a long time ago. Legend says they are older than even the mythical Tetrachs. Maybe, on some glorious day, a survivor of their apocolypse will visit the frontier. There is nothing we can do now. Nothing but sit and wait. Professor Clanuuk'Tu |
![]() April 3, 2012 - 12:47am |
![]() April 2, 2012 - 6:28pm |
Throwing daggers are always prepped with needler sleep toxin and Komodon is always equipped with a holo screen and five disks with 5 different identities as well as 5 id cards to match those identities. He carries a small concealed first aid pack that allows for first aid to be performed one time as well as having an anti shock implant and med inject implant which is loaded with 1 dose of biocort and stimdose. Komodo is a stealthful killing machine with the connections to always have 5 cover identities ready. He moves through society like a wraith selling his services to the highest bidder and always completes a contract. He's on the Star Law top 100 wanted list for some exceptionally high profile assassinations. He moves freely amoung the underworld and criminal elements of the Frontier. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 2, 2012 - 7:11pm | Submitted by - This field is used for those living in the frontier. It's typically written by someone who has been tracking the individual. It could be a bounty hunter, Star Law agent, corporate agent, friend, sister, etc. Here's an example. Name: Talon Krade Submitted by: Darlon McDuff Submitter notes: Mr. Krade was a well known merchant fleet captain before turning his talents to organized smuggling. I have been attempting to track his last known smuggle drop-off, I believe it's near the belt in New Pale. His threat rating is High based on the types of cargo he has stolen from my employer, however Star Law will not recognize him as a threat, Mr. Krade is simply not their concern. |