d100 Mood Table

d100 Mood Table

1 Affectionate and jealous. 51 Jealous - which deliberately conceals being ambitious.
2 Aggressive, but many mistake it for being assertive. 52 Jubilant on the surface, but impulsive underneath.
3 Agitated and confident. 53 Loving and envious.
4 Ambitious 54 Loving and humiliated.
5 Ambitious and sad. 55 Loving on the surface, but embarrassed underneath.
6 Ambitious, but many mistake it for being antisocial. 56 Low, but many mistake it for being warm.
7 Antisocial and excited. 57 Mean-spirited
8 Antisocial on the surface, but excited underneath. 58 Mean-spirited - which deliberately conceals being sociable.
9 Antisocial, but many mistake it for being intent. 59 Melancholy - which unconsciously conceals being earnest.
10 Bored and warm. 60 Melancholy, but many mistake it for being sociable.
11 Fascinated, but many mistake it for being furious. 61 Mildly aggressive
12 Contented, but many mistake it for being withdrawn. 62 Mildly cruel
13 Courageous on the surface, but somber underneath. 63 Mildly loving
14 Creative - which unconsciously conceals being dull. 64 Miserable, but many mistake it for being humble.
15 Cruel 65 Pessimistic on the surface, but ambitious underneath.
16 Cruel, but many mistake it for being earnest. 66 Petrified - which deliberately conceals being sociable.
17 Cuddly on the surface, but antisocial underneath. 67 Powerless, but many mistake it for being assertive.
18 Despairing on the surface, but earnest underneath. 68 Preoccupied and contemplative.
19 Disoriented and affectionate. 69 Puzzled - which unconsciously conceals being intent.
20 Dull - which deliberately conceals being contemplative. 70 Relaxed on the surface, but envious underneath.
21 Earnest - which deliberately conceals being weak. 71 Slightly furious
22 Earnest and cruel. 72 Slightly humble
23 Earnest on the surface, but weak underneath. 73 Slightly social
24 Ecstatic, but many mistake it for being preoccupied. 74 Slightly understanding
25 Embarrassed 75 Sociable - which deliberately conceals being aggressive.
26 Embarrassed and close. 76 Sociable - which deliberately conceals being petrified.
27 Evasive and earnest. 77 Sociable, but many mistake it for being furious.
28 Extremely affectionate 78 Sociable, but many mistake it for being hateful.
29 Extremely despairing 79 Sociable, but many mistake it for being offended.
30 Extremely preoccupied 80 Social on the surface, but wavering underneath.
31 Extremely torn 81 Somewhat nervous
32 Fearful 82 Somewhat preoccupied
33 Friendly - which unconsciously conceals being jealous. 83 Somewhat uncertain
34 Frightened - which deliberately conceals being social. 84 Stubborn, but many mistake it for being affectionate.
35 Frightened - which unconsciously conceals being contemplative. 85 Sulky , but many mistake it for being intrigued.
36 Frustrated, but many mistake it for being relaxed. 86 Suspicious
37 Glad - which deliberately conceals being embarrassed. 87 Torn
38 Grumpy - which deliberately conceals being jubilant. 88 Torn and warm.
39 Hateful, but many mistake it for being intent. 89 Uncertain
40 Humiliated - which unconsciously conceals being sociable. 90 Uncertain - which deliberately conceals being thrilled.
41 Impulsive and social. 91 Uncomfortable on the surface, but courageous underneath.
42 Incredibly despairing 92 Unfriendly - which deliberately conceals being contemplative.
43 Incredibly evasive 93 Unfriendly on the surface, but creative underneath.
44 Incredibly focused 94 Unfriendly, but many mistake it for being relaxed.
45 Incredibly hateful 95 Uninspired - which unconsciously conceals being intrigued.
46 Incredibly jealous 96 Vaguely miserable
47 Inquisitive on the surface, but weak underneath. 97 Very irritated
48 Intent 98 Warm - which deliberately conceals being suspicious.
49 Intent on the surface, but angry underneath. 99 Withdrawn - which unconsciously conceals being happy.
50 Intrigued and hateful. 100 Withdrawn, but many mistake it for being confident.