The Yazirian MinstrelTradition

Any Yazirian can take Minstrel Tradition Skill. It is treated as being part of the Biosocial PSA for purposes of determining EXP cost.

Minstrel Tradition Skill encompasses and encyclopedic knowledge of yazirian poetry, literature, and song; the ability to play musical instruments and sing; skill with the zamira, and comprehension of social dynamics.


Knowledge of Yazirian history. Since yazirian history is encapsulated in song, poetry and in latter times literature a yazirian minstrel has a chance to remember significant details and important pieces from any age up-to and including the parts yazirians have played in the Frontier. (1/2 LOG + 10%/level)

Musical instruments and singing: Yazirian minstrel are adept at playing musical instruments and singing and can use this subskill to enhance racial reaction or other skills. This skill can be used to prep other yazirians to enter battle rage by consciously singing songs of valor, honor and battle prior to combat and throughout the day and at the moment of combat giving a stirring shout echoing a line from a song previously sung. Other yazirians gain a +5%/level of bard bonus to their battle rage roll. A bard with psycho-social skill can use music and song as part of his attempt to hypnotize gaining +5%. Other social interactions that involve a skill or ability check can receive this bonus as long as it's appropriate to include music and song. A yazirian bard knows how to sing automatically as well as play a number of instruments determined by his level; level 1-2 is 1 instrument, level 3-4 is 2 instruments, and levels 5-6 is 3 instruments. After 6th level a bard by learn more instruments for 4 exp each.

Zamira (racial Weapon skill): Yazirian minstrels all carry the traditional weapon, the zamira. It's rooted in tradition and expected of them. (1/2 Dex + 10%/level)

Comprehension: Same as the vrusk racial ability but only works with yazirians. A yazirian bard observing a social interaction between two or more yazirians has a chance to understand what is going on between them. (1/2LOG + 10%/level)