![]() September 5, 2011 - 6:03am | There is a tendency for the clanless and disinherited to gravitate toward mixed race colonies. Many of the dishonored remain bitter and tend to bond with a mixed race organization: mercenaries, gang, military and find their societal impulses toward fellowship met in these organizations; substituting drinking, fighting, and singing in a bar for the role that clan gatherings held in their lives. The clanless are a sort of second class citizen that is pitied. They gravitate toward mixed raced colonies as their status there bears less stigma. Since they are only clanless and not honorless other yaz with known clan lineages are more open and accepting of them generally. Often when a yazirian community is small on a mixed race colony the community comes together to celebrate key yazirian holidays as a community. Any past clan rivalries are put aside and the community is celebrated. National heros of all yazirians and their deeds are sung. Gifts are given and sweet meets are killed. Depending on the temper of the community the disinherited and disgraced are accepted (not all communities are so welcoming) honor combats are staged and a yaz under a cloud can fight one and the community will generally accept him as a honorable yaz (this acceptance in no way translates back to his clan on Hargut or Hentz or etc.) as far as the community is concerned he's welcomed back. May yaz on mixed race colonies or on a colony with 90% population from 1 race have become more interested in their heritage. they are more likely to carry a zamira etc. A interesting institution has cropped up among these yaz. They have begun to organize Yazirian Clan war re-inactment groups. It is no doubt a borrowing from the human practice. More often then not its of a clan renegade unit or an unit of the imperial Warhon. It seems that the regular meeting and drill and drinking and singing at night during encampments is a soothing substitute for not having a clan present. Note the Family of One frowns on this practice as it supplanted the Imperial Warhon and wiped out his "clan renegade" body guards during the Star Exodus to become the political power in yazirian space. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 5, 2011 - 5:07pm | Do these clanless societies welcome lone wanderers who have been out of contact for a long time? -iggy |
![]() September 5, 2011 - 6:35pm | Well, the population of yazirians in a mixed race colony will be all sorts of clan yazirians but as per shadow shacks article there are a variety of mixed clan decent and yaz that cannot trace their clan, or the disenherited. I expect that it would seem there is a lot more of the clanless, mixed clan, disgraced, and disenherited outside Yazirian space then within the all yazirian colonies. This may not be true it just seems that way as there is a high percentage compared to the clan yaz. So I liken it to when your are one out of 25 Americans in a foriegn country its like all of you are instant friends. So in particular when yazirians are living in a single race colony like on Clarion, Minotaur or Inner Reach then they tend bond with other yaz. When traditional holidays and celebrations come around that would normally be a big clan celebration many yaz find themselves withouth other clan mates around to even do a nominal celebration. This has been the impetus to come together as a community, not as a clan but as a community of yaz. Its interesting that many of these yaz living outside of yazirian space can be so strongly interested in their culture and roots and yet they are so much more open and accepting of one another even seeking to restore a disgraced or disenherited yaz. They have truly developed a race consciousness that actually bothers traditional clans back on Hentz or Hargut or etc. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
September 9, 2011 - 2:06pm | This is a good question... I have always imagined that the mixed race planet Yazirians are more mellow than their Clan counterparts. They may even have grown up completely out of the Clan system and may not even be aware of it. Possibly the were wards of the state, or even adopted a stoa, corporate, or family system, depending on where they are and the dominant race of their area. Many of the hardcore traditions - the histories, the hunts, the honor codes, Clan Law, the "savage" banquets - might not be practiced by these Yazirians at all. Or perhaps the mishmash of Yazirians produces a kind of McDonough Clan in Scotland - n'eer-do-wells and rejects (disinherited?) from the other Clans produces a new, mixed Clan over years or decades. Thus the wandering Yazirians form a Clan of their own - complete with their own histories, hunts, honor codes, Clan Law, and "savage" banquets. I could also envision a full rejectionist streak as well. Thus certain Yazirians take to the wilderness to seek enlightenment and commune with nature in a hermit-like existence. I could see loosely organized monestaries welcoming disinherited Yazirians on the mixed race worlds on the fringes of civilization. Keep in mind that many of the Frontier planets are sparsely populated. |
![]() September 10, 2011 - 5:56am | @ImpLord: hmmm I smell another monastery article. For instance Lossend having a light human population and a ag based economy could be presumed to have an environment commodious for agriculture would be a great location for a virtually unheard of monastery were the Yaz monks quietly work their gardens and brew beer or make wine. All of ImpLord 's suggestions are equally valid and very probably appear somewhere in the Frontier. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 11, 2011 - 8:47pm | And the animal life of Lossend provide a respectable prey for a monastic Yazirian to hunt ritually. -iggy |
![]() September 13, 2011 - 9:52am | Perhaps one very bitter leader would rise and attempt to draw followers to "get back at the Yaz" (the Yaz == the Man). He would use any means to exact his revenge. |
September 14, 2011 - 6:41am | Larry - |