![]() June 16, 2011 - 10:46am | The kids have an Elmo video where he paradoy's Howy Mandel in a game show called Meal or No Meal- a food or snack is presented and the muppet contestents have to decide if it will make a Meal or No Meal (salad is meal; cake is no meal) I sometimes play this with them when riding in the truck to reinforce what the good food choices are. Anyhow it got me thinking about what the vrusk eat. Are the Carnivores? Herbavores? or Omnivores? Do they drink? the volturnus module's water requirements are the same across the board for each character despite race. Some bugs get all their water from plants. Do the vrusk do this or do they just use a straw somehow? What about intoxicants? I think it would be silly to have a vrusk beer. I think they could be equally into an intoxicant as the other races but perhaps its vector of consumption is not liquid. So just what makes a meal for a vrusk? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |