![]() May 29, 2011 - 8:34pm | in another thread this conversation cropped up: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5386#comment-19717 In the legion the distinctions between comoner an equesrian class was much less obvious to the structure. basically the structure looked somthing like this: legionnaire (individual soldier) Decturian (leader of ten, actualy I stole this from the cavalry units leading 30 horse) Tessararian,Optio ( Sort of apprentice Centurians, one each per 80-120) Centurian (leader of 100 *note most centuries had about 80) Tribune ( 6 for every legion of say 5-8000, 2 elected by the people and the rest promoted from centurions) Legate ( one for each Legion, basicaly general) In this system all warriors start as legionnaires accept the elected tribunes and possibly the Legate. I think this system is more in line to what I see the Vrusk using. so in the Terledrom militia that ranks go: vr'k'k which actually derives from an ancient root that also gives us vrusk and is now usally translated soldier or sailor depending on the service involved. deck'ik which derives from a root word that means 10 and under the hive system it meant leader of 10 but in modern parlance it usually translates into PanGal as squad leader regardless of the number of individuals in the squad. Dex-deck'ik derives from a root word meaning 100 and traditionally meant leader of 100 or leader of 10 squads in modern parlance its translated Captain kik-Dec is the traditional title of what could be termed assistant squad leader some linguist have translated it Corporal but debate still crops up as to what its translation should be. Kik-Dex or Kik-Dex-Deck'ik is the traditional title of the under captain in modern parlance its used to designate Leutenants Tri_Deck'ik or Tri-Deck derives from a root meaning literally three 100s. Again this term is still debated as to the proper translation with Major and Col. being popular zick-nick or zick is the ancient term for general and is one of the rank names where we are certain what its proper translation is in PanGal. Hey Jacobsar, what do you think of Polyhedron pips for rank insignia for the vrusk? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |