![]() April 17, 2011 - 4:50pm | This is the auothoritative statement on their language. The fleet has been equipped with....three battleships: Admiral Clinton, Admiral Morgaine and Admiral Harsevoort. I interpret the name, Harsevoort, to be yazirian. Clinton and Morgaine are obviously human and it seems that Harsevoort was included to be an alien name. It has none of the feel of the vrusk names in canon material and neither does it seem to be a dralasite name. Thus I arrived at the assumption that it must be yazirian. yazirian Star names: Araks, Athor, Gruna Garu, Scree Fron Yazirian Planet names: Hentz, Yast, Hargut, Hakosar, Histran Observation: Garu might be a semi common place name component and "Har" would seem to be a common syllable in yazirian names or words. "H" at the beginning of a word is certainly a common sound in the yazirian language. Merco's CEO: Ebser Henshaw Star Play's CEO: Zsa-nin GODCo's CEO: Rev. Yeppir observation: agian we see lots of "H's" Yazirian, Castuss Wallorr, the sape handler yazirian male name: Sikriee Lieutenant Urugg Meebe, Male yazirian Jr Lieutenant Bluto Goorhud, yazirian male Maggar Broubb, yazirian male Yazirian names: Beebe Rhed Lieutenant Gratchu Hakes Lieutenant Pradi Innesti Yazirian names: Lettes Hradem So the above is a survey of the primary canon material for clues about the yazirian language. None of the magazines were looked at. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 17, 2011 - 5:04pm | Just to make the names list more assessible Male names: Broubb, Maggar Goorhud, Bluto Hakes, Gratchu Harsevoort Headrow, Hilo Henshaw, Ebser Meebe, Urugg Sikriee Wallorr, Castuss Yeppir Note I've assigned the following names to be female they were not so designated in the modules Female names: Rhed, Beebe Innesti, Pradi Hradem, Lettes Zsa-nin Star Names: Araks Athor Gruna Garu Scree Fron Planet Names: Hakosar Hargut Hentz Histran Yast I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 17, 2011 - 5:22pm | Common Vocalizations use by yazirians that are not Words A "ooot" commonly mispronouned by humans as "hoot" but properly done its a "ooot" made at the back of the throat and is the yazirian equivalent of applause. A blowing of air through the lips that makes them vibrate together. Among humans its been called a "raspberry" but yazirian lips are more mobile and have large area to vibrate making the sound slightly different from the human version and its made without a tongue being used like humans are prone to do. This vocalization is the yazirian version of booing and its believed that it originally is inspired by the sound of the pataqium skin flaps vibrating in the wind during an uncontrolled dive. By making this sound at someone you are telling them they've lost the wind under their wing. It's also used in social situations to tell someone to "buzz off" though the connotation is not as vulgar as a human method of telling someone to "go screw" but it is about as insulting as that to a yazirian. When used to boo entertainment or a speech its not as bad as human booing as yazirians respect the ability to pull out of an uncontrolled dive. A vocalization that includes the yazirian "boo" but followed with a gutteral "kaakkk" sound is the ultimate form of booing as the flapping ligs are the flapping wing flaps of an out of control dive and the "kaakkk" sound is the body hitting the ground. One human linguist equated it to the phrase, "Crash and burn." I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 17, 2011 - 5:48pm | My own humble fan-cannon for the yazirian language An interesting side effect of the revival of Baillorism is the study of Angladoc, the ancient clan dialect of Clan Anglan. It is also the language of the Family of One's religious rites and the langauge of the oldest surviving piece of yazirian literature. Prior to this, Angladoc had been termed a dead langauge or "Yaz Latin." Now its experiencing a bit of a revival as yazirians Frontier wide are becoming interested in their roots and scholarship in Angladoc has gather momentum. In another places I created: Warhon: carries the idea of general, overlord and latter Emperor Voor & voort: clan chief [since I made Admiral Harsevoort both a military leader and a clan chief in my timeline project I latched onto this part of his name to have the meaning of chief] Shing: avian/bird Karuf: Ruff or ruffled colar; particularly on some birds, came to mean a denomination of currency Heck: claw Heck'nor: from Heck Shing (literally: Clawed Avian) Voort Na Voor: literally: Chief of Chiefs; used for the largest avian predator - Voort Na Noor Heck'nor, also used for the highest denomination of currency I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 18, 2011 - 9:13pm | Internal Perspective... East Europenean, Northern Middle-east, Western Asia, South Pacific...... rugged mountainous, arid steppes, canyons, jungles and the archipelago. I don't think any of that looks coincidental. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() April 20, 2011 - 10:28pm | got a few, to add for consideration some putting the oot to use as a phonem with it's insinuated meaning: Ahk'ootanii - Generic Celebration or High-Class Party Dh'ootai - Social Club (building) Ghoo'ootto - Social Club (fraternity/sorority group) Bruk'h'ootan - Violence Clubs/Fight Gangs Gnyaknyo-dh'ootai - High-class Coteriee Yakioo'za - Clown, literally 'a person making baby-faces' Dh'oo'wa'ditii - a slang contraction of 'making celebrations with fun parts', a popular word among spacers working with humans. Dh'king'gyo - skilled craftsman Dhuiahdh - building, structure, organization Gnyabt'adhpbt'adhoo - An epic theatrical parody, a classic form of entertainment, where the heroics of legend and values of moral tradition are given a social outlet, and allowed to be parodied without a loss of houner. Some humans describe this style of theater, as a form of 'thespian battle rage' where-in nothing is held sacred, but the atrocity exhibition is valued for the courage displayed by the particapants. Frequently associated with Yakioo'za but rarely including them in the spectacle. Others, less appreciative of the work, describe it as a lander-wreak. OO'hiioo'h'Ahkahk - difficult to translate precisly, in some contexts it means 'Lets glide/swing high.', or even used like the colloquial 'roll out the carpet.' or 'paint the town.' in others it seems to mean 'I'll love you [love me/we'll love each other] forever.' best not used by a non Yazi. Other phonems not common to the other races: [ahk] a more open, often higher pitch, [oot], that carries a subdued meaning of pleasure or neutrality. [iii] when used alone holds a common expression of a disquieted mood, but used as a regular neutral vowal in many words. [hrr] - a low pitch trill, phonemic antonym of [ahk], may be given a nasal phonation to add emphasis. [gnrr] - a voiced low pitch trill, phonemic antonym of [oot], may be given a creaky phonation to add emhasis. [h] - voiced, voiceless, breathy, creaky, slack, moadal, stiff, glottal, raised, fallen, stressed, unstressed, elongated and shortened, pharyngealized, velarized, labialized, palatalized, and rhotacized, or just placed as a break... the use of the basic [h] is varied, and can change the meanings of other phonmes, or entire lexemes, dramatically. Making an attempt at detailing all the uses and modes of this phoneme could take a lifetime, and be a work all to itself. In general, consider this a 'wild card' phoneme, when seen in writ form. [gny] - an unusual radical or glottal rising nasal, that is ascribed to impute either a chiding or sardonic characterization to some words, but may be neutral or imply a certain imperious harmony. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() May 20, 2011 - 7:19pm | Let's make 100 yazirian names and I'll turn this into an article. (I'm sure we could pawn some names from Dragon/Ares and Shadow). Harkvot Kolvorn Reppir Hakvroot Yavpir From the online characters; "Rinny" Rin-Blanka Alik Klar Bender Billow Borkon of Dorkon Eusyl Gideon Pai-jon Gok Hargut Grelikk Gret Korg Grobber "Ice" Jaloub Jareb Longfellow Jeticia Nye Kangee (Raven in Sioux) Khan-gha No'Go No'Go Oolong new Ri-kono "Riki" Shea-Dow Roma Sahai Sho-Pi Dala Sketch Terc Krenn Vel Aath Xodia Yezha Zinthos |
![]() May 21, 2011 - 4:57am | Ok A to Z... Ahoot Iiignyagnyi Ath'iii'ma Brukh'boorne Bp'ahkii Bpootbp Cogh'cogh Dh'ami't'hal Eugnyomii Foot Foot Gnyiii'ka'hyky H'hrr'h'hack Huarr'gnyoot Hal'fbpah'iiignyt I'kiii'stootfh Jiiignykyiiis Karf'hek Kruf'gnyek Lih'moort Mahk'nkgny Nhot'gnyet Uieoodoh'nt Ookah'hootu P'h'papa S'hum'oorft Qu'Qufoortko'kopofts Rikrrol Seriiiootsliii Ah'gnyahm Tu'Tuh'hufoorgnyooh Um'Um Aiiidagnyowh Vooh'Vooh Woeforwoefoot Xestnawi'ki Zootsoot Rah'hiiiet Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() May 21, 2011 - 8:57am | Yav'nook Brobo G'eff Athvoor Parvarttie Athvroot Shivroot Hackfaur |
![]() May 21, 2011 - 7:08pm | 100 Yazirian Names (Markov Chain Generated - from all the examples given so far.) Absarlo Adhootar Ahkoot Adhgnyehoa Ahkootiii Ahartno Ahartook Ahniin Ahnin Ahtie Artvath Ahha Adhinne Ansyez Broraook Broarie Brobnyook Brobnotie Bokono Brobie Brobnook Brobtie Broin Brosanin Brobarook Guthent Gnyoaiho Gnyanai Gnrrahk Gnyestkos Hada Henha Hatai Haothadh Hentkotai Henrhai Heziha Hainai Hatrwall Hentai Henda Hatrantai Hentotha Haadh Haha Henai Hentpidtai Hehooha Hrrahkiii Hentkoadh Ihroav Innai Istor Inthrah Isin Innehoai Innnyha Kovar Llalny Nesot Ninny Otah Ooahar Ohnooroot Obniart Obobook Parnook Paie Paoot Parbrob Panook Pavarnin Parobook Panoonin Parroie Piothhoo Parvaie Raninth Roah Rahrobya Ronynook Strasy Sarrahhi Thosest Tihisint Tranwada Thoaiho Tini Varin Vaart Wallha Walnestkos Walzinadh Walzitai Waranai Watai Yanin Yain Yaartin Yakoonook Note: Hyphens, apostrophes, diacritics, and other common phonemic guides, are trimmed from this list. YMMV in determining proper pronunciations. As with Human names, there is likely more than one pronuciation, spelling, and short-hand identifier, for any given name. Root meanings however, also like Human names, likely vary little from culture to culture, pronuciation to pronuciation, era to era. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |