![]() February 8, 2011 - 9:24am | Okay I decided that I'll start a thread about what I'm working on that is not specifically Star Frontier's (URS) but has been made possible because of those rules, These rules sets and guidebooks are 100% compatable with the 4.5 Edition of the Star Frontier (URS) rules and should give you guys an Idea of what I have intended for this Project for my own gaming group, before they disbanded that is. The Core Universal Role Playing System now has a core book, and an Administrator's guide, and is a version of the Star Frontier's URS rules devoid of campaign related information, but in its place is information about using that core system to Create Modern day Campaigns modules. I Also just completed the revisions of the Universal Role playing system's guide to Animals of the Natural World, which is a 150+ Page book detailing real world animals that administrators might want to use in an Adventure. I should have the first Campaign model for the URS system which I created for my best friend based on our love of George A. Romero's Dead series finished over the weekend. Of course this is a gift for my friend and not something I'm planning to make otherwise available but its an example of the flexibility of the URS rules. As I develop more stuff I'll list it here and if there's enough interest in any of this Star Frontiers (URS) related stuff I'll see what I can do about making it available under the provisions I've tried to adhere to (Free for home use, not for Profit, fan based stuff not trying to cash in on copyrights owned by anyone...blah, blah,blah) "Hey guys I wonder what this does"-Famous last words "Hey guys, I think it's friendly." -Famous last words "You go on ahead, I'll catch up." -Famous last words "Did you here that?" -Famous last words |
![]() February 14, 2011 - 1:42pm | As some of you might know I caught this horrible cold Wednesday, but that hasn't stopped all my work. I managed to finish the Rise of the Dead rules (inspired by George A Romero's dead series of films) for my friend, and I started working on Shadows, a game of Modern horror where players assume the role of one of seven supernatural races (Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Ghouls, Revenents, Vampires, and Werewolves) trying to make a name for themselves in the City (a generic urban sprawl). this is one of three rules sets dealing with this universe. The second deals with Humans, Psychics and mediums, and the last one deals with Mages in this universe. I also got a chance to set up the ground work for some of the other rules sets that are linked to the URS core rules. These are: Gamma World (self explanatory) Sword & Sorcery (self explanatory) Gateways (Dimension hoping adventures) Avalon Rising (Earth's suffering awakens it's protectors from their centuries old sleep, and the fae are not happy) Avalon 3000 (The War between Fae kind and Humankind rages on in a post-Apocalyptic world) Invasion (Modern day earth invaded by aliens from deep space) untitled game system (Post apocalyptic setting where humans rally against the invading alien hordes) Extinction Agenda (a complacent humanity suddenly thrust into war with its robotic servants) New Frontiers (an alternate setting for Star Frontiers) The Omega Project (Mystic Knights, Smugglers, and more battle against an evil Admiral bent on taking over the Frontier) Starflight (An Alternate setting for Star Frontiers dealing with humans first steps beyond their solar system) Spelljammer (Dungeons and Dragons meets Star Frontiers) "Hey guys I wonder what this does"-Famous last words "Hey guys, I think it's friendly." -Famous last words "You go on ahead, I'll catch up." -Famous last words "Did you here that?" -Famous last words |
![]() February 22, 2011 - 11:45pm | After a slow weekend I can say that I am roughly 70% done with the Shadows core rulebook. and that I included about 40+ Merits and flaws specifically geared towards the Supernaturals in the game. I think the part that I am dreading more than anything is figuring out what format to use for a description of each supernatural types goals, motivations, place in the City, and how they interact with mortals and other supernaturals. Some of these will be simple, I have a really good idea where ghouls fit into the scheme of things, and vampires and werewolves aren't too hard either, but the Angels and Demons are going to be a big issue because to do them right I have to lay the groundwork on how I want to define heaven and hell in the game, and discuss the role that God plays in the game...topics that must be dealt with maturely and respectfully of course. I Also have about 75% of the material for the Expanded guide to the URS done, but have the daunting task of figuring out a whole new bunch of modern day gear to put in that book. And after that It's either tackling the Gamma World rules or the Sword and Sorcery rules, both of them are major undertakings. Oh well at least my week is relatively easy, Got a few more Robots to add, and then I get to make new spaceships for the Frontier, and continue churning out Animals for the Frontier too (fun stuff in comparison to all the reading and refiguring I have to do over the weekend which is when I do non-Star Frontiers stuff. "Hey guys I wonder what this does"-Famous last words "Hey guys, I think it's friendly." -Famous last words "You go on ahead, I'll catch up." -Famous last words "Did you here that?" -Famous last words |
![]() February 26, 2011 - 4:07pm | It's going to be an intense weekend for me. I just finished sealing up a 200+ page book detailing the Magic system for the URS. The creation of Mages, and Spell casters follows the same rules as Psionics so if you are familiar with one you are familiar with them all, and I included over 150 pages of spells! I hope to finish the Shadows Campaign model, and its Companion game Twilight Warriors this weekend as well, so that come Monday I can get back to work on the Star Frontier's (URS) stuff. "Hey guys I wonder what this does"-Famous last words "Hey guys, I think it's friendly." -Famous last words "You go on ahead, I'll catch up." -Famous last words "Did you here that?" -Famous last words |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 9:55pm | Okay so I fell a little behind this weekend due to real life concerns getting in the way, but I did manage to finish the Shadows: Twilight Warriors book, which turned out to be 200 pages. So I'm pretty happy. Looking back over the few months since I started this upgrade to version 4.5. I've managed to update quite a bit of the many projects that have been sitting on my hard drive for the last 7 years into something cohesive, and I really have to thank w00t and the community who gave me the push I needed to get around to putting all the many documents, and bits of material that I've accumulated over the years into something that maybe others will enjoy. Anyhow I've got a lot of work still to do before I can pat myself on the back, so I hope you all stick around, and maybe I'll figure out a way to offer up the rest of the URS material for those people who might be interested in it. "Hey guys I wonder what this does"-Famous last words "Hey guys, I think it's friendly." -Famous last words "You go on ahead, I'll catch up." -Famous last words "Did you here that?" -Famous last words |