Founders Day, Zamira's Algae Pizza on a Stick

Once Don Salizar is captured he will have to be "forced" to tell the PCs anything as he's too professional of an operator (tellol is the likely method).  He coordinates with Zamira by buying algae pizza at her vender's cart.

Zamira does not have the PCP module at the cart or her rented room (its in the hands of her second in command in the SDC cell). In fact this close to the planned day she's abandoned her cart and has been lying low at the appartment of a city system's tech named Bob Frett (human) who she has groomed as a "boyfriend." She's played on Bob's fettish for interracial sex and strung him along hinting at a big reward on Founder's Day but she really intends to kill him not sleep with him. Bob Frett is just a patsy being used for access to the city grid computer brain.

The PC's will be able to enquire about Zamira's missing cart which will lead back to the vending company. From the vending company they will be able to eventually track down her appartment. At her appartment, after a search, they'll find plans for the city's sub-systems (service and access tunnels) as well as blue prints for the city grid facility where the robotic brain is located. If they dig enough (attempt to get her chronocom records) they may discover numerous calls between her and Bob Frett which will lead to him.

If they track him down, he's dead and his ID and chronocom are missing. In fact he may be freshly dead and Zamira is literally flying the coop from an open window. If the players are hot on the trail of the SDC plot the timing of it can be moved up by the SDC themselves. The FFF wont be happy about the distraction for their plan being early but the SDC wont care. The PCs will have to take down the SDC cell at the city grid facility.

Zamira: yazirian, Melee 65, RW 75, PS +3, IM +5, RS 50, STA 50, Robotics(4)  80%, Battle Rage 40; Equipment: 4 zamra (yazirian honor weapons), 1 gyrojet pistol, 1 sonic sword, skein suit 50pts, albedo screen, power belt, robcom kit, 2 smoke grenades, anti-shock implant. Zamira is goes by the name for the yazirian honor weapon and is a dead on shot with it as well as the gyro weapons.

The Zamra (From Ares #17): Cost 12cr, Wt. -, Damage: 1d10 (1d6 non lethal variety), Rate: 1, Defense: inertia, Range: 5/10/20/30/40.

8 SDC Mooks: RW 50, PS +3, IM +4, RS 40, STA 50, auto pistol or laser pistol, vibro knife, skein suit 50pts, extra ammo, 2 frag grenades.