Founders Day, On the Trail of "Frank" aka Don Salizar

There are all sorts of ways the Player Characters could have learned about Don Salizar. They may have captured the vrusk thief at Seawall Research Park and used tellol on him (he cant be forced to answer questions about the Zenk but he can give details about how he communicates with "Frank." They could discover the rented room with the portable recieving pad for bapping and thought to check for security camera footage (traffic camera) showing who enters and leaves that building. They may equally have come up with a creative solution to this problem. What is important is that discovering that Don Salizar aka "Frank" is the next link in the chain should not be impossible.

Don Salizar is a fairly accomplished agent with a fine "danger sense" and will likely spot the PCs if they are not trying to be natural. He will be suspicious of any communication asking to meet with him as he has already wired the thief's account the final payment. He will likely only visit the message drop site if he sees the vrusk theif leave a message in the pre-arranged drop location (PCs will need a holo screen programmed to look like the vrusk theif to do this). Other wise he will fade away in the crowd - allow for observent characters to spot him being a little suspicious.

Use the Port Loren map. The pre-arranged message drop is a small hole in the trunk of a tree in the central hub of the Port Loren map. Don Salizar will seek to leave the area and board a mono rail. The PC's will need to chase and stop him even if they have to have a shoot out on the train.

Don "Frank" Salizar: human, RW 50, PS +3, IM +4, RS 40, STA 50, Enviromental(3), Technician(2), laser pistol, sonic knife, civilian skein suit 50pts, 2 tangler grenades, anti-shock implant, 2 spare 20 SEU clips.

What Don can tell them:
He gave the PCP module to a female yazirian named Zamira who is a Silver Death Cult cell leader. Don meets with her at her street cart location where she vends algae pizza on a stick outside the zoo in Port Loren. Zamira is suppose to take down the robotic brain that manages the Port Loren city grid (electricity, taxis, the mono rails, and traffic flow) in two days but its a diversion for the true FFF operation but he does not know what the details of the that operation is.

He can also tell who his manager is, FFF operator, Gof Ink and how to find him.

Referee Notes:
Don't forget to dot the map with a handful of civilian/innocent bystanders.