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Security Trouble Shooters Needed
2000 cr Signing Bonus
Contact CDC offices for details
Friday night 8 pm Eastern starting May 14th
Character Guidelines:
Any race: AD or Zebs-
Roll for ability scores and check the Ability Score Table for the result; then arrange in the order you like for the 4 ability pairs. After that apply your racial modifiers.
Choose a level 2 skill and choose 2 level 1 skills (total: 3 skill in all), PSA is the area the level 2 skill is from. (for simplicity we’re using AD style of PSA and skills)
Consider using an archetype from the SFman
Note: “Spacer Skills Revisited” article from SFman 10 is house rules so a level one star ship skill is possible for this game. (Some possibility of star ship skills playing a part)
Spend your 2500 cr (500 cr starting money and 2000cr signing bonus) 1 Free tool kit, a military tool kit is a skein suit (civilian or military). Standard equipment list is readily available in Port Loren. Unique items from other sources (Zebs or SFman) could be found but either require a bit of role play, out right referee approval, or will turn up in the course of the adventure.
Then head out to the star port in Port Loren to board the Stellar Dawn tramp freighter for Devco.
The style of this game is to be encounters that can be played out in one evening session. The characters will be part of a trouble shooting security team hired by the CDC to assist on Devco in the aftermath of the Blue Plague. Thus failure to show up for a gaming session wont sink a game or penalize you- we’ll just assume your character is on another assignment or taking some leave time or etc.