![]() May 17, 2010 - 7:18am | With little time to prepare for landing I was able to run to the weapons locker while Boston prep'd the explorer. The shuttle landed with a THUD! Cargo door whines open. Boston exits and floors it. Off in the distance we see a cloud of dust. I pop open the hatch and take a gander with my IR/Mag goggles. Wow... those people are actually attacking robots. Comical that one robot is running for it's bits on broken treads! I tell Boston to bump the hover cycle as the three robot thugs try to skip off on a hover bike. Before we close the distance they open fire pelting the explore with small arms fire. Even loaded down it's faster than us. Boston bumps the bike and one of the riders, a human falls off. Boston turns the explorer around and as we near the human I get ready to jump. One, two, THREE! I leap from the vehicle arms stretched catchy the breeze under my wings. SLAM! Human bowling success! Dispite the being disarmed and out gunned the human attempted to land one last punch. I drew out my live sonic sword and settled him down eventually. The prisoner was taken aboard the explorer and restrained. What I leared; A home grown and not to well organized cadre has sprung up among some plague survivors that is angry over the lack of jobs and ability for survivors to make a living; sure food is given and better housing is promised (as soon as more robotic assets can be diverted to finish the new archology towers), and they have free medical treatment from the MSO teams but they desire to obtain prosperity from their own efforts not from a hand out. Aftermath; The prisoner was interegated under telol, there may have been some violation of his civil liberties in the process but CDC is running the show and the security director, the team's boss, authorized it. Several cadre members have been rounded up. An important member of the anti robot cadre is still missing and believed to be hiding in the shanty town. it looks like Gok's team will catch the assignment to track him down. Nollo the CDC administrator had directed that all attacks on robots must be halted lest the prosperity of the system be put at jepordy. HAL the robotic brain that directs all services and terraforming projects offered to explore the possibility of producing some extra security bots to assist the overworked biological security teams. Experience; Gok 2 for securing company assets and preventing further destruction, +1 exp for capturing a an antagonist without firing a shot. Total exp award: 3. |