Yazirian Supreme Clan Law and Theology

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Imperial Lord
June 17, 2008 - 1:05pm

Yazirians have two levels of government in their society: the actual government and then the rules and laws of their Clans.

This sometimes presents problems, especially in regards to interstellar law and living on the mixed race planets.  When the two concepts conflict, Yazirians can be put in a difficult situation.

Clan Law is founded on the teachings of the Enlightened Brothers, a group of 12 prophets and philosophers who managed, (through example, prayer, meditation, and debate) to calm the vicious Clan Wars that were ripping apart Yazirian society and throwing it back into a Dark Age.  They spontaneously and simultaneously arose throughout what is called "Yaziria" or the lands of the Yazirians, which many Yazirians believe is proof of their divine origin and power. 

"Yazirian" actually means "one of Yaziria" which is a semi-mythic connotation.  Some Yazirians believe it to be an actual place, others believe it to be a metaphor for the entire race.  Yaziria is a dream of unity, where Yazirians live together in peace, justice, achievement, and courage.  The Enlightened Brothers did much to achieve this dream, understanding that Clan and Ritual were going to be the primary motors through which to soothe the Yazirian's innate savagery.

The Enlightened Brothers arrived not a moment too soon.  Clan War, with full participation of Yazirian females, was literally going to exterminate the entire Race.  The addition of nuclear weapons, and the willingness to use them, pushed the Yazirians to the brink. 

The Enlightened Brothers were unique, indeed.  They all married females from the worst rival Clans to their own.  They refused to fight or carry weapons.  Some Yazirians also attribute miracles to them.  They lived almost their entire lives through arcane rituals, and communicated through ancient symbols and riddles.  They dressed in little more than rags.  They completely echewed pride, greed and violence, and insisted that all follow their example.  In the midst of the vicious wars at that time it was a wonder that they were not murdered.  But through the Enlightened Brothers, the Yazirians saw the hope of the salvation of their Race.  Even the proud and mighty Clan leaders who were (supposedly) benefitting from the Wars did not dare to hurt them.  One Clan Leader that did order the killing of one Brother was himself assassinated - by the killer he hired to do the job.  Even the most ruthless Yazirian assassins feared their Holiness!

Soon the Brothers began to communicate with each other through messengers.  Though they did not meet, they slowly began to formulate was has since been termed as Supreme Clan Law, which are basic principles by which Yazirians should behave.  Amazingly, these conversations by proxy started to have an immediate effect, as the various warring Clans began to wait with baited breath on the counsels and declarations of these wise and holy prophets.  The reptilian Yazirian mind, so long accustomed to bloodshed, so long marking feuds going back for generations, began to listen to these beams of hope shining down from 12 places.

Upon completion of the Supreme Clan Law, the 12 Brothers finally met and began to tour all frontlines of the battlefields.  Incredibly, they walked between trench lines and besieged city streets, braving certain death, grabbing weapons from soldiers and throwing them to the ground.  Not a single shot was fired, so overwhelmed were the Yazirians by their acts of sheer courage.  The Brothers tore insignia from generals and officers, disabled artillery pieces, ripped controls out of aircraft, and ordered all with them to do the same.

Soldiers and officers genuflected and wept, begging forgiveness and mercy from the Holy Ones.  The response that they recieved was simple, and, for once, devoid of symbolism or metaphor:  "Will you accept the Supreme Clan Law?"  All agreed, and when they did, they were required to shake the hands of their enemies immediately, which, though almost unbearable, all of the warriors agreed to do.  (When a Yazirian shakes someone's hand, part of their soul goes to the hand that is being shaked.  This is a formal invitation to Clan membership.) 

In this way, the spirit of Yaziria was established. The Clan Wars were over.  Within a few generations, the Yazirians were reaching for the stars.