Physical Appearance And Structure

Neveleim can pass for tall Humans, were it not for several salient features unique to their race.

Neveleim have aqualine noses, high forheads, skin which is either dark red or a dusky brown, and long, straight hair which is invariably a glossy black.

Their hands are double-jointed, terminating in long, slender fingers.

They are omnivorous.


Like the Anazazi, Neveleim have eyes set far enough apart to grant them excellent peripheral vision. Their hearing and sense of smell are similar to that of Humans.


Neveleim speak nearly all Human languages and Anazazi fluently, with their own language having striking similarities to Anazazi and most Human languages.

Society And Customs

Neveleim have a system of clans which is amazingly similar to that of the Anazazi.

They otherwise share traits with both Anazazi and humans.

Like the Anazazi, Neveleim are honorable, placing the greater good of the clan and their society above their own interests.

They are also a tolerant people.


Neveleim are tolerant of those who act in an honorable, tolerant manner and places the greater good of others over her own self interest.

They do not share the Anazazi's pathological fear and loathing of those who aren't tolerant, honorable or altruistic, though, as a rule, they are leery of such people.

Special Abilities

Education: Like Humans, Neveleim can add five points to any one attribute.

Average size:

2.1 meters tall

Average mass:

80 kg(male), 60 kg(female)

Average lifespan:

200 years


Sexual, viviparous

Body temperature:

37 C

Native gravity:

1.0 G