Star Frontiersman Article

I am going to be writing an article for the 7th issue of the Star Frontiersman. So here are some ideas that we are going to try use to put together this book. First: I have spebt some time talking about the max number of races that are naturally from the Frontier (including the main races) which should make up no more than 34 races total. Second: The racial decriptions will have to be based on the traditional format for the races from the Alpha Dawn RPG. Third: Other races will be added as "Beyond the Frontier" after the 34 races of the Frontier are decided then we can add the other sevnty or so (maxing the total to 100) and place them in there spots in the galaxy. Fourth: We need to try remake te Frontier map abd give a view of the galaxy all together. Fifth: History of the galaxy should be distorted and incomplete to leave gamers hanging and even let them decide what had happebed and even give them more open-ended gaming (great for role-playing games).

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Article guidelines017 years 17 weeks ago17 years 17 weeks ago