
  Timeline, AD 1944-2101

AD 1944.8.9. Nevelem refugees arrived on the Anazazi homeworld Zoonai Nef Boru(Ross 614 II); with the consent of the clan leaders, the refugees established a colony in the lowlands of Zoonai Nef Boru's eastern continent.

AD 1960. The head of the Council of Clans, Rojinn Clin of Clan Soond, publicly announced his support for the Haziri (Anazazi: The Holy Ones)movement, a coalition of wealthy and powerful religious leaders and their followers amongst clanless Anazazi(Kromaki, meaning outcast).

Previously a fringe movement largely ignored by the majority of Anazazi(and the butt of many a popular Anazazi joke) the Haziri movement found themselves empowered by Clin's support, gaining a voice and the support of a large number of Anazazi dissatisfied with their society in general...and by what they perceived as dilution of Anazazi culture by "alien[Nevelem]" ideas and mores in particular.

AD 1969.6.24. Nevelem colonize the third planet in the Procyon system, a barren, mountainous world they name Soomai Nev Geshu(Nevelem: New Place Of the Blue Water).

Attempts to explore the system of a yellow star some eleven light years from Procyon end in a series of failures, only spurring popular belief amongst both Anazazi and Nevelem that that system(Kaiam Koru in Anazazi and Gaiam Goru in Nevelem)holds the true homeworld of both races.

AD 1975. Mating and Breeding Laws narrowly defeated in the Council of Clans. Drafted by Clin himself, the Haziri supported the Mating Laws out of fear the what they perceived as a growing tendency towards intermarriage(and breeding) between Nevelem and Anazazi.

AD 1980.9.11. The first reported case of the Korou Hazirim(Anazazi: Divine Plague)is reported in a free clinic in the Anazazi capital city of Hakon.

The plague's earliest stages were a loss of feathers, white lesions on the skin, trembling, loss of appetite, exaggerated sensitivity to light, progressing to swelling of the brain, dementia, blindness, febrile seizures and a slow, painful death.

AD 1984.12.12. As the Korou reached epidemic proportions, Clin and the Haziri leaders took this as an opportunity to advance their agenda-the term Divine Plague is coined at this time-telling their people that the plague is a punishment from the One True God(Anazazi:Zonmaar Hazira) for acceptance of deviancy, moral inferiority and dilution of Anazazi culture, with blame gradually turning to "race traitors" amongst their own kind and the Nevelem themselves.

As the Anazazi and Nevelem medical communities struggle against political and religious obstacles to find a cure, the Anazazi people, desperate for any answer to a plague which has already seen an entire Anazazi colony world quarantined by the military, begin turning on those conveiently set up as scapegoats by the Haziri leadership, the resulting round of persecutions claiming almost as many lives as the plague itself.

AD.1985.1.15 The Council of Clans passed an even more restrictive version of the Mating and Breeding Laws, not only forbidding miscgenation between Nevelem and Anazazi, but defining marriage as a union between a male Anazazi and a female Anazazi, banning Nevelem from breeding at all.

The Nevelem leadership's objections to this were met by a holocaust of antimatter warheads against the Nevelem homeland on Zoonai Nef Boru and an all-out invasion of Nevelem territory in the 28-year long Harkota Hazirim(Anazazi: Holy War, literally, War of Purification), which not only pits Anazazi against Nevelem, but clan against clan, as the Haziri's policies tear mainstream Anazazi society apart.

AD 2001-2036. Freedom Wars Era.

In a thirty-five year period, the United States had assimilated much of Earth in a series of what would later be referred to as "Freedom Wars," by historians, due to the American government's inclusion of the word "Freedom" in the operation name(e.g., Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, etc.).

In the beginning, the United States had much of the world-particularly the other Western democracies-on its side, due to the sheer horror of the suicide attacks against the Pentagon and World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, allowing the American and British governments to invade Afghanistan in order to destroy both the government providing primary support to the al-Qaeda terrorist movement believed responsible for the attacks and al-Qaeda itself.

Much of the world objected, when, on questionable intelligence, American, British and allied forces launched Operation Iraqi Freedom in March of 2003; aside from diplomatic protests by France, Russia and several others, as well troop withdrawals by Coalition partners becoming increasingly disenchanted with the war effort, the world stood by, allowing the United States and its Iraqi client government to not only prosecute the war, but to extend its scope to Iran, then Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and, finally to all of Israel, the Middle East, North, and Central Africa.

Even the reports of American forces were eradicating all traces of "terrorist" cultures from the areas they now occupied, obliterating languages, religions and customs predating Columbus' discovery of the New World, failed to arouse the other nations into doing anything other than voice their concerns on the floor of a United Nations ignored, enfeebled and scorned by the American government, media, religion and public opinion, threaten meaningless trade and economic sanctions or demonstrate outside American embassies whose missions cared less and less about cooperation with their host nations with the passage of time.

In America itself, the government-citing security and a need to rein in those doing violence to the Constitution and the moral values upon which it was based-enacted a series of laws(the Schiavo Act , the American Family Act, and the Patriot Acts in particular)executive orders and unofficial directives which circumvented the Constitution without actually repealing it, the American people accepting their government's actions without question, having been firmly convinced that such things as freedom from religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and trials by jury not only went too far, but were just not good for business.

Moreover, the average American citizen, agreeing with the government's position that anyone opposing the President-or anyone else in authority-during a time of war or national emergency was a "non-American" to whom normal civil liberties did not apply, had no qualms about taking the law into his own hands, branding anyone he didn't like a non-American, doing whatever he felt the offending party deserved to have done to them.

Knowing he could do so with complete impunity, especially after an incident in early 2013, involving two Tarrant County(Texas)sheriff's deputies attempting to prevent the gang rape of a young woman by a group of men in a local bar, the deputies finding themselves declared non-Americans and imprisoned without trial based on the word of one of the alleged rapists, who claimed the woman had openly criticized President Harry Reid prior to the incident.

AD 2013.4.16. Anazazi and Nevelem doctors finally synthesize a cure and a vaccine for the plague, in spite of the Haziri.

The Haziri's attempts to suppress this knowledge resulted only in an independent investigating implicating Haziri scientists in a conspiracy to create the Korou Hazirim to justify the Haziri's complete seizure of power and their campaign to eradicate anyone who differs from them.

As Clin and the other Haziri leaders-now in total control of the Council of Clans-attempt to denounce the investigation as a conspiracy perpetrated by race traitors and Nevelem, the Anazazi militiary(the Nofohaz, literally, either swords or swordsmen) takes matters into their own hands, deposing the Council and establishing a junta of the most powerful military leaders who then formally allied themselves with the Nevelem in both spreading the cure amongst both their peoples, while, at the same time, ending the War of Purification by driving the Haziri out of Anazazi space.

The leaders of the military junta then surrendered themselves to a newly-elected Council of Clans for appropriate justice, while Anazazi and Nevelem societies spent the next twenty-three years rebuilding themselves.

In total, the plague, the persecutions and the war claimed nearly ten billion Anazazi and Nevelem lives.

AD 2013.2.16. United States Congress passed Federal Victimless Crime Decriminalization Act.The Act declared rape, prostitution, domestic abuse, exploitation, and murder to be-in certain cases- "victimless" crimes, further declaring them and similar victimless crimes to be legal in American soil, on the principle that the alleged victims chose to be victims; therefore, whatever happened to them was their fault.

The same logic applied to fraud, identity theft, blackmail, harassment, making terroristic threats, being too poor and helpless to leave doomed major American cities and extortion, the Act decriminalizing them all as well, to the relief of one Freddie Causey of Fort Valley, Georgia, who wrote in his letter to the editors of the Warner Robins Telegraph, "it's about damn time."

The Act did not contradict the American Family Act passed two years earlier, expressly stating "unions which contradict the natural order(i.e. marriage shall be between one man and one woman, as specified in the 2011 AFA)victimize both those forced to live in such unions and the American people as a whole; therefore those women persisting in such unions shall be and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the harm they have caused."

Over the course of the next 23 years, the Act is amended several times, until, by 2036, virtually all crimes have been decriminalized in the name of personal responsibility...but only for Americans, as pretty much anything a non-American does remains a criminal offense.

AD 2013.3.26. President Reid signed the Posse Comitatus Act of 2013 into law, legalizing all street gangs and right-wing militia groups operating in American home soil and the various militias and private military forces operating in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Georgia, Lithuania, the Ukraine and Belarus, organizing them into regular American military units in an effort to offset manpower shortages affecting the American armed forces.

The new law also authorized corporations to raise private military and security forces of their own, to safeguard their interests "whenever and whereever their personnel or property are endangered through acts of terror and/or violence[VI.ii.2116. PCA]," these private military forces given access to the same equipment and training as the regular American military.

Even the media has little to say on this, other than to report the Act's passage.

AD 2013.6.6. The people of Northern California successfully petitioned Congress for statehood, over the protests of California's two Senators, both of whom were from the southern part of that State. President Reid, two days later, signed the bill creating the new State Of Northern California, with former California Governors Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger being appointed to the Senate by Northern California's first Governor, the Reverend Robert Schuller.

Charlton Heston becomes Governor of California a week later, after the State government has completed its move to the new capital in Los Angeles.

AD 2013.8.8. Congress approved a petition by the residents of the Atlanta metropolitian area to form a separate State from the rest of Georgia, President Reid immediately signing the measure into law.

This action formally ended two years of bitter civil war between the northern and southern halves of the State.

AD 2013.9.5. The United States, in response to parliamentary elections in Canada which the NSIC insisted had been influenced by al-Qaeda operatives, invaded Canadian soil in what President Reid, during the first live Web-cast made by an American President, dubbed "Operation Northern Freedom."

AD 2013.9.7. Both British Prime Minister Sir Geoff Hoon and French President Lionel Jospin issued a joint statement declaring war against the United States, in response to Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell's urgent plea for military aid from Canada's fellow NATO members, with the German, Russian, Spanish and other European governments immediately following suit.

The United States immediately unleashed a hellish bombardement of the entire European continent from the first of the Joint Mobile Operations Bases(or JMOBs), the Richard B. Ralston ; Enduring Freedom multi-warhead delivery systems(q.v.), drop-launched from the bellies of SA-3 attack spacecraft, airbursted in an overlapping pattern over the entire continent, obliterating European military forces, infrastructure and people with ruthless precision, leaving the battered survivors to deal with wave after wave of spacedropped Army and Marine troops-supported by the Ralston's 120 forty-terajoule lasers-which easily overwhelmed and occupied the whole of the British Isles and most of the Continent within a week's time, the remainder of the French and British government and military retreating to French Guiana and Belize respectively to continue what would ultimately be a losing battle.

Canada falls to American forces in spite of three weeks of desperate and determined resistance by Canadian citizens and the remnant Canadian Forces; a Canadian Provisional Government, headed by retired Air Force Lieutenant General Donald Collings, oversaw the dismantling of the Canadian Confederation and the First Nations into separate Americanized States.

AD 2013.10.18. With political infighting, racial strife, and economic chaos dragging the city of Macon into anarchy, the federal government sent troops into the city, dissolved Macon's , Payne City's and Bibb County's charters, arresting and executing all prominent leaders, President Reid then turning the entire city of 91,700 over to the United States Bureau of Prisons, which swiftly transformed Macon into the first and most infamous of the metropolitan prison zones, the federal government rerouting Interstate 75 and several major federal and state highways around the newly-established penal facility.

The remainder of Bibb County is then annexed into the Greater Warner Robins Metropolitan Area.

The city of New Orleans-all but demolished by three years' worth of Category 5+ hurricanes- becomes the second Metropolitan Prison Zone on October 29, 2013.

AD 2016. The night of the 2016 Presidential elections ended with neither the incumbent Reid nor his Republican challenger, Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, winning the majority of either the popular or electorial votes, victory on both fronts instead going to former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, an ex-Democrat running as an independent.

Before word of this has any opportunity to spread across the InterWeb, however, the complete and total annihilation of Washington, D.C. and the resulting deaths of the President, Vice-President, Speaker of the House, virtually all of Congress and most of the federal government was to take center stage.

Almost immediately, Senate President pro tem Sam Brownback-at Robins Air Force Base at the time of the attack-assumed the Presidency, appointing the head of the NSIC and CEO of ATT-Walcorp, General of the Army Robert Joshua "RJ" Williams, to the Vice Presidency, the two men appearing on the IW, telling the American people they ordered the destruction of the nation's capital and the virtual decapitation of its government and military command structure, because,"quite frankly, ladies and gentlemen, they have betrayed all of us[as Vice-President Williams so bluntly put it]."

Brownback and Williams went on to say that al-Qaeda did not exist, never had existed, that Reid, in league with the European countries "who've always been out for our blood[Brownback's words]," the United Nations and "powerful and vocal minorities in our own home soil" had planned and executed the terrorist attacks against the Pentagon and World Trade Center fifteen years before, with the express purpose of "turning each of us against the other, so that they could rule unmolested over us all[Vice-President Williams]."

This "conspiracy of darkness[later referred to as the Conspiracy]," as President Brownback called them, had most certainly infiltrated and manipulated the electorial process so that "their Antichrist" could assume the leadership of the most powerful nation on Earth and, by extension, over the entire world.

The American people proved entirely too eager to assist NSIC agents, National Guardsmen, Marines, Navy SEALs, State and local police in hunting down the conspirators in their midst, imprisoning without trial those who were not murdered outright, President Brownback immediately ordering the Federal Election Comission reorganized and brought under the authority of the NSIC, the resulting Federal Election Adjustment Comission then given absolute authority to adjust the results of any election in American soil "to more accurately reflect the will and wishes of the majority."

AD 2017.1.3. Vice-President Williams' first act upon convening the remnants of Congress-reorganized, out of expidence, into a unicamerial body- was to introduce legislation disbanding NASA, outlawing all civilian space programs as "an extravagance which this nation can no longer afford," and forbidding research and development into alternative energy sources to fossil fuels and nuclear fission, for the same reasons given for outlawing civilian space travel.

This left only Arianespace, in French Guiana, feverishly(and secretly)working with the French and British governments-in-exile on efforts to colonize Mars and other planets in the Solar System.

The Williams Act also called for increased funding to the military space program, administered jointly by the Navy and Air Force-under the aegis of the Joint Space Command-authorizing construction of five more Ralston-class JMOBs to be completed by 2026 and expansion of the orbiting missile-defense system built four years before to cover the entire globe.

The American government and people celebrate the passage of the Williams Act and President Brownback's signing it into law by destroying the Space Station Unity and all those aboard with a barrage from the Ralston's lasers on January 6, 2017.

AD 2017.9.25. Haziri Koru(Eta Cassiopae A) system colonized by the Haziri. The system's third planet is named Zoonai Haziri(Dwelling of the Chosen) and designated the Haziri homeworld, the Haziri rewriting history to state that this is the racial birthplace and that Zoonai Nef Boru was a penal colony established by the Haziri for "aliens and other undesirables."

The Haziri go on to colonize or conquer worlds in several nearby star systems, including the Neveleim colony on Tau Ceti II(later to be known as Big Sky). The Neveleim, along with proto-humanoids from the other conquered worlds, are shipped to Zoonai Haziri to serve as breeding stock.

AD 2018.7.4. American citizens cheered when the Ralston's lasers turned the Statue Of Liberty into boiling slag, Americans having been led to believe by the media and the government that the Statue represented "wrong thinking[as Vice-President Williams put it]."

In its place, the American government erected the 1,000-story tall Statue Of the American Hero, the world's tallest structure until the completion of the Warner Robins Command Complex a year later.

AD 2019.1.15. President Brownback unleashed Operation Eastern Freedom, the latest Freedom War, beginning with simoultaneous antimatter-warhead strikes against Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Pyongyang, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Kyoto, Yokohoma, Sapporo, New Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Karachi and other major Asian cities, moving a massive amount of troops over land, sea, air and space into the area, forcing the capitulation of Japan, Vietnam, and both Koreas that very day, with the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Taiwan surrendering the day after, Malaysia and Indonesia lasting a week before they too fall.

WARCOM then launched a full-scale invasion of Russia and China.

AD 2019.3.21. Work is finally completed on the massive and labyrinthine Warner Robins Command Complex or WARCOM-standing a majestic 17,760 feet above the rest of Robins Air Force Base and occupying nearly five miles of the base reservation-President Brownback dedicating it in a ceremony carried live on the IW, the American government and the Joint Chiefs moving from their temporary quarters at Vermont's Greenbriar Resort and Cheyenne Mountain respectively into their new home two weeks later.

AD 2019.3.21. The survivors of the European Community succeeded in launching the Ariane VI rockets carrying the military and colony ships bound for Mars, even as American soldiers overran Central America, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana during the final phases of Operation Southern Freedom in March of 2019, the colonists, upon landing on Mars, moving into an O'Neill colony cylinder constructed by teams of engineers and laborers sent ahead eighteen months earlier.

Over the next eight years, New Europos-consisting of all the refugees of the now-European States Of America, as well as from the rest of American soil-would flourish, growing to eight large O'Neill colonies-New London, Eurostadt, Liberté, Carl Gustav II, MacKenzie, New Halifax, Uhuru and Stanhope-stretching across the Syria Planum, in addition to colonies in the Solar Asteroid Belt and in the Jupiter planetary system.

AD 2019.4.15. The United States' response to the European refugees' colonization of Mars was swift, the American military initiating Operation Martian Freedom with aerospace strikes launched from the Ralston and its sister JMOB, the General John P. Jumper, these forces being met in high Martian orbit by the the Hermes V attack spacecraft of Arianespace's private military force, the Force Militáire Arainespace(by now, the de facto European armed force), employing antimatter ordinance(in particular, the earliest model of the thirty-megaton Sledgehammer torpedo)and laser weaponry of their own to savage the slower, less maneuverable JMOBs, the Europeans destroying the Jumper, before it could launch its SA-3s and SF-22s , crippling the Ralston, forcing it to limp back to Earth.

Dubbed the "Syria Planum Turkey Shoot," by even the American media, Operation Martian Freedom proved a demoralizing and humiliating defeat for an American military accustomed to an near-unbroken string of victories, the NSIC working overtime to delete all record of the operation at the same time President Brownback directed them to "find the cause of why and how we fucked up, even if you have to reformat the whole goddamn military."

The NSIC does precisely that, declaring nearly ninety-nine percent of the Armed Forces-including all of the Joint Chiefs save the Director Of National Security,Texoma-Halliburton CEO and Tulsa-based Webeveangelist Reverend Andrew Dixon-non-American, Brownback disbanding the military, mobilizing the corporate security forces into the Inter-Corporate Spacefleet(ICS), promoting the head of ATT-WalCorp Security Division, Admiral Art Weston, to the rank of Fleet Admiral, elevating the newly-installed Commander In Chief, Spacefleet(CINCSPACE) to the Cabinet.

At the same time, the ICS put forward a bid to build "independent-cruising space combat vehicles"-later more commonly known as cruisers-heavily-armed spacecraft smaller, faster and more maneuverable than the JMOBs, designed both to protect the larger craft during deployment and to carry out strikes against enemy targets prior to JMOB deployment, MacDonnell-Boeing submitting the winning bid, work beginning on the first of the Arleigh Burke-class cruiser almost immediately for the ICS and its parent corporate military forces.

AD 2020.4.11. Americans celebrated President Brownback's dissolution of the United Nations, the arrests and lynchings of its staff and diplomats, and the razing of its New York headquarters on April 11, 2020 with fireworks and parties throughout American soil.

What little of the world remaining outside American control accepted this with virtually no protest.

AD 2020.9.12. The NSIC received evidence of the Conspiracy having subverted the Australian and New Zealand governments to their own ends.

Four hours after Vice-President Williams announced that on the IW at noon that day, both the Australian and New Zealand governments-staunch American allies for nearly seven decades-not only adamantly denied the existence of the Conspiracy on their respective home soils, but also presented incontrovertible evidence that the NSIC had manufactured their findings out of thin air.

Twelve hours later, the Ralston and the newly-built JMOBs Henry Arnold, Carl Spaatz, Ernest King and Charles Lockwood pummeled Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and several smaller Pacific Islands with a massive orbital bombardement, the Inter-Corporate Marine Corps landing in force almost immediately after that, taking three months to secure both nations and begin their Americanization.

AD 2020.9.18. The first copies of the True Christian Bible appeared in e-book form on the InterWeb, the NSIC's Office of Public Protection confiscating all other Bibles, placing them on the Banned List, rewriting history to say those versions never existed at all.

AD 2020.9.25. Congressman Arnold Scwarzenegger of Northern California and Congressman Charlton Heston of California introduce legislation banning women completely from the military, citing incidents such as the Al Gharib prison abuse scandal seventeen years earlier, as well as the Syria Planum Turkey Shoot, for justification.

The measure passed unanimously, President Brownback signing it into law, the NSIC rounding up the few women remaining in the ICS and shipping them off to prison camps worldwide.

That news, however, swiftly faded from the public's attention, distracted as it was by Congress' reinstitution of the draft(the 2020 Selective Service Act) that same day, basing it on a "social contribution score"-a two-digit hexadecimal(base-16) number derived from family history, family income, personal beliefs, gender, sexuality, religious background, voting record, criminal background, credit rating, education level, employment status, and future employability-lowering the mandatory draft age from 18 to 13, and increasing the active-duty tour to ten years, followed by life in the Inter-Corporate Reserves.

Riots rocked every major American city-attributed by the government to the Conspiracy-causing over 3,500 deaths and over three billion dollars in property damage, before the NSIC and the newly-created Marine Disciplinary Units suppressed the last of them a week later.

AD 2020.11.8. The day after the elections, President Brownback announced a new Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act of 2020, in addition to expanding the scope of the NSIC's powers, mandated that the Social Contribution Score(SCS) be used to determine eligibility for driver's licenses, business licenses, passports and other forms of identification.

It further mandated that an American citizen must have a valid driver's license or military ID card in order to be permitted the right to vote, Brownback citing the Conspiracy's alleged meddling with the American electoral process over the previous twelve years as justification.

Finally, it called for the SCS to determine the maximum level of education an American citizen may receive.

In spite of all predictions to the contrary, the American people accept this without protest.

AD 2021.1.16. President Brownback enacted the Non-American Employment Act, which declared all non-Americans government property, to be used in "whatever manner benefits the American people," formalizing the practice of using the inmates in the custody of the National Bureau of Prisons as forced labor.

The Act also authorized tax breaks to any corporation in American soil employing non-American work gangs.

AD 2021.8.12. A survey of Saturn's largest moon in late June of 2021 revealed that its oceans are "almost pure crude oil," in the words of an Exxon-Conoco-Phillips Petro(ECP Petro) scout who participated in the survey.

President Brownback immediately approved colonization of Titan, and, on August 12, 2021, the first of the city-rigs, Cherokee Alfa-assembled in Earth orbit-is deployed in Titan's Western Ocean, along with three and a half million non-American laborers, 550 ECP Petro management and executive personnel, 22,500 ECP Petro security forces and two Marine Disciplinary Units.

Within five years, a hundred such city-rigs are in operation throughout Titan, along with a network of refineries, surface pipelines and launch facilities supplying an oil-starved America with nearly twenty and a half billion barrels a day.

AD 2021.9.30. Vice President Williams discovered President Brownback slumped over his desk in WARCOM's Red Room, dead from an apparent heart attack.

An hour later, Williams is sworn in as President by Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, Williams immediately naming Dixon his Vice President, with President Brownback laid to rest in his native Topeka two days later.

AD 2021.10.19. To minimize the "damage" his predecessor caused by allowing the colonization of Titan, President Williams' first acts in office were to implement a series of laws, later dubbed the New Intolerable Acts:

The Offworld Security Act: The Offworld Security Act forbade the children of Titan's first colonists, all those born on Titan and all Earth immigrants living five years or more on Titan from possessing a Social Contribution Score higher than A1, establishing a quota system which ensured the majority of American citizens living on Titan had SCSs which placed them firmly on the bottom rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.

The OSA also forbade any offworlder from owning or carrying firearms, unless engaged in a profession requiring their use; it further banned the offworld manufacture of firearms or other weapons.

The Military Security Act:The Military Security Act relegated Titan-born Americans to the lowest ranks of the ICS.

The Offworld Development Act:The Offworld Development Act, required Titan to both conform to an "offworld economic development plan," and export 60% of its industrial, agricultural and natural resources output to Earth, leaving 40% for internal economic development.

This became known as the "60/40 Rule."

The Enabling Act: The Enabling Act required all State governments, American businesses and citizens authorized to own personal technology-in particular, computers and their software-to purchase items exclusively manufactured by ATTWalcorp's factories on Earth, technology hardcoded to operate only by those with the appropriate Social Contribution Scores.

The Offworld Settlement Act: The Offworld Settlement Act forbade any further offworld colonization. It also expressly forbade ECP Petro from relocating its headquarters to Titan.

The Titan Statehood Act: The Titan Statehood Act established Titan as ECP Petro property; being private property, its citizens were thus not permitted to petition Congress for Statehood.

These measures, in particular, the Enabling Act, only encouraged the ECP Petro Vice President for Titan Operations and the Titan Development Council-the colony's de facto government-to colonize the Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter subsystems, as well as several asteroids in the Belt, in addition to trading with the New Europos colonies on Mars.

AD 2023.8.2. When the MASTERCLOCK satellite went on line on August 2, 2023, Congress abolished all the former time zones and established the American Time System(AMT), based on Eastern Daylight Time, with the prime meridian moved from Greenwich to New York City.

The New Europos colonies continued using the Universal Time System, setting up their own MASTERCLOCK satellite network(linked by subspace transceiver)to keep all clocks synchronized.

AD 2023.9.1. An Arianespace research team, headed by Doctor Hilary Smythe, invented the first practical artificial gravity generator-essentially a miniaturized O'Neill cylinder coupled to a metal grid by means of induction, encased in supercoolant.

Smythe and her team, in a live Webcast, told their online audience that AG technology was not so much a means to an end, as it was the first piece in "something special we're cooking up."

AD 2023.9.1. Congress abolished the minimum wage, established the maximum wage that employers were required to pay employees, basing it on social contribution score, eliminated all overtime pay, and mandated an 84-hour workweek for all Americans with SCSs of 4F or lower, when it passed the Federal Wage and Employment Act.

The resulting twelve-hour workday created immediate and record unemployment(33.3%), the result of entire shifts being eliminated, President Williams explaining this as "companies ridding themselves of those who are too lazy and unproductive to keep pace with today's competitive marketplace, malcontent whiners who, rather than correct their own shortcomings, waste their days blaming others and making excuses for their poor performance."

AD 2023.12.15. Rolls-Royce Advanced Technologies Group developed the first magnetic shield generator; along with advanced free-electron lasers utilizing solid-state pumps made of Uranian and Neptunian carbonados, this technology is incorporated into the Astrolabe-class cruisers under development in the Solar Asteroid Belt,

Mag shielding, as it becomes more commonly known as, along with AG generators, provided the basis for the city of Cydonia, the first Martian colony not contained in an O'Neill cylinder.

AD 2024.1.8. Congress passed the Internal Immigration Act, forbidding non-Americans and those citizens with social contribution scores of A9 or lower from traveling outside their assigned "neighborhood blocks" unless traveling to and from work or school, imposing a curfew of 16:00 AMT on all American citizens with Social Contribution Scores less than A9, the Act thus earning the informal name "the 1600 Law."

AD 2025.9.6. Arianespace successfully developed and tested the antimatter pion engine, which rapidly supplanted ion engines as means of interplanetary propulsion, antimatter power, in the same fashion, rapidly replacing fusion and fission power.

AD 2026.2.8. Reports of civil war in Kenya, Somalia, Mozambique and South Africa prompted the United States to unleash Operation African Freedom upon the southern and western parts of the continent, the military forces of the suriviving African nations fighting together surprisingly well, even after much of the continent is laid waste by sustained orbital bombardment

The outcome, however, remained the same, with the Gabonese and Angolan governments being the last independent African powers to surrender to the United States on October 19, 2026.

AD 2026.4.16. Hilary Smythe's promise of "something special" was realized when her team-consisting jointly of Arianespace and Rolls-Royce engineers-successfully married a specialized AG generator to an antimatter pion engine to create the first working warp engine.

The test vessel, the cruiser ASV Astrolabe, made the first acceleration to warpspeed on April 16, 2026, successfully arriving in the Alpha Centauri system on April 20.

At the same time, Arianespace's facilities on Gandymede and in the Asteroid Belt scrambled to build as many Astrolabe-class cruisers and Mark I Corsair warp fighters as possible, counting on both Astrolabe's success...and the expected WARCOM response to that success.

Upon her return to Mars on May 1, 2026, Smythe wasted little time in uploading the warp engine specs into the InterWeb, the resulting open-source document downloaded and copied countless times before the NSIC succeeded in wiping every trace of it from the IW.

The New Europos colonies gathered an expedition to colonize the second planet of Alpha Centauri A, which the Astrolabe's survey had determined to be suitable for human life.

AD 2026.6.12. On President Williams' orders, the four ICS JMOBs and their attendant cruisers are feverishly refitted with warp engines, President Williams, in a live Web-cast, telling the New Europos colonists,"you will not leave! God and I both will see to that!"

AD 2026.6.14. Just as the European colonization expedition of 15 colony ships, 12 Astrolabe-class cruisers(including the Astrolabe herself, under Smythe's personal command) and 120 Corsair warp fighters gathered in Martian orbit, the JMOBs Arnold, Spaatz and Lockwood-under the command of Texoma-Halliburton Admiral Joshua Huff- unleashed an attacking force of 150 Arleigh Burke-class cruisers and 2,160 Tomcat IV warp fighters, which emerge from warpdrive in orbit around the Martian moon of Phobos, where an FMA force of 700 Hermes V attack spacecraft, 27 Astrolabe-class cruisers, and 400 Corsair warp fighters-supported by laser, missile, and torpedo emplacements on the surface of Phobos itself-were waiting to engage them.

In a running, six-hour battle the FMA forces succeed in destroying two enemy JMOBs(the Lockwood and the Spaatz), 104 of the 150 cruisers and 1,500 of the 2,160 Tomcats, at the cost of 500 Hermes V attack spacecraft, 19 European cruisers and 200 Corsairs, the Arnold withdrawing to Earth orbit before it too can be targeted and destroyed.

The colonization expedition managed to accelerate to warpspeed unmolested.

AD 2026.6.18. The colonization expedition emerged from warpdrive in the Alpha Centauri A system four days after the battle over Phobos.

As they begin decelerating on orbital approach vector towards Alpha Centuari A II, the colonists are intercepted by the Ralston's cruisers and warp fighters 0.75 AU from the planet, the Ralston assuming station over the planet's north pole.

After Fleet Admiral Weston's order for the colonists to "return to the Solar System at once or face the consequences," was rejected, the Astrolabe leads the European forces against the enemy, Smythe and her crew shot down during the first few minutes of the fighting, command of the FMA forces falling to Commander Melissa Marley, master of the cruiser Calypso, Marley forming the remainder of her command into a flying wedge punching its way through the Ralston's fighters and cruisers with massed laser, missile and torpedo volleys, the Calypso destroying the Ralston with a single Sledgehammer torpedo, clearing the way for the colonists to land.

AD 2026-2036. The First Diaspora.

In short order, the colony on Alpha Centauri A II, which the colonists name Excelsior, was followed by colonies on Alpha Centauri B IV(named Astrolabe in honor of the fallen Smythe and her crew), Proxima Centauri I(Barsoom), and Barnard's Star Ib(Albion), Ic(Alouette), IIa(Dulcinea), IIb(Alanso Quijano del Bueno), and Iic(Gil Blas) as well as smaller colonies throughout the four extrasolar systems.

Collectively, New Europos, Titan, and the extrasolar settlements became known-even amongst Americans-as the Colonies, WARCOM and its media going out of their way to paint all of the Colonies-especially Titan and New Europos-as a twenty-first century dark continent, rife with poverty, violence and "all manner of perversity[as President Williams described the Colonies to YouTube's William Rush]."

AD 2026.6.16. In desperation, the Russian and Chinese governments formed an alliance to stop the American offensive, the Alliance's aerospace forces unleashing a furious assault against the ICS' two remaining Ralston-class JMOBs using their newly-developed warp fighters. Over a four-hour period, both the Arnold and the King , along with 750 cruisers, are brought down by near-suicidal warp fighter attacks, the ICS losing space superiority in near-Earth space, and are forced to bring two of their newly-completed and untried Ticonderoga-class battle cruisers-the Sand Creek and the Wounded Knee-into the fight just to prevent Luna from falling to the enemy, the two battle cruisers-smaller and more maneuverable than the JMOBs-driving the Russo-Chinese forces back to Earth orbit in three days of bloody fighting(June 17-19, 2026), momentarily establishing space superiority in near-Earth space on the 20th of June, setting the stage for another ten bloody years of fighting on the ground and in space.

In this manner, the "cruiser initiative" as the reorganization of the Inter-Corporate Spacefleet became popularly known, gained momentum, Congress halting all construction on JMOB-class ships, instead building additional Ticonderoga-class battle cruisers, North Carolina-class heavy cruisers, Arleigh Burke-class cruisers, and Tomcat warp fighters, until, by the end of 2027, the ICS was completely reorganized.

AD 2026.12.24. Reasoning that "those at the very lowest levels of our society are the ones who consume the most of our great Nation's time and resources,"as President Williams, in his live Webcast, put it, Congress passed the Federal Taxpayer Responsibility Act, making it retroactive to calendar year 2020.

The Act inverted the tax brackets, requiring that those Americans with Social Contribution Scores of 6A or lower to have up to 75% of their income withheld for taxes throughout the year and that their employers file additional tax returns in January of every calendar year which takes another 50-75% of their income, while those at the top of the socioeconomic ladder(those with Social Contribution Scores of E1+) "having contributed more than their fair share to our Republic every day of their lives[from President Williams' Webcast]" are not only not required to pay taxes, but also become the only ones permitted to receive refunds.

The ensuing Tax Riots throughout the American States on Earth are ruthlessly suppressed by Marine Disciplinary Units and ONS SWAT teams, President Williams blaming this on the Conspiracy's "never-ending attempts to put an end to the great American experiment[from his live Webcast of January 1, 2027]. "

AD 2026-AD 2036. As the New Intolerable Acts become more intolerable to the citizens of Titan, ECP Petro began trading more and more with the Colonies, their mutual, informal trading agreement reducing their dependence on Earth, while, at the same time, strengthening their common identity as Colonists.

WARCOM responded to this situation with as much force as they can muster, given they are still engaged in fighting in Russia, China and near-Earth space, ECP Petro's Security Forces and the FMA cooperating in keeping the trade routes open, Arianespace providing ECP Petro with Cydonia-class battle cruisers, Bannockburn-class heavy cruisers, Astrolabe-class cruisers, and Corsair warp fighters to aid in Titan's defense, Titan, in turn, providing the rest of the Colonies with refined hydrogen for antimatter power generation and crude oil for polymer manufacturing.

AD 2027.2.28. President Williams enacted the Government Simplification Act, eliminating those government departments considered outdated, redundant or dangerous to homeland security...in this manner the Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security(the NSIC having supplanted both it and the Department of Justice), Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Defense(supplanted by the ICS), Transportation, Veterans' Affairs and Education are all eliminated, the Department of Education's functions being transferred to the NSIC's newly-created Educational Testing Service(ETS)and to the education departments at the State level.

Also, the Act abolished Congress, replacing it with the Group of Nine, consisting of the CEOs of MacDonnell-Boeing, Colt-Smith-Wesson, Gulf-Westinghouse, The Ford-Davidson Group, ECP Petro LLC(replaced by Marmon-Berkshire LLC in late 2036), American Power and Petroleum, represenatives from Texoma-Halliburtion and ATTWalcorp and the Vice-President(who remained head of Texoma Halliburton), President Williams justifying this measure with a statement that "unlike the lazy, fat-assed politicians we had before, these men can get things done.[from his live Webcast on March 1, 2028]"

The first action the newly-established Group of Nine(or, simply, the Nine) took was to pass the Paperless Society Act, outlawing printed and paper records, documents, and currency of any kind, requiring that all records, documentation and money be stored on line as ATT InterWeb Office documents.

AD 2027.3.18. The Nine passed the Social Security Act of 2027, eliminating Social Security benefits, Medicare, and all aid to the handicapped, formally replacing the nine-digit Social Security number with an eight-digit Citizen Profile Code String, simply known as the CPC, utilizing a hexadecimal numbering system with digits representing State of residence(the first three digits), date of birth(the next three digits) and the SCS(the final two digits).

The 2027 Social Security Act also replaces all other forms of identification, including passports and drivers' licenses, with the Universal ID Card(UID), containing only computerized biometric data, a digital picture and the CPC, requiring all citizens to have an SCS of 4F or higher in order to have a UID, with anyone not possessing a UID being branded non-Americans.

AD 2028.7.4. The Nine confirmed President Williams' enactment of the American Culture Act.

The Act made official the eradication of non-American cultures, defining precisely what American culture truly was and mandating the death penalty for anyone who failed to conform to it.

As part of that definition, the Christianity of the Christian Church, female hetereosexuality, masculinity-including the Platonian concept of male friendship-and the English language are all mandated by law, with all histories rewritten to reflect the superiority and divine predestination of the American way, all trappings of other cultures-even so much as a kilt-aggressively burned away by the agents of the NSIC's Office Of Public Protection.

The new law also banned the observance of Halloween, Christmas and "all other holidays which are non-American and/or pagan in nature," declaring 9/11 the sole legal holiday in American soil.

Moreover, all Americans are now required adopt "American" names and to take elocution lessons to remove all trace of non-American accent from their speech.

More bizzarely, the American Culture Act outlawed procreation, even amongst non-Americans, Vice-President Dixon defending this provision by dismissing human sexuality and reproduction as "just another damn, dirty Conspiracy trick."

The American people cheered the American Culture Act as a good and necessary thing, throwing everything from dreamcatchers to Christmas trees and bagpipes into "Christ's cleansing fire, burning away of the divisions imposed upon us by His enemies and ours[from President Williams' live Webcast]."

AD 2036.1.1. After much debate(and, given the radio and subspace broadcasts they'd intercepted, great reluctance), the Anazazi and the Nevelem decided to contact Humanity via subspace transceiver, rebroadcasting the recording carried on one of the ancient NASA space probes to Earth and the Colonies.

While WARCOM endeavored to suppress all knowledge of this broadcast, the New Europos Parliament hotly debated the idea of sending a manned expidition to the Ross 614 system-determined by Arianespace Intelligence to have been the source of the transmission-over the course of the next eight and a half months.

AD 2036.8.31-9.10. The Eleven-Day War.

AD 2036.8.31. The Russo-Chinese Alliance is forced to surrender, following a string of disastrous defeats, culminating with the destruction of the Russo-Chinese military and aerospace force in the Battle of Ulaanbator on August 26-28, 2036.

At the same time, the remnants of the Russo-Chinese military fight their way out of Earth orbit, escorting a ragtag fleet of refugee ships to Cosmograd, their space colony at the Lunar L5 point, Cosmograd becoming overcrowded and under siege, with a contingent of FMA cruisers and fighters being dispatched by Parliament to aid in the colony's defense.

At the same time, ECP Petro and the Titan government organize an evacuation of Cosmograd, culminating in the three and a half hour Battle of Cosmograd, during which the combined FMA , ECP Petro and Russo-Chinese forces managed to evacuate most of the colony's 152 million refugees and personnel, in spite of horrific casualties.

AD 2036.9.1. The FMA cruiser Calypso arrived in the Ross 614 system, immediately establishing contact with the Confederation of Two Races cruiser Nayaee.

Before any progress can be made, however, all three cruisers find themselves under attack by the whole of the Gulf-Westinghouse Security Forces, under the command of the company's Chief of Military Operations, Admiral Scott Phillips, dispatched by President Williams to wipe out the aliens and all trace of their culture.

Phillips immediately found himself in a pitched battle upon emergence from warpdrive, his flagship, the battlecruiser Bull Run, destroyed by a volley of thirty-megaton antimatter torpedos launched from the Calypso, the Krotan Koru and Nayaee accounting for several more heavy cruisers, with reinforcements dispatched from Zoonai Nef Boru, the Anazazi, Nevelem and the Europeans finding both common cause and common ground in the course of the two and a half-hour battle.

With the destruction of the Gulf-Westinghouse fleet, Marley and her crew were given an immediate audience before the Council of Equals(the de facto governing body established by both races immediately after the War of Purification), news of this spreading throughout the Colonies and Earth itself.

Incensed by Phillips' failure to carry out his orders, Presdient Williams ordered the ATTWalcorp Security Forces dispatched to the Ross 614 system.

It is at this point the Confederation Council of Clans learned, via the FMA command in Cydonia, of the fighting raging throughout Human-colonized space, as well of the planned second WARCOM assault against Zoonai Nef Boru, the Council not hesitating to pledge all the forces they can spare to aid in the Colonies' defense.

AD 2036.9.1. WARCOM arrested and executed ECP Petro CEO, former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Josiah Tatnall, dissolving ECP Petro, as it dispatched units of the Inter-Corporate Spacefleet to Titan, Mars and the other Colonies in what President Williams promised would the "final campaign against all those who love tyranny and hate freedom."

ECP Petro Vice-President of Titan Operations, Erin McKinstra, immediately issued a declaration of independence, formally allying her people with the other Colonies, as together, they prepare to fight for their survival.

FMA and ECP Petro forces successfully routed ICS starships in orbit around Jupiter and Saturn in a series of running engagements, while the four-day long battle over Mars degenerated into a bloody meatgrinder, with WARCOM's forces finally repulsed at the cost of nearly 60% of the combined European and Titan starships committed to the fighting.

AD 2036.9.4. Haziri launch a full-scale assault against Anazazi and Nevelem space, with Calypso and her crew thrown into the thick of the fighting when the Haziri Home Fleet assaulted Zoonai Nef Boru directly.

In a fierce ten hour battle, the combined European, Nevelem and Anazazi forces smash the Haziri Home Fleet, Calypso and her commander earning the admiration of both Anazazi and Nevelem alike when they singlehandedly destroy six Haziri battlecruisers, including the flagship, Sword of the Righteous, with a combined laser and torpedo fusillade.

AD 2036.9.5 Second Battle of Excelsior ended in the complete and utter annhilation of ICS forces precisely one hour following their emergence from warpdrive, with pitched battles near both Barsoom and Astrolabe ending with similar results.

AD 2036.9.6. ICS forces defeated at Albion and Alouette through the combined efforts of the FMA, ECP Petro Security Forces, and the Confederation Nofohaz, with barely ten percent of the invading forces making it back into warpdrive.

AD 2036.9.11. Calypso instrumental in the combined FMA/Nofohaz defeat of ATTWalcorp forces emerging from warpdrive inside the Ross 614 system .

New Orleans and Uhuru lead a combined Colonial assault against WARCOM forces Earth orbit, scattering the enemy before them in a running five-hour battle-resulting in the loss of the Uhuru with all hands and the death of ECP Petro CMO Admiral William C. Graves aboard the New Orleans, along with 65% of the remaining Colonial forces-landing troops on Earth itself.

With the aid of the Hajime Yatate and ordinary citizens, the Colonial Forces succeed in driving WARCOM and its supporters from Earth.

A direct assault on WARCOM itself resulted in the apparent death of President Williams; however, a sizeable portion of the ICS-including the flagship, the ATTWS Sand Creek-managed to make it into warpdrive before they could be destroyed.

AD 2036.9.22. The Sand Creek is intercepted and pummeled by the Calypso near Procyon, the Sand Creek enetering warpdrive, in spite of damage which ensured it would never re-emerge in normal space.

AD 2036.10.02. The remnants of the Inter-Corporate Spacefleet overwhelm and conquer Zoonai Haziri, renaming it Terranova-swiftly moving forth from there to subjugate the rest of the Haziri worlds.

The commander of the ICS, Fleet Admiral Benjamin Israel Zellner, assumed the Presidency of what he termed "the New America."

The Haziri, in exchange for the complete dismantling of their culture, become full citizens of the New America, while their Neveleim and other captives become the property of the citizens of the New America.

Zellner amended the American Culture Act to legalize procreation by citizens.

AD 2036.10.05. The former American States, the Colonies and the Confederation formally merge into the Commonwealth of Free States with the ratification of the Fundamental Articles of Commonwealth by all parties in the new Commonwealth Legislature Building in Fort Gibson, Free State of Oklahoma.

The Nofohaz, ECP Petro's Security Forces, and the FMA merge into the Commonwealth Military Forces, or, simply, the Commonwealth Forces.

Allegra Percival-Clarence, the President of the New Europos Parliament, is elected President of the Commonwealth, as ECP Petro's acting Chief Of Military Operations, Admiral Doremus Jesup Hicks, is appointed the Commonwealth Forces' first CMO.

AD 2036-2056. The Second Diaspora. On the heels of the Commonwealth victory during the Eleven Days' War, Humanity spreads outward from Earth and the First Colonies to colonize several worlds within a 100 light-year radius of Earth, Mars and Titan.

AD 2036.10.31. The pelagic world of Cor Leonis(Regulus I) colonized by the Commonwealth.

AD 2036.11.11 The garden worlds of Firestar(Algeiba A II) and Recherche(Algeiba B IV) colonized from Cor Leonis.

AD 2045.2.14. ECP Petro Terraforming Division completed the terraforming of Summer Rain(Chort I). The first world successfully terraformed, the Summer Rain project and its eventual colonization by colonists from Firestar, Recherche and Cor Leonis encourages the Commonwealth Parliament to fund the terraforming of Mars and Titan and the ecological reconstruction of Earth.

AD 2045.2.14. Arianespace and Rolls-Royce refined artificial gravity technology, making breakthroughs in gravitic induction which allow for more compact and powerful grav field generators, short-range grav beam projectors and grav shielding which serves as starship, vehicle and personal armor.

A by-product of this research is improved containment fields for antimatter reactors and warp engines, as well as more efficent drivefield generators. Both of these breakthroughs allow a starship to generate the necessary power to enter warpdrive instaneously, on demand, and allow for faster warpspeeds.

AD 2050.12.11. The New America falls apart during the Great Civil War, as a rebel movement on Terranova seizes a sizeable portion of the southern and central regions(the South Coast and the Fall Line, respectively) of the continent of Basseterre.

This dissident faction began calling itself the Free Republic of Terranova, forming a parliamenatry government and asking the Commonwealth for aid.

Terranova Governor and Texoma-Halliburton CEO Archangel Micheal Zephniah Lang, acting as President of the New America, formed the State of Terranova from the counties in Basseterre's North Coast, and immediately launched a full-scale offensive to assimilate the Free Republic.

AD 2051.7.4. Commonwealth forces sent to aid the Free Republic of Terranova find themselves the victims of betrayal, as the Free Republic's corrupt leaders and Lang's government form an alliance against them.

Many Commonwealth soldiers and spacers are either killed, or worse, taken prisoner and then slowly brutalized to death, as the remaining Commonwealth Forces ground and space units stage a fighting withdrawal from the Eta Cassiopei A system.

This treachery engendered lasting bad blood between the Yankers(as Terranovans are disparagingly called by the Commonwealth)and the Commies(the Terranovans' favorite printable insult for Commonwealth citizens).

AD 2052.2.29. With the ratification of the Articles of Union and the Official Code of Terranova, the Republican Union of Terranova formally came into being, following seven months of assimilating the worlds of the former New America into its domain. A merger of Free Republic and New American systems, the new Union government is headed by Lang as Governor of the Union and former Free Republic Prime Minister Paul Houmika, who became the Union's first Prime Minister and head of the newly-established Terranovan Security and Intelligence Directorate.

The Commonwealth referred to the Union as the "Rude Union of Yanker Backstabbers," or, simply, the Rude Union.

AD 2069.3.21-2072.3.17. The War of '69.

AD 2069.3.21. When the people of Twice-Born(Eta Cassiopei B II)rebel against their Terranovan masters, the Commonwealth immediately joins the fighting, coming to the aid of the Twice-Born rebels and declaring war against the Union, the Governor of the Union, Earl James Busbee, immediately declaring war against the Commonwealth, as the Commonwealth Forces unleash a full-scale assault againstTwice-Born, liberating the planet after eighteen months of bitter ground and space fighting.

AD 2071.2.2. Terranovan forces soundly defeated in the Fourth Battle of Excelsior by the Commonwealth Forces' Eight and Tenth Fleets.

AD 2072.1.1. Following a bloody campaign to liberate Fianna (Wolf 424 B I)from Yanker forces, Governor Busbee approached the Commonwealth Parliament with an offer of peace.

AD 2072.3.15. As peace talks drag on between the Commonwealth and Terranovan governments, Governor Busbee ordered the Terranovan Republican Spacefleet's Ninth Fleet to unleash a viral and chemical attack against the natives of Fianna, the resulting attack-using plutonium oxide gas seeded with a mutagenic virus-murdering nearly a half billion soldiers and civilians on Fianna.

In anger, the Commonwealth Forces CMO, Angelique Gault, orders a retaliatory strike against Terranova, the Commonwealth Forces Home through Fifteenth Fleets darkening the skies over the Terranovan legislative capital of New Whitehorse and the judicial capital at Atlanta Three two days later, the Terranovan government issuing a surrender and an apology after three hours of nonstop orbital bombardement, as ECP Petro began the long, painful process of ecologically repairing Fianna.

AD 2075.2.16. In a controversial decision, Terranova Governor Busbee contracts with ECP Petro's Terraforming Division for the ecological repair of Big Sky.

AD 2082.1.6.-2091.9.11. The Nine Years' War.

AD 2082.1.6. Following Governor Busbee's arrest and execution by his Prime Minister, Guy Thomas Zellner-the son of Benjamin Zellner-and the decision of the people of Big Sky to declare independence from the Rude Union, the Terranovan government launched a sneak attack against the ECP Petro permanent terraforming station on Big Sky's moon of Clavileno, catching the lone Commonwealth cruiser Unbroken- command of which falls to her twenty-one-year old first lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander Jamilinne Sipe-by complete surprise, the Unbroken waging a bloody battle against ten fleets of Terranovan cruisers in an effort to screen the evacuation of Clavileno's ten thousand personnel from the station.

In ten hours of fighting, Unbroken succeded in effecting the evacuation of 6,500 of the station's personnel, destroying nearly 75% of the enemy's cruisers, before being forced to enter warpdrive, reaching Titan Spacedock a day and a half later.

As anti-Terranovan sentiment rans high throughout Commonwealth space-with the entire Terranovan diplomatic mission in Fort Gibson massacred by a lynch mob-Commonwealth President Angelique Gault and now-Governor Zellner both issued declarations of war against one another, sparking the bloodiest war in human history.

Sipe becomes a national hero in Commonwealth soil, praised for her efforts in saving most of the station's personnel.

AD 2085.6.9. The Liberation of Avalon. As Terranovan forces launch a full-scale assault against Cor Leonis, two Commonwealth Forces cruisers-the Unbroken and the Invincible-emerge from warpdrive in the system barycenter of the binary worlds Avalon(Cor Caroli VIa)and Alisande(Cor Caroli Vib), both Terranovan colonies.

Launching a surprise hit and run assault against both worlds and the ten fleets of enemy warships orbiting them, the two Commonwealth forces cruisers-under Jami Sipe's command-succeed in wiping out the colonial government on both worlds and enough of the infrastructure for their enslaved peoples to revolt, both cruisers then succeeding in wiping out 1,550 Terranovan cruiser-class machines, with the Invincible-mortally wounded, its main lasers knocked out, its missile weapons and warpfighters spent, and most of its crew of 36 dead-making the ultimate sacrifice, when her commander, Sarah Lawrence Grey, enters warpdrive on a direct intercept course for the Terranovan flagship, the battle cruiser Chickamauga, which destroys both ships and three hundred other Terranovan machines as well.

The remaning enemy ships withdraw, as the Commonwealth Forces 8th through 27th Fleets emerge from warpdrive in Avalon orbit to assist the badly-damaged Unbroken.

For her efforts in the battle, she becomes a hero to the people of Avalon and is dubbed "the Avenging Angel of Avalon," by bloggers on the InterWeb.

AD 2089.11.14. At the height of the fighting on Big Sky, the Unbroken discovers a sprawling prison camp in Happy Valley, near the city of New Helena on the planet's eastern continent of New Montana.

Dispatching almost her entire crew, Sipe personally leads the fight to liberate the prison camp-where all of those captured on Clavileno are incarcerated, along with nearly ten million others from throughout Union soil-losing fifteen people, succeeding in finding only thirty-six survivors amidst the hell they've liberated.

News of this reaches the Commonwealth government, who immediately authorized CMO Rebekah Tilghmann to reinforce Unbroken's surviving crew, as the atrocities of Happy Valley only convince the Commonwealth to continue the fight, no matter the cost.

AD 2091.9.10. In a desperate bid to take back the Tau Ceti system, Zellner deploys nearly a thousand fleets, the Commonwealth countering with nearly as many ships, setting the stage for the twenty-four hour Tenth Battle of Tau Ceti, which turns out to be the bloodiest battle in human history, claiming fifty-seven billion lives on both sides, before the Terranovan Chief of Military Operations, Fleet Admiral Rahman Deas, finally received orders from Zellner to lay down arms.

AD 2091.9.11. Deas, acting as Zellner's represenative, signed the Tau Ceti Accords aboard the bridge of the Unbroken. The Accords forced the Terranovan government to recognize Big Sky's independence, at the same time agreeing to pay a total of TtCr 320(320,000 trillion credits) in reparations, most of which was to go the ecological repair of Big Sky.

Deas was then recalled to Terranova, where Zellner relieved him of command and demoted him to commander, appointing Admiral Kennisaw Mountain Sipe Fleet Admiral of the Terranovan Republican Spacefleet and Chief of Military Operations.

AD 2101.9.11. Present

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